A special meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order
at 10:30 A. M. , December 26, 1964,,,by Mayor Pro Tem Victor A. Nolen
in the City Hall, 14429 Texas Avenue, with the following city
officials and guests in attendance.
Mayor Pro Tem Victor A. Nolen, Councilmen°Alexander, L. C. Hawkins,
Steven A. Shukanes and Gene Sanders.
Guests: Jack Idoux - representing the Pearland State Bank.
Mayor Pro Tem Nolen explained that the purpose of the special `
meeting was to determine the manner of investing bond proceeds
and such other business as may properly come before the Council.
Councilman Shukanes„Chairman of Finance Committee, after explanation
and discussion of the subject by all present, made the following
motion that:
(1) Pearland State Bank be named as the depositing agency
for the bond proceeds forthcoming from the fiscal agent.
(2) Pearland State Bank be authorized to invest the bond
proceeds in the following manner:
(a) $500,000 at a rate of not less than 4% 'for
180 days.
(b) $170,000 at a rate of not less than 4% for
90 days.
(c) $80,000 in U. S. Treasury Bills ($20,000
maturing Feb. 1, 1965 and $60,000 maturing
March 1, 1965.)
(d) $50,000 to be credited to the City of Pearland
construction account.
(e) All the above to be implemented immediately
on receipt of the bond proceeds from the
fiscal agent.
(3) It being understood by both the Pearland State Bank and
the City Council, that in the event the necessity arrives
for the use of a portion of the $500,000 amount in 2
(a) above the bank agrees to release, on not less than
fifteen (15) days notice, up to 30% of this $500,000
prior to maturity, the original interest rate prevailing.
Motion seconded by Councilman Hawkins. All Councilmen voted "aye"
with no "noes." Motion carried.
/City Engineer William C. Walsh presented two invoices for engineering
dated December 26, 1964, being as follows:
(1) For sewage treatment plant and trunks - East Side-
(WPC -336) amount $20,969.30 - Partial payment.
(2) For sewage treatment plant and trunks - central
(WPC - 352) amount $10,350.00 - Partial payment.
These accepted for review and decision.
Mayor Pro Tem Nolen call a special meeting for consideration of
above invoices and consideration of steps to follow pursuant to
rejection of part of sewage trunking in central area from the
Federal Grant. Time for this meeting will be 6:00 P. M., December
28, 1964, at the City Hall.
M utes approved as read and/or co rected this the / C/ day of
, 1 •
City Secretary ayo
A special meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order
on December 28, 1964, 6:00 P. M. , by Mayor Kegley in the City
Hall, 14429 Texas Avenue, with the following city officials and
guests in attendance.
Mayor John G. Kegley, Councilmen Steven A. Shukanes, Thomas P.
Alexander, Victor A. Nolen, Gene E. Sanders, Williams C. Walsh - City
Engineer,and W. A. McClellan, City Secretary. Councilman Lloyd C.
Hawkins - absent.
Guests : Jack Idoux - representing the Pearland State Bank.
Mayor Pro Tem Nolen stated that the purpose of the meeting was to
discuss the City' s contract with Engineer Walsh and on what basis
disbursements were to be made to him, and for any other matters of
emergency nature that might properly be brought before the Council.
After due discussion by Engineer Walsh and the Councilmen concerning
the contract it was unanimously agreed that Councilman Alexander
would take the contract to the office of City Attorney Jack Harrison
on Tuesday December 29, 1964, for clarification of the terminology
of two paragraphs therein. Further discussion will be held at a
later meeting before coming to a final decision.
Motion made by Councilman Alexander, seconded by Councilman Sanders
that the Council accept the amended proposition of the Pearland
State Bank in lieu of the one passed on December 26, 1964 - (Minutes
Volume 2 - Page 134) . The amended proposition being as follows :
(1) Pearland State Bank be named as the depositing agency
for the bond proceeds forthcoming from the fiscal agent.
(2) Pearland State Bank be authorized to invest the bond
proceeds in the following manner:
(a) $500,000 at a rate of not less than 4% for
180 days in an open account.
(b) $170,000 at a rate of not less than 4% for
90 days invested in Certificate of Deposit
with the Houston Bank & Trust Company,
Houston., Texas
(c)4,$8o,000. ; in U. S . Treasury Bills ($20,000
for approximately 0 days due 2-4-65 at a
rate of 3.52% and $60,000 for approximately
60 days due 3-4-65 at a rate of 3.75%)
(d)$50,000 to be credited to the City of Pearland
Contruction Fund account.
(e) All the above to be implemented immediately
on receipt of the bond proceeds from the fiscal
(3) It being understood by both the Pearland State Bank and
the City Council, that in the event the necessityarrives
for the use of a portion of the $500,000 amount in 2
(a) above the bank agrees to release, on not less than
fifteen (15) days notice, up to 30% of this $500,000
prior to maturity, the original interest rate prevailing.
Counci1men_Shukanes, Alexander, Nolen and Sanders voted "aye':
No"noes." Motion carried. Councilman Hawkins - absent.
Motion made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Alexander
that the sum of $590.49, (See Ordinance No. 104) , covering the
remaining amount due onncompletion of the Warrant Transaction
to be paid to Eddleman, Pollok &Fosdick from the account of "Un-
budgeted Funds." All Councilmen present voted "aye" with nu "noes."
Motion carried. Councilman Hawkins - absent.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P. M.
Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the / day of
(/:;5k-4"tiu,1/// ,
J 4 c a‘g‘-' ,
City Secretary MayorI
A special meeting of the Pearland City C ncil was called to order
at 6:00 P. M., December 30, 1964, by Mayor Kegley in the City Hall
14429 Texas Avenue, with the following city officials and guest
Mayor John G. Kegley, Councilmen L. C. Hawkins, Thomas P. Alexander,
Steven A. Shukanes, Gene E. Sanders, City Secretary W. A. McClellan
and City Engineer William C. Walsh. Councilman Victor A. Nolen
Mayor Kegley explained that the purpose of the meeting was to finalize
an agreement with Walsh & McLaren on determination of engineering
fees to be charged the City of Pearland.
Motion made by Councilman Hawkins, seconded by Councilman Alexander
that the Council accept the following agreement:
Nothwithstanding any conditions in the contract with Walsh & McLaren
dated March 5, 1964, regarding professional fees, be it understood
and agreed that the Engineer will receive, for his services on all
phases of the project, a fee of six percent (6%) of all the bids
received exclusive of the cost of land, right-of-ways, legal and
administrative expenses.
Dated this the 30 day of December , 1964.
By (Signed) John G. Kegley
By (Signed) William C. Walsh
(Signed) W. A. McClellan "
City Secretary
All Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." Motion carried.
Victor, A. Nolen - absent.
Motion made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Sanders that
change order No. B-1 to Texala Construction Company be approved. All
Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Alexander, seconded by Councilman Hawkins
that Walsh & McLaren be paid on their Estimate No. 1 for Sewage Treat-
ment Plant No. 3 WPc-TEX 336 the sum of $17,013.60, also Estimate No•
No. 1 for Sewage Treatment Plant No. 2 WPC TEX 352 the sum( of
$9,000.00. Check to be made out jointly to Angleton Bank of Commerce
and Walsh & McLaren. All Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes."
Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Alexander
that City Engineer be instructed to hire an inspector for the purpose