1990-09-08 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTESMINUTES Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board held Saturday. September 8, 1990, at the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Pearland Texas. The meeting was called to order by Chairman George Triebel with Larry Juull, Tootie McComb, Bob Pond, James Skipper, Parks Superintendent Assistant Vita Moore, Councilman D.A. Miller and Council Liaison Billy Wolff present. George reported that Inez Farmer, Claude Stegall and Parks Superintendent Barry Lastik, had requested an excused absence. George indicated that Barry was in the Hospital for surgery on his leg. The minutes of the previous meeting stand approved on the motion of Larry Juull and second of James Skipper. During old business Vita Moore reported that the grade on the west side of the McLean basketball court has been leveled with the slab. The origianl manufacture of the playground apparatus in McLean Park estimated that it will cost approximately $4000 to move it. We need to find another solution. Barry suggested smaller equipment be installed near the picnic units. The Board is concerned about the automobile traffic near this new equipment. The Board did not know what funds, if any, were available in order to make a recommendation. Some shrubbery might be available to replace the bushes lost during the winter of 1990-91. A water source and quality soil - must be made available before attempting to replace these bushes. Barry suggested placing the new large playground apparatus in Corrigan North on the lot next to the street. The board is concerned about the proximity to the neighboring houses and requested Barry consider locating it directly behind the lot. Vita requested the Board to make a recommendation as to the location. Bob Pond indicated he had looked at the Park and agreed with Barry. If the Board chooses the lot then Bob suggested the neighboring residents be informed of the pending installation with pictures of the apparatus. The Board requested no changes be made to the Sonny Tobias basketball court until McLean Park development is further along. D. A. Miller reported that a citizen had requested a parking lot be built in McLean Park. Billy Wolff indicated that material had been approved and the county had agreed to provide the man power to install an asphalt road and parking lot this year in McLean Park. The Board ask Vita to provide a status on the project. The sidewalk in front of Pasternak Park is nearing completion. Development of Pasternak Park using donated funds in under way with the picnic tables and the water fountain to be installed in Page 1 of 3 October. Efforts by the City to acquire the right-of-way required to install the sidewalk from Shadybend to Independence Park are nearing completion with the last holdup being the moving of a fence (by the residents) from the intended right-of-way. Tootie McComb reported she was informed by Clean Pearland that a Parks Board representative was no longer necessary. Housing of recycling containers in the Parks was discussed. The Melvin Knapp Activity Center expansion architecture is complete and the bid package will go out as soon as the funding is available. There was some discussion as to whether the City Parks & Beautification Dept. should continue giving beautification awards. Larry Juull made a motion to continue the beautification awards. Tootie McComb seconded the motion and the motion carried. A motion by Larry Juull, seconded by James Skipper, to give the October beautification award to Mimoza Plaza carried. A motion by Bob Pond, seconded by James Skipper, to give the November beautification award to Jim Mercer Insurance carried. A motion by Tootie McComb, seconded by Larry Juull, to give the December beautification award to Pearland Center West carried. During new business -Vita reported on the various department activities. The mjority of the effort was on mowing, maintenance of McLean Park and installation of the U.S. Flags provide by the Chamber at various intersections Vita is now coordinating the Senior Citizens Groups activities as required. During open discussion Billy Wolff reported that D. A. Miller has been appointed by the Mayor as Council Liaison. The Council is working to providing the funds necessary to apply for a matching State of Texas grant for the development of McLean Park Phase II. The Board should review the McLean Park plan and identify the items to be in the Phase II application. The Board thanked Councilman Wolff for his input and continued support of the efforts of the Parks Dept. and the Board. Barry requested the Board consider not renting the Community Center on Christmas eve or New Years eve. Bob Pond requested the subject be tabled until the staff reported on the availability of night staff. Larry Juull requested the staff review the reasoning behind the one-way traffic in Independence Park. Page 2 of 3 Tootie McComb requested additional police patrols in-lndependence Park on Sundays. Bob Pond requested McLean Park Phase II be reviewed at the next meeting. The List of Request will be purged at the next meeting. The next meeting will be held October 13, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. James Skipper moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Tootie McComb and the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Bob Pond, Secretary Page 3 of 3