Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland Parks, Recreation
and Beautification Board held Saturday, July 13, 1991, at the
Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Pearland Texas.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pro-tem Retta Absher
with Vince Bruno, Suzanne Elliott, Inez Farmer, Tootie McComb,
Secretary Bob Pond, James Skipper, Gary Walters, Parks
Superintendent Barry Lastik, Council Liaison D.A. Miller, Council
member Billy Wolff, Council member Joy Colson and City Manager
Jim DeShazer present. Barry reported that Chairman Larry Juull
would be absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved on the motion
of James Skipper and second of Suzanne Elliott.
During old business Barry reported that the McLean Park Phase II
development matching grant application has been approved by
Council and will be submitted to the State with the assistance of
State Representative Jack Harris before the end of July.
The installation of a sidewalk from Shadybend to Independence
Park has been completed and is experiencing heavy usage. Tootie
expressed the Boards gratitude to the Council members present for
their efforts in providing this sidewalk for the children.
Development of Pasternak Park using donated funds is complete. A
picture will be taken for the news paper. A picture of Corrigan
North should also be included in the article about citizen
donations to the parks.
The City Council adopted the Parks Dept. fees and deposits
changes proposed by the Parks Superintendent and recommended by
the Board.
Bob Pond is looking into the requirements and 'liabilities of
providing a Radio Control (RC) model airplane facility in McLean
Park per the Mayors request.
Billy Wolff requested that Barry review the playground equipment
in Rotary Park and that required for a Kiddy Park within McLean
Park. Billy indicated that he would take any recommendation
regarding new equipment to the Rotary Club.
During new business Barry presented the Departmental reports.
The majority of the efforts were on maintaining the swimming
pool, installing landscape timbers around trees at City Hall,
grass mowing and routine operations and maintenance. A seniors
dance was sponsored and supported by the Dept.
The June pool attendance is encouraging. Additional chemicals
were required due to the heavy rains.
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Barry reported that the City Manager included the Riding Mower
and the Hike and Bike/Sidewalk within Independence Park in the
FY-92 Parks Dept. Capital outlay budget and will recommend them
to Council.
There were no Beautification Award nominations this month. Retta
assigned the Board members individual responsibilities in
reviewing the list of businesses eligible for the sustaining
beautification awards.
During open discussion Barry reported that no leaky water faucets
were found in Independence Park and the number of trash
containers within Independence Park is adequate.
The Bob Pond reported that he had canvassed the neighborhood and
could not find the individual objecting to the chain limiting
access to the Clear Creek and Twin Creeks Woods neighborhood
park. It was his recommendation that signs stating "No Motor
Vehicles Allowed" and "Park Closed After 10 PM" be installed with
the chain. Barry reported that he had contacted the Street Dept.
who will remove their concrete rubble from the Park. The
Waste water Treatment Dept. also expressed an interest in
reinstalling the chain to protect the City equipment.
Tootie McComb requested the Dept. plan on installing a sidewalk
leading from Corrigan South to McLean Park. Barry indicated that
it was too late to include it in the FY-92 budget.
Jim DeShazer reported that he had talked with State
Representative Jack Harris who indicated there might be State
matching grants available for hike and bike trail development.
Joy Colson requested the Board provide a list of concerns which
might be included on a community survey.
Retta Absher requested the Dept. evaluate restarting the Summer
Youth Program. Barry indicated an evaluation would take some
Billy Wolff reported that the City was considering the purchase
of four acres for a new water well and that the Board might
consider using any excess property for a neighborhood park.
The next meeting will be held August 10, 1991 at 9:00 a.m.
Tootie McComb moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by
Vince Bruno and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Pond, Secretary
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