Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland F'arh::s, Recreation
and Beautification Beard held Saturday, July 8, 1989, at the
Fear1and Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Fear1and Texas.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman George Treibel with
the following present: Inez Farrier, Larry Juull, Tootie McComb,
Boob Fond, James Skipper, Parks .Supervisor Barry Lastik: and
Councilman D.A. Miller. Barry reported that Claude Stegall would
be can vacation. George announced that Billy Wolff had been
hospitalized with a mild heart attack and would not be present.
The minutes cif the previous meeting stand approved as printed.
During old business Barry reported that the letters for the sign
on the Melvin Knapp Activity Building are in place and that the
dedication date would be finalized later.
The granite stone marker for Aaron Pasternak Park is in place and
the dedication is scheduled for August 12, 1989 at 9:30 a. rig.
Councilman David Smith spent considerable time helping place the
A motion was made by Larry Juull to move the start time of the
meeting scheduled for August 12, 1989 to 8:30 a.rn. It was
seconded by James Skipper and the motion carried.
Larry Juull requested that the City Hall and Community
Center/Library be included on the list of businesses nominated
for sustained beautification award. Inez Farmer requested that
the F'ISD Schools also be included.
Tootle McComb made a motion, seconded by Larry Juull, to make
the sustained beautification awards presentations two at a time
in the order that they were nominated. The motion carried.
First State Bank
✓Sal em Village
vSi l ver Maples
✓F:::entuc ky Fried Chicken
vBurger King
vPizza Hut
vF'izza Inn
t,Windmill Apartments
},First National Bank:
City Hall
Community Center/Library
F'ISD Schools
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A motion to reduce the sustained beautification award letter, put
it on a wooden backed plaque with a Plexiglas cover leaving room
for additional years of recognition was made by Larry Juull and
seconded ended by Toot i e McComb. The motion carried.
Barry reported that cane --way traffic signs have been installed in
Independence Park. Getting people to observe this change and
keep their speed within limits may be a problem. He is concerned
about using the street as a walkway.
James Skipper suggested using Some sort of barricade at the exit
of the one-way traffic, and installing the small bumps, similar
to the ones c'n the freeway, to slow the traffic and to allow two-
way traffic up to the north bathrooms only.
No new information is available on the following items:
No action has been taken by council concerning the
abolishment of waiver of fees for the Community Center on
A four foot section of the street in Independence Park
would be identified and designated as footpath for
Recommendation to Council that an extension of the sidewalk
from the Community Center along the east side of Liberty Dr.
to the new foot bridge into Independence Park be considered
a high priority due to safety considerations of pedestrians.
The FY-90 budget request has been filed and some consideration is
being given to replacement of equipment in Rotary Park: and
development of McLean Park. Priority in McLean Park is the
installation of a slab for a future pavilion which could be used
as a basketball play area with lights. Development in McLean
would allow limiting activities in Sony Tobias to these which do
not require lighting. Barry is researching current estimated
cost for slab, goals, lights, parking and road modifications.
During new business Barry reported on the various department
activities. The majority of the efforts were toward maintaining
pool, softball field, Pasternak Park, Melvin Knapp activity
building and mowing. The merry -goo -round was removed from
Woodcreel:: Park. The pool was closed for six days but the
attendance has been great so far this year.
The 1989 Bottle and Jar Show was a great success.
The Board expressed appreciation for the .job Vita Moore has been
doing with the preparation of the Board Documentation Packets and
Parks Dept. interface with the public.
A motion by Larry Juull, seconded by Inez Farmer, unanimously
carried, to recommend that the Parkas Dept. Clerk position be
changed to Administrative Secretary 1 which is more in line with
current required duties.
There were no nominations for beautification awards this month.
Larry Juull moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by James
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Pond, Secretary
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