2001-08-06 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 2001, IN THE SECOND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following present: P&Z Chairman H. Charles Viktorin P&Z Vice-Chairman Donald Glenn P&Z Commissioner Todd locco P&Z Commissioner Robert Scherrer P&Z Commissioner Russ Selemon City Engineer John W. Hargrove P&Z Secretary Jennifer Gonzales II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 23, 2001 Commissioner Scherrer made a motion to approve the July 23, 2001 minutes as presented and Commissioner locco seconded the motion. City Engineer Hargrove stated that the very last comment on the last page he introduced Richard Keller as the new "Plats and Plans Administrator" rather then the "Rats and Plans Examiner". Motion to approve passed 4 to 0 (Russ Selemon abstained). III. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Old Chocolate Bayou Subdivision, a'subdivision of 8.236 acres, being the remenant of a 10.305 acre tract conveyed to James Medearis and Dorothy M. Medearis as recorded in clerk's file no. 93-017201 B.C.D.R. out of the H.T.&B. R.R. Co. Survey, Section 17, Abstract Number 242, Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas. City Engineer Hargrove stated that he has three comments for the preliminary plat and seven comments for the final plat. He listed the comments for the final plat as: 1 . A Traffic Impact Analysis for the final plat. 2. Lots 1 & 2 need to have a neutral access (by adding a note). Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests,capital improvements,and other tasks as mandated by the City Charter. 1 Planning and Zoning Commission 3. Lots 3 & 4 need to have a neutral access (by adding another note). 4. The vicinity map needs to be changed. He stated that it is not adequate and there is no city limit line. 5. The east property line dimensions do not add up to the overall dimensions. 6. A 25' building line is required on Old Chocolate Bayou. 7. A final drainage plan will be required. Mr. Hargrove's listed the comments for the preliminary plat as: 1. They need to show existing utilities. 2. They need to show existing contours. 3. They need to submit a preliminary drainage plan under the current criteria. City Engineer Hargrove stated that he could hold the plat in his office until the corrections have been made and then bring the plat to the next meeting for the Chairman's signature or he can call the Chairman to come into his office to sign the plat. Chairman Viktorin stated that it would be a good idea to approve the plat subject to the City Engineer's comments. Commissioner locco made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Old Chocolate Bayou with staffs comments, and Commissioner Selemon seconded the motion. Commissioner Selemon asked if lots 1 & 2 should have a back lot line, and City Engineer Hargrove replied that it would not be necessary because all the comments from the utility companies stated "no comment", which is probably because it is "Commercial". Motion to approve passed 5 to 0. B. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat of Seventh Fairway Estate, 1.0376 acre tract out of W.D.C. Hall Survey Abstract No. 23, Pearland, Harris County,.Texas. City Engineer Hargrove stated that staff recommends approval as presented. Vice-Chairman Glenn made a motion to approve the Final Plat of Seventh Fairway Estate, and Commissioner locco seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 5 to 0. C. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat of Savannah Trace Section One, a subdivision of 24.24 acres of land out of the A.C.H&B. Survey, A-403, Brazoria County, Texas. Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests,capital improvements,and other tasks as mandated by the City Charter. 2 Planning and Zoning Commission City Engineer Hargrove stated that staff recommends approval with one question and he asked about a provision in the developer's agreement regarding an easement for a recreational trail. Mr. Keith Schoonover, from Friendswood Development Company introduced himself and showed Mr. Hargrove where the trail is, which he referred to as the "greenbelt". He stated that this would also go into phase 3. Mr. Hargrove asked if there should be a trail along the strip, and Mr. Schoonover explained that the trail would belong to the community association. Mr. Schoonover then stated that he didn't think that there is anything in the agreement that addresses this particular area. Mr. Hargrove explained that this comment came from Deputy City Manager Alan Mueller. Mr. Schoonover explained to Mr. Hargrove that the trails are actually along the roadway. City Engineer Hargrove stated that he would like to recommend approval with the comment he would like to withhold his and the City Attorney's signature until they find out about the provision for the easement. Commissioner locco made a motion to approve the Final Plat of Savannah Trace Section One with the comment made by the City Engineer, and Commissioner Scherrer seconded the motion. Motion to approve passed 5 to 0. D. CONSIDERATION & POSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat of Savannah Parkway, Southern Oak Lane & Commercial Reserve No. 1, a subdivision of 24.24 acres of land out of the A.C.H. & B. Survey, A- .403 & H.T.