1992-01-11 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTESJANUARY MINUTES Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board held Saturday, January 11, 1992, at the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Pearland, Texas. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Juull. Chairman Pro-Tem Retta Absher, Vince Bruno, Inez Farmer, Tootie McComb, Gary Walters, Superintendent Barry Lastik, Council Liaison D. A. Miller, and Councilmember William E. Wolff were present. Bob Pond was not in attendance with an excused absence. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved on the motion of Vince Bruno, and second of Tootie McComb. During old business William E. Wolff reported he will meet with the Drainage District on Monday, January 13, 1992, and should have more information on the footbridge at that time. Retta Absher reported on the success of the Christmas Festivities. Barry reported the planting of trees around the inside circle in Independence Park is scheduled to be completed in February or March, the High School volunteers will then move to McLean Park to complete the Tree Planting Program. Motion made by Tootie McComb and seconded by Inez Farmer, the West Side Florist was selected for the January Beautification award. Barry reported the Ham operators' event had already been held. During open discussion Retta recommended the Christmas Festivities be extended in 1993 to Decoration Awards for business and residents, a night Christmas Parade, the planting of a live Christmas tree, and have someone take pictures of the children with Santa. Retta requested that the toilets and sinks in the parks be replaced with stainless steel, and doors be placed on the women's stalls, and Beautification Awards be continued by the Parks Department. William E. Wolff reported the purchase of three acres off Barry Rose Road had not been approved yet. Matt Pasternak has offered the City the opportunity to take title to two acres of park land on the east side of Liberty Drive. The Hyde Park land has not been dedicated to the City for a neighborhood park. D. A. Miller reported the Seniors Building should be completed the middle of February, in time for the School Bond Election. The roof at the Neighborhood Center is leaking and will have to be replaced according to lease agreement. The City Manager will be reviewed in February. Barry reported that the Grant application has been reviewed and the Staff will make their recommendations to the Commission on Monday the 13th. Retta Absher has volunteered to assist the department in reinitiating the summer playground program. She will negotiate a reciprocal agreement with Carden -Jackson School for the use of their gym. Chairman Larry Juull reported that he, Inez Farmer and Gary Walters are due for re -appointment by Council this year. Larry also appointed Vince Bruno, Inez Farmer and Gary Walters as the nominating committee to bring forward a slate of candidates for Chairman, Chairman Pro-Tem, Secretary. Vince Bruno requested an End -of -Year financial report by department. Gary requested information on the goal removal and a planned picnic area at Sonny Tobias Park. Barry reported that the ten foot goal was broken and needed to be welded before putting it up again and an O.K. has not been forthcoming on any changes in the Park. He will talk to Mr. Erwin about removing both goals and making a picnic area on the cement slab. The next meeting will be held February 8, 1992 at 9:00 a.m. Retta Absher moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Gary Walters. Respectfully submitted, Tootie McComb