1992-04-18 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MINUTESAPRIL MINUTES Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Pearland Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board held Saturday, April 18, 1992, at the Pearland Community Center, 3523 Liberty Drive, Pearland Texas. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Juull with Chairman Pro tem Retta Absher, Suzanne Elliott, Inez Farmer, Tootie McComb, Secretary Bob Pond, James Skipper, Gary Walters, Administrative Assistant Vira Moore, Council Liaison D.A. Miller, and Council members Billy Wolff and Benny Frank present. Parks and Recreation Superintendent Barry Lastik has been terminated. Those present enjoyed a hot breakfast cooked by Billy Wolff and Benny Frank. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved on the motion of Tootie McComb and second of Inez Farmer. During old business, Vira reported that she had been approached by two teen-agers who were concerned about the choice of a volleyball facility for Sonny Tobias Park. The approved changes to this Park are under way. The swing set, Bar-B-Que grill, spring horse and volleyball net have arrived. After some discussion a motion was made by Tootie McComb, seconded by James Skipper, to hold off the installation of the volleyball net until after the next meeting where the two teen-agers might be heard. The motion carried. Vira reported that she had been in contact with the State of Texas Parks & Recreation Board representative concerning the McLean Park Grant application. She provided a copy of the inter -local agreement between the City and PISD to share recreation facilities and submitted her name and Mr. Erwin as points of contact regarding the McLean grant. Apparently the City has not acquired the services of a contract engineer to design the non -recreation items for the McLean Park development, as reported in the March meeting. It was suggested that the Board submit a letter to the acting City manager and Council restating it position as reported in the February Workshop Minutes, and request that engineering services be acquired for this project. From the February Workshop Minutes regarding McLean Park Development grant application plan of action: "Consideration was given to prioritizing the development of the non -recreation items. It was felt that utilities, road, parking lot and bathroom would probably be the order of development. The.Board recommended that the master plan be turned over to engineering to establish the development schedule of the non -recreation items." Larry reported the dedication of the Melvin Knapp Activity Building expansion had a good turn out and the new facility looks great. Page 1 of 3 APRIL MINUTES A motion by Vince Bruno, seconded by Inez Farmer, to present all future beautification awards at the recipients premises by the Board Chairman and all other members wishing to attend. Scheduling of the presentation and media to be performed by the Parks Department. The motion carried. The pool resurfacing contract has been awarded in the amount of $77805 and is expected to be complete in time for the normal pool opening. Vira reported that she accompanied a recent inspection of the Pool facility with Diane Myers (pool manager) and had generated a list of items to be repaired. Items that fall with in the capability of the Parks maintenance crew are being repaired. The remaining items will be forwarded to Council for consideration. Tootie McComb moved to have the Department devise Parks facility maintenance problem reporting and follow up procedures. With the open maintenance items to be included in the Boards monthly Department Reports. The motion was seconded by Inez Farmer and the motion carried. No activity reported on the efforts to install the footbridge over Mary's Creek at the entrance of Independence Park. The remaining items are installing hand rails, removing the planter box, installation of a new gate and building the path to the pool parking lot. Larry reported that modifying the beautification awards would be tabled until sample awards could be obtained for the Boards review. Samples should be available for the May meeting. No report by Retta Absher on her activities regarding development of a Department sponsored children's summer day camp program targeted for 1993. During new business Vira presented the departmental reports. The majority of the effort was on dedicating the Melvin Knapp Activity Building, preparing the pool for opening, custodial coordination, preparing for the Easter Egg hunt and coordinating the Seniors dance. During open discussion: Billy Wolff suggested: 1) The Board request financial support for McLean park development and Independence Rotary Park maintenance from the Rotary Club as they are holding the annual fund raising golf tournament May 4th. 2) That the Board write a thank you letter to Mrs. Pasternak for continued financial support of Pearland Parks system. 3) That the Board generate a plan for development of the three plus acres, the City may acquire near Barry Rose road for a water well facility, as a neighborhood park. Retta Absher moved to have the Police Chief or his representative attend the next meeting to discuss Park security and crime prevention especially Independence Park. The motion was seconded by James Skipper and the motion carried. Page 2 of 3 APRIL MINUTES Vira and Benny reported that Clean Pearland had donated several trees for the Parks. Ten trees were planted in McLean Parks and the remainder will be planted in Independence Park. D.A. reported he had received complaints that certain seniors were not allowed to take advantage of the Action meals served in the Melvin Knapp Activity Building. They were told they were not members of the right Pearland seniors organization. He had also heard that some of the Angleton Actions personnel had keys to the facility. Gary Walters requested the Department look into the special request by Harry Vickers in the name of the Dad's Club. He had heard it was not a scholarship fund raiser event. The next meeting will be held May 9, 1992 at 9:00 A.M. Larry read a letter to the Board from Barry Lastik, who expressed his thanks to the Board for their continued support over the years. Gary Walters moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Suzanne Elliott and the Board adjourned to Independence Park to support the Easter Egg hunt. Respectfully submitted, Bob Pond, Secretary Page 3 of 3