1988-07-09 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTESMINUTES Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board held Saturday, July 1988, at the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Pearland Texas. The meeting was called to order by Chairman George Triebel Jr. with the following present: Larry Juull, Tootie McComb, Bob Pond, James Skipper, Claude Stegall, Director Barry Lastik and and Councilman Billy Wolff. Barry reported that Inez Farmer would be absent. George introduced members of the Clean Pearland Board of Directors Doris Collier, Patti Bates, Delores Fenwick, Don Birkner and Stella Roberts. Patti presented plans for State Highway beautification projects in Pearland and the possibilities of citizen, business, City and State participation. In particular Clean Pearland would like to create a joint -committee or committees to evaluate and develop a plan to accomplish these or other projects and a proposal for a State Highway Department 50% matching Grant. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved on the motion of Larry Juull, seconded by Tootie McComb, and the vote of the Board. During open discussion Barry reported there was no response from the Chamber of Commerce about the Christmas Lights. There was considerable discussion on the Clean Pearland proposal and the Parks Board participation. A motion by Larry Juull was made to table the subject until the next meeting and to send a letter to the Clear Pearland Board advising them of the this decision. The motion was seconded by Claude Stegall and the motion carried. Billy Wolff ask Barry for additional information about the Historical Committees decision not to install an additional Historical marker on the Cemetery fence and their request that no more -burials take place. Billy reported that a citizen had approached him as to the possibility of expending some funding for the installation of a basketball court in McLean park. Billy asked Barry to look into it and report the possibilities including funding requirements. Bob Pond suggested that perhaps we could build part of the pavilion foundation originally planned for this purpose. During old business Barry reported that the Parks Department budget will be presented to Council less the capital improvements requested and the grounds improvements will be lowered by $5000 due to the current financial condition of the City. The current softball schedule will allow four additional one hour games per week. Barry will advertise to create a seniors softball program and will take action according to the response. During new business the Director presented the department reports and answered questions. The majority of the efforts were devoted to routine Park maintenance. Patty Bates is the Clean Pearland city representative who will devote about one-fourth of her time to the seniors activities. Claude Stegall reported that there was considerable confusion by citizens about the absence of a fireworks show this year. He suggested that the Parks Department install a sign next year at the Independence Park entrance alerting the citizens of this fact. Claude requested that the overflow parking area on the left after entering Independence Park be identified as such including instructions not block the entrance. The next meeting will be held August 13, 1988. Larry Juull moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by James Skipper. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Bob Pond, Secretary