2021-08-12 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTESMINUTES – REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION, & BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, HELD ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 AT 8:30 A.M., VIA IN-PERSON/TELEPHONE/VIDEO CONFERENCE. I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jeff Webb called the meeting to order at 8.31 a.m. II. BOARD ROLL CALL Jeff Webb Chairman Charlie McMurrey Board Member Nancy Bankson Board Member Zachary Boyer Board Member Trent Epperson Administration, Deputy City Manager Carry Capers Parks & Recreation, Director Kevin Carter Parks & Recreation, Assistant Director Ellen Stansbury Parks & Recreation, Executive Assistant Brandon Torres Parks & Recreation, Athletic/Aquatic Manager III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Charles McMurrey to approve the July minutes, and Mr. Ken Rice seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. IV. BOARD REPORT Mr. McMurrey reported that he had received the email regarding in-person meeting requirements, and with the Delta variance doesn’t believe that we will be meeting in- person next month. Chairman Webb reported that $13,000 dollars was raised at the Pints in the Park event for the Forever Parks Foundation, which is supporting the inclusive playground project at Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex, and asked if the board members could spread the word that the foundation is promoting $500 camp sponsorships; with recognition of being on the wall of fame at the playground. The foundation is actively pursuing corporate sponsorships also. Mr. Ken Rice asked if Chairman Webb could provide information and literature, so that we can see who might have been missed for corporate sponsorships. Chairman Webb will contact Ms. Nikki Beck and will share that information with the board via email. V. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ITEM Mr. Brandon Torres reviewed the revisions to the RSA Policy and Athletic Field Use Policy. The Board requested that staff add a section in both policies referencing alcohol consumption. Mr. McMurrey moved that the approval for the policies should be tabled for the next meeting after the changes can be made. Mr. Zach Boyer seconded the motion. VI. DISCUSSION – FY 2022 Budget Submission Ms. Capers was excited to share the good news with the Board that the budget office presented the budget report to City Council and the supplemental requests were approved. We will replace four zero turn mowers, re-plaster the activity pool in the Natatorium, received funding for the fireworks for the Hometown Christmas Tree Lighting Festival, we are also requesting for funding to continue for the firework display. Centennial Park restrooms and storage enhancements. Bleachers here in the gym at the recreation center have failed, the cost to replace those no longer make the sense, and will be replaced. We have a large storage area with no lights, that will be brought up to code by putting in lights. Ms. Capers shared with the board that after the original budget submissions; the budget office did come back and ask us to look within our budget to make some reductions. After working very closely with the budget office and City Manager’s office they agreed to allow us to keep our reductions at $26,014. Our budget is very lean, and we don’t have any contingency funding built into our budget. Any additional reductions beyond where we are right now would impact our level of service that we provide to the community. VII. DIRECTORS REPORT Texas Open Meetings Act – beginning September 1, all meetings will be held in person. I know several have expressed desire to continue meeting virtually. I propose that we change our meeting location to a larger space here at the Recreation Center that we will be able to spread out and have plenty of distance between us. We will make sure the room is clean and provide hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes. You can also wear your mask to attend the meetings. COVID impacting operations – during summer camp we had a reported case, a set of siblings, one was a camp counselor in training the other a camp participant. As soon as the parents notified us, we acted, and followed our plan. The two individuals were removed from the program. Fortunately, one of our strategies this year was to keep everyone in small groups, so we immediately notified those groups that had been exposed. There was another individual that ended up testing positive during that time. We had over 100 campers, and we were able to keep it down to 3 case’s. All our cleaning procedures and keeping people separated worked for us in this situation. Reservation System – we are no longer operating the reservation system. We are still monitoring the numbers though, but haven’t seen anything that has exceeded or makes us want to go back in and reduce those numbers. Our staff are very diligent in sanitizing and wiping things down. We are also continuing to fog. We are limiting our numbers in the kids’ corner and this will be our last week of summer camp. Registration for fall programs are available online, they are a little slow because people are not accustomed to registering in these time sessions. We are putting a lot of information on social media and our website. Sunset Cinema - during the month of August, which is our drive-in movie theatre. Ruff Runner is coming in the very near future. This is our 5K race and yappy hour which will be held at Independence Park on September the 25th. Dog Park – we are very close. Trick or Treat Trail is October 31 - we will not being have inflatables this year. We will encourage vendors to put the things on the table for people to pick up and take rather than that exchange from one hand to the next. Weight Room upgrade – should be complete 1st October City Agenda Item - Recommend that Council approve some amendments to the City’s financing naming right policy. Those amendments are going to include the way the policy is written, it only authorizes the Forever Parks Foundation to sell and negotiate naming rights. We are proposing that they open to charitable organizations that have a current agreement with the City. We are also recommending that the policy is written to where it includes Parks and Library facilities. City Agenda Item - Recommendations to enter into an agreement with the Friends of the Westside Library that authorizes them to raise funds for programming and services that benefit the community and a part of that would be the naming rights. VIII.ADJOURMENT Chairman Webb adjourned the meeting at 10.04 a.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: ______________________ Carry Capers, Director – (transcribed initially by Ellen Stansbury) Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this 12th day of August 2021. ______________________ Jeff Webb, Chairman