P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall opened the meeting for the P&Z Regular Meeting at 8:45
In attendance were:
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall
P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan
P&Z Commissioner Mary Starr
P&Z Commissioner Darrell Isenberg
Also present were Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Provins, City Planner Jimontanae
McBride, Senior Planner Martin Griggs, Associate Planner Vince Hustead, Planner Armon
Irones, Associate Engineer Matt Brown and Office Assistant Alma Gonzales.
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall read into the record the items on the Consideration and
Possible Action — Variance from Minimum Lot Depth to Allow Platting of a flag lot. P&Z
Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan made a motion to approve, P&Z Commissioner Mary
Starr seconded the motion.
A request by Jennifer Lam of Keller Williams Realty, applicant, on behalf of Alfredo &
Maritza Ruiz, owners; for approval of a Variance Permitted in Section (b) (1), of the
Unified Development Code, Ordinance No. 2000-T, to allow approval of the creation of a
flag lot within the R -E- Single -Family Estates zoning district on approximately 4.162 acres
of land, to wit:
Legal Description: Being a 4.162 acre tract of land located in lot 11 of the H.T. & B.R.R.
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Company Survey (Also known as the F.B. Drake Survey), Section 14, Abstract No. 509 in
Brazoria County, Texas. Said 4.162 acres is a part of a 39.997 acre tract described in
deed to Larry D. and Victoria J. Landers as recorded in Clerk's File No. 97-009044 of the
Brazoria County Official Records.
General Location: 5631 Bailey Road
Planner Armon Irones gave a brief presentation with exhibits and informs that Staff does
recommend approval of the requested variance to create a flag lot per the requirement of
Section (b) (1) which requires the approval of the Planning and Zoning
Commission to create a flag lot for the following reason:
1. The subject property is in the R -E Single -Family Estate District and the property
owners want to build a single-family home on their property which is an appropriate
use within the zoning district. The surrounding properties in that neighborhood are
also zoned R -E Single -Family Estate District and are similar in size to the subject
property. Granting this request would have minimum to no negative impacts on the
surrounding areas because there are existing homes located along portion of Bailey
Road and would be comparable to the criteria found in Section (a) (4) 4
which states that a variance should not "...be detrimental to the public health, safety
or welfare, or injurious to other property within the area."
2. The subject property currently is undeveloped and will remain in this current state
until either a new property owner enters into an adjacent site who is willing to sell
property to the subject property owner allowing for the development of a conforming
lot or the ZBA grants this variance. If this option is not granted then there is
potential for a regulatory taking to occur. Section (d) (3) states the variance
is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of
the petitioner. Granting the variance would allow the property owners to fully enjoy
their land and preserve the integrity of the neighborhood by building a single-family
home on the property.
3. The request is parallel to Section (d) (6) of the UDC which states the
hardship or inequity suffered by the petitioner is not caused wholly or in substantial
part by the petitioner. The hardship was caused due to the surrounding properties
that were previously developed and the subject property owners' neighbors are
unwilling to sell them land in order to become a conforming use.
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall asked Staff regarding the existing double driveway would
be the only access, Senior Planner Martin Griggs and City Planner Jai McBride agreed it
was the only access.
Motion passes 4-0
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall read into the record the items on the Consideration &
Possible Action Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 17-00013.. P&Z Vice -
Chairperson Thomas Duncan made a motion to approve, P&Z Commissioner Mary Starr
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seconded the motion.
A request of Aaveg Desai, applicant, on behalf of HEB Grocery Company, LP
represented by Debbie Knox, owner; for approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to
allow for a Liquor/Package Store in the General Business (GB) zoning district; on
approximately 22.3385 acres of land.
Legal Description: Being a tract or parcel containing 22.3385 acres (973,065 square feet)
of land situated in the Thomas J. Green Survey, Abstract Number 198, Brazoria County,
Texas, and being out of and a portion of the called 118.755 acre tract as described in the
deed to Marion E. Settegast, et al, recorded in Volume 1421, Page 25, of the Brazoria
County Deed Records, said 22.3385 also being all of Lot A of Pearland Commons, a
subdivision of a portion of said called 118.755 acre tract.
General Location: 2708 Pearland Parkway, Pearland, TX.
P&Z Commissioner Derrell Isenberg would like to have a criteria for what we want in the
City. Mr. Isenberg had concerns with the beautification of the City and was not in favor of
this proposal or any future ones without clarification. P&Z Commissioner Mary Starr was
not sure what she was going to vote for. P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan
commented that he would rather see them in shopping centers and places where they
would fit. P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall had concerns with the density for liquor stores
and property owners advertising future opening of a liquor store without approval. Mr.
Tunstall's vote for proposal was no at the time.
The motion was a split vote 2-2, P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan and P&Z
Commissioner Mary Starr were in favor, P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall and P&Z
Commissioner Derrell Isenberg were opposed. The vote will be recorded as a negative
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall read into the record the items on the Consideration &
Possible Action Zone Change Application No. 17-00012. P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas
Duncan made a motion to approve, P&Z Commissioner Derrell Isenberg seconded the
A request of Fangfang Sun and Qianyi He, applicants/owners, for approval of a change in
zoning from Suburban Residential -15 (SR -15) to a General Commercial (GC) zoning
district; on approximately 3.5818 acres of land.
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Legal Description: Being a tract of land containing 3.5818 acres (156,022 square feet),
situated in the H.T. & B.R.R Co. Survey, Abstract 549, Brazoria County, Texas, being out
of Lot 21 of Allison -Richie Gulf Coast Home Company's Suburban Gardens Subdivision of
Section 24, in Brazoria County, Texas, being all of tract conveyed unto Charlotte Polasek
by deed recorded under County Clerk's File No. 2016010131 of the Official Records of
Brazoria County, Texas.