&B. R.R. Survey, A-280, Brazoria County, Texas. City Engineer Hargrove stated that staff recommends approval with corrections and listed them as: 1. Reserves A, B, C & D need to have a note added regarding "mutual access" easements. 2. There is a requirement for thoroughfare lighting, and they need to add street lights along Highway 6 to be compliant. He stated that he and the City Attorney will sign the plat and if there is a provision in the agreement regarding this issue then they can demonstrated at a later time. Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests,capital improvements,and other tasks as mandated by the City Charter. 3 Planning and Zoning Commission 3. There is a 5' curve radius that should be 25' in the legal description. He pointed out that this was an item on his staff review "mark-up" that was ignored. 4. The sanitary sewer easements should be changed to water and sewer easements. He stated that this is another comment of his that was ignored. 5. They need to add the word "scale" under the scale bar. He stated that this is another comment that was ignored. Vice-Chairman Glenn made a motion to approve the Final Plat of Savannah Parkway, Southern Oak Lane, and Commercial Reserve No. 1, and Commissioner locco seconded the motion. Commissioner Selemon asked why the city limit line is a 100' wide, and City Engineer Hargrove replied that City Council annexed a 100' strip so they could control the development. Mr. Hargrove explained that City Council is trying de- annex it back to a 1-foot width so there will not be any tax problems. Commissioner locco asked if the inspections would then be have to be done by the City and Mr. Hargrove stated that there is a provision for the City to do the inspections anyway. Motion to approve passed 5 to 0. E. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Final Plat of Savannah Commercial Reserve No. 2, A subdivision of 16.42 acres of land out of the A.C.H.& B Survey, A-403 & H.T.&.B. R.R. Survey, A-280, Brazoria County, Texas. City Engineer Hargrove stated that staff recommends approval with corrections and listed them as: 1. They need to add a note 12 stating that "Reserves B, C, & D" will need to have a "mutual access" easement.. 2. There needs to be 3 streetlights on Highway 6, however it does need to be consistent with the agreement. 3. Since there has been a change in "Reserve E" then they need to also change the Master Plan. 4. There needs to be a water and sewer easement provided on Savannah Parkway, Highway 6, and Southern Oak Lane. 5. A "point of beginning" needs to be added to the plat. Vice-Chairman Glenn made a motion to approve the Final Plat of Savannah Commercial Reserve No. 2 with the City Engineer's comments, and Commissioner locco seconded the motion. Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements,and other tasks as mandated by the City Charter. 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Commissioner locco showed concern regarding the change and asked if someone was to get a copy of this plat, would they know to go to the developer's agreement of Savannah to find out the details regarding when things were transpired. Mr. locco referred to the previous incidents the Commissioner's have had with Silverlake. Mr. Hargrove explained that he is trying to keep the "documentation trail" straight to that he can keep tract of when things were done, and he added that the changes made to the Master Plan would be key to the plats. Commissioner locco asked if a note should be added to the plat regarding the change, and Mr. Hargrove stated that a note would not be necessary. Motion to approve passed 5 to 0. Chairman Viktorin briefly explained to the Commissioners that once two new members are appointed they would be formally trained. IV. NEXT MEETING DATE: August 13, 2001 (JPH & Regular Meeting) August 20, 2001 (Regular Meeting) V. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: 44/4 ,V-14,Lopk_ Je er Gon• es, Planning Zoning Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected on this 2 7 day of , 2001. ( /JZ . H. Charles Viktorin, Planning & Zoning Chairman Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests,capital improvements,and other tasks as mandated by the City Charter. 5