1993-04-05 P&Z AGENDAAGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, TO BE HELD MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1993, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC HEARING, IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, 'TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 23, 1993 III. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Final Plat of Willowick, Section 2 being a 25.8486 acre tract of land out of the northwest one - fourth of Section II H.T.& B. R.R. Co. Survey A -239 Brazoria County, Texas as per boundary survey by Walker Treesh 2. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Amended Plat of Lots 26 & 27, Block 4, Green Tee Terrace, Section One 3. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Request by Steven P. Gardner of Bernard Johnson, Inc., agent for U.S. Homes, for a variance on Countryplace Section 5 on the following items: a. Use of a 20 ft. front building line in lieu of a 25 ft. front building line b. Use of a 5 ft. side building set back line on each side of the lot for a 10 ft separation between houses instead of a minimum 7 ft. side set back each side and a total of 15 ft. separation between houses 4. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Request by Steven Gardner of Bernard Johnson, Inc., agent for U.S. Homes, for a variance on Countryplace Section 6 on the following items: a. Use of a 45 ft. wide lot b. Use of a 20 ft. front building line in lieu of a 25 ft. front building line C. Use of 5 ft. side building set back line on each side of the lot for a 10 ft. separation between houses instead of a minimum 7 ft. side set back each side and a total of 15 ft. separation between houses. 1 CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - Changes to Rules and Procedures IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 1. Discussion of Park Dedication V. ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DAY OF , A.D., 1993 SiO'GP.M. REMOVED: DAY OF 2 , A.D., 1993.