General Location: 6630 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX
P&Z Commissioner Derrell Isenberg asked Staff for clarification of the requirements for the
existing building, City Planner Jai McBride agreed that requirements would be if they
added on to the building. A discussion ensued regarding the zone change and the
requirements. Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Provins made clarifications on non -
confirming and confirming uses and the required compliances. Mr. Provins explained if the
zone change was approved the building would become non -confirming so then the
conditions would change. P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall commented on the
notifications sent out to property owners regarding the annexation and overlay of the
zoning. Mr. Duncan comments that this would be pretty close to a spot zoning issue. P&Z
Commissioner Mary Starr asked Staff how close was the next business to the said
property. Mr. Provins answered the closest was 900 feet to the west which is a plant
nursery. A discussion ensued regarding zoning overlay for the annexation. Mr. Tunstall felt
that is would be considered spot zoning and does not agree with this proposal.
Motion denied 0-4
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall read into the record the items on the Consideration &
Possible Action Amendments to the Unified Development Code (UDC) No. (T-26) Zone
17-00014. P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan made a motion to approve, P&Z
Commissioner Derrell Isenberg seconded the motion.
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall asked Staff what the driving factor was for the Lumber
Mills change. Senior Planner Martin Griggs explained that when you have a use so large, it
poses a hazard for potential properties that maybe extra buffers or requirements should be
placed on that use to protect the health and welfare of the community. A discussion
ensued regarding GC, M1 and M2 zones and the effect of the changes for lumberyard
uses. Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Province gave an example of a previous City
experience involving a lumber yard and the results of it involved negative effects on
businesses on the same road. Mr. Province added to avoid not having adequate protection
and not negatively impact anyone in the future these changes were proposed. Mr. Tunstall
made a comment that City Council needs to hear these type of conflicts to be better
informed. A discussion ensued on existing and new uses.
No discussion or issues from the P&Z Commission on the open Air Market changes,
Transfer Station changes and Tree Farm and Nursery changes. Deputy City Attorney
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Lawrence Provins gave clarification on tree requirements and tree mitigation in the UDC. A
discussion on the revisions of a CUP process ensued. P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall
asked for suggestions on how to vote on each item. Mr. Provins explained that an
indication from the fellow P&Z Commission on how they are voting on a particular issue.
P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan made a motion to amend original motion to
exclude item one, revisions to the UDC, P&Z Commissioner Mary Starr seconded the
motion to amend. The motion to amend the original motion passes 4-0.
The motion to approve changes to the Land Use Matrix items (A. Lumber Mill/Yard),
(B. Open Air Markets), (C. Transfer Stations) and item two (Tree Farm and Nurseries)
passes 4-0.
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall wished to move to reconsider the UDC Conditional Use
Permit approval process, P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan seconded the motion.
Mr. Tunstall stated for the record to record their comments on their votes so Council would
be aware the reasons for their votes. The motion to reconsider passes 4-0.
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall made a motion to re -include item one (Changes to the
UDC), P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan seconded the motion. The motion to re -
include passes 4-0.
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall made a comment that he would be a no vote but is in
favor of all items except the UDC amendment. City Planner Jai McBride informed Mr.
Chair that he had options to delete or add portions of item number one. P&Z
Commissioner Mary Starr objection was that the process required an Engineer site plan.
Staff made a clarification that an engineered site plan was not a requirement. Mrs. Starr
was okay with the clarification. Discussion ensued regarding a site plan and what should
be included on the plan. P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan explained that he was
part of the CUP process Committee and shared the discussions and decisions from that
Committee. A comment by the P&Z Commission regarding super majority was made.
Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Province explained that there is a confusion where the
super majority is found in the UDC which is in the zoning section and not in the CUP
process section. P&Z Commissioner Mary Starr asked if it could be put in the change of
the rules a vote of five is required instead of six for approvals. Mr. Provins answered yes, a
recommendation could be placed. A discussion ensued regarding P&Z Commission
discussing and recommending on an item first or would it be City Council first, the amount
of days required to wait for approvals, information and communication from both gets
represented. Mr. Duncan commented that the JPH meetings will become longer and Staff
will have to be more involved, concerns from P&Z Commissioners were that items may be
postponed. P&Z Commissioner Derrell Isenberg commented that City Council is held
accountable for their votes. P&Z would like to make it easier for people to come in the City
with their businesses.
The motion to approve of all the purposed changes to No. (T-26) amendments to the UDC
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passes 4-0.. P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall made a statement into record that his yes
vote was due to the lengthy discussion over the changes that are being made and that it
does not require a super majority by City Council to overturn P&Z's vote on UDC text
amendments. The vote would be the same no matter what.
1. Commissioners Activity Report: P&Z Vice -Chairperson Thomas Duncan and P&Z
Chairperson Daniel Tunstall would like to have a workshop for recommended
practices, guidelines(checklist) for all CUPS and criteria's, specifically for liquor
stores. The workshop should include City Council. City Planner Jai McBride agreed
into getting more guidelines and a workshop in the future.
2. Next P&Z Regular Meeting —August 21, 2017
P&Z Chairperson Daniel Tunstall adjourned the P&Z Regular meeting at 10:13 pm
These minutes were respectfully submitted by:
Alma Gonzales, Offi Assistant
Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected on this 11th day of September 2017, A.D.
Dan rTunstal , P
Z Chairperson
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August 7, 2017
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