1988-02-13 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTESMINUTES Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland ParKs, Recreation and Beautification Board held Saturday, February 13, 1988, at the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Pearland Texas. The meeting was called to order by Chairman George triebel Jr. with the following present: Inez Farmer, Larry' Juull, Tootie Mccomb, Claude Stegall, Director Barry LastiK and City Councilmam William Wolff. Councilman Wolff was welcomed by the Board as Council Liaison. Presentation of an Award was made by Patty Bates from Keep Brazoria County Beautiful Association to Inez Farmer for her distinguished individual contn ibut ion . The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved on the motion of Larry Juul, seconded by Inez Farmer, and the vote of the Board. The Director presented the department reports and answered questions. On Major Projects Barry was optimist that the resurfacing of the swimming pool bids -would come in around $24,000-25,000 which would leave sufficient funds to install a playground on ParKview Drive. The information sign was installed at Independence ParK stating the hours of operation and other rules to be followed within the parK. The Beautification Award was approved by the Board, after a motion was made by Tooti-e Mccomb, second by Larry Juul to award Jim Dandy's convenience store dur in.g the March Board meeting. The Board asK Barry to looK into relocating pine trees into the parK and a motion was made by Larry Juul, seconded by Tootie Mccomb to have h im recommend at the March meeting his recommendations for location of the Gazebo donated to the RarKs Department by Green Tee Homeowners Association. In the Boards op ini-on the Cemetary was not considered to be an appropriate location. Other reports were discussed by Barry. The Board recommended that the ParKs Board meetings be included in the Activity Report. Durin-g the open discussion Mr. Wolff said he was honored to be the Mayor's appoi-ntee as Liaison between the Council and the ParK's Board. He discussed the ceme-ary worK, review the plans and suggested that to protect the cemetery there- would need to be a water outlet and some drainage worK. Barry said that theseā€¢ items were being considered. Mr. Wolff felt that the lighting at Independence ParK seemed minimal and asK Barry to looK into some poles that have -been donated that could be used to add additional lighting in the parK. He felt that the poles might be satisfactory for Mcclean ParK and that better lighting would act as a deterrent to vandalism in the parKs. Barry said he would looK into this matter. Since the parKs must be able to meet the varied interest of the city Mr. Wolff felt that there are many amateur radio operators in that community that could possible be helped and in turn they would be helping the city. He would liKe Barry to looK into the possibilities of installing three poles in the parK that would be 45 feet tall and affixed to the tops antenna wires. Since there are restrictions within the city for large antennas this would benefit both the city and the amateur radio operators, especially during times of hurricanes , tornadoes....etc in which radio operators can give communications assistance. There would not be any maintenance and he felt that the costs could be absorbed by donations. Larry Juul made a motion that Mr Wolff and Barry determine the amount of local interest, the cost and location recommended to the April Board meeting. The motion was second by Claude Stegall and approved by the Board. Chairman George Treibel read a letter of thanKs to Barry LastiK from the ABWA "expressing their s incere thanKs for h is co-operat ion in the Bridal Fair". The , letter was submitted by Connie Beaumont, President Rosette Chapter. Barry said that he has started two new classes. that have already filled up, that he is getting the pool ready for a May opening and is currently organizing the Softball Teams. The next meeting will be held March 12, 1988. Larry Juul moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Claude Stegall. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Claude Stegall, Acting Secretary