Ord. 1610 2021-12-06ORDINANCE NO. 1610 An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, abandoning a certain 0.9298-acre (40,503 square feet) road right-of-way recorded in the plat records of Brazoria County, Texas, within the corporate city limits of Pearland, Texas; having a savings clause, a severability clause, declaring an emergency; and providing for an effective date. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City of Pearland, to abandon a certain 0.9298-acre (40,503 square feet) road right-of-way described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, and recorded in the Plat Records of Harris County, Texas; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Council finds and determines that public convenience and necessity does not require retention of the road right-of-way described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto. Section 2. That the passage and approval of this Ordinance shall be contingent upon the City Council’s separate passage and approval of the Deed of Exchange, attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” which shall be recorded in the official records of Brazoria County. Section 3. That the City Manager or his designee or is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary to attest all documents necessary to give effect to this Ordinance. Section 4. A certified copy of this ordinance recorded in the official records of Brazoria County, Texas, shall constitute notice of this action by the City Council. Section 5. Savings. All rights and remedies which have accrued in favor of the City under this Chapter and amendments thereto shall be and are preserved for the benefit of the City. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid, unconstitutional or otherwise unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. DocuSign Envelope ID: F0E3DC24-A716-4AEA-A7AF-611EF745FE64 ORDINANCE NO. 1610 Section 7. Declaration of Emergency. The Council finds and determines that the need to regulate the location of dedicated right-of-way inures to the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry; and that this ordinance shall be adopted as an emergency measure, and that the rule requiring this ordinance to be read on two (2) separate occasions be, and the same is hereby waived. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Council. PASSED and APPROVED ON FIRST and ONLY READING this the 6th day of December, A. D., 2021. ________________________________ J.KEVIN COLE MAYOR ATTEST: ____________________________ CRYSTAL ROAN, TRMC, CMC CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY DocuSign Envelope ID: F0E3DC24-A716-4AEA-A7AF-611EF745FE64 EXHIBIT '1/,L. METES AND BOUNDS DT+‘,S(.‘R.1PTI()N ROADWAY DEDICATION 0.0298 of «into-mi-c Pagu l 01''!(40,503 Square Feet)Roadway Dedioatloii Being all iiT:*.t(L61’t':111]0.97.911oi‘unc—acre(40 503 square feet)tract uflzmd situated in Section 7.7,lifll dc 15.11R.Company Survey,A4108,oria County,'J'exas;and lacing part of1.ot'166 oftheW,7.ych1insln’Subdivision as 1'acm‘dctlin Volume 29,Page 9,of the hood R.(is ofl1t‘a7,m-iu County,and also being a portion of the land conveyed by Charles Erlward Knight to 'Helen F.Alu>,a;rrierl)ydeed (latutl July l0,1946,recorded in Volume 405,Page 540,ufthe DeedRcuurdsofEruxnriaCountyandbeingthesame44.119 aon:conveyed to .Tuti’sFiiod Stores,Lire.rm July 01,1990 under Biazmia Cmurty Clci‘l(’s File 9/LOO4499,said 0.9298 (1fO!1(i-?tL1'(‘:(40,503squarefeet)tract being more partimilarlydescribed as followsto wit: COMIVLENCFNGatthe T1t1\'il‘l’.a.\'icomer of the parent -’-t4.ll located in the westerly margin of State Hi hway No.35 and heing a point in the south line of thatcertain1~-fontpubho and private as easeniciit establislied by plat of B1'a7,oriu County1ndusti'1 Park Phase 1 Se 11,recorded uni 1'Volume 15,Page 389-390 of the Flat ItciiortlsofBra.1,oria C iity,Texas,from which a 5/8--inchtrim rod bears South 88“45’l7"West,1.58 feetandfromwhicha‘/2-inchironrod rnarkiug the southwestLitter.ction corner of lmlustrialDrive atStateHighwayNo.35 bears North 32“29’50”West,0.87 feet; 9 acre tract (found 44.1()’i'/acres) tlieirua,South 86”36‘44”Wust,with the nurth line 0 (1 parent call 44.1 19 acre Lt'ar.tand withthesouthlineofsaidLfootpubliea.rivatc _,cess casement,at /«£15.74 1“‘point at ilk)end (1fK‘.\1l‘VC.(1f111?i1,aiu 46,583 square root tract conveyed to the City 01'l‘earl:mri,ibuutlunderB1"azoria.County Clerlds File No,21106032567,dated June 6,2006,Tlrn ,rid County,Texasandcontinueatotaldistanceof1,638.14 feet to at point in l ' foot,uonveycrl to the City of Pear-land,from which the on 44.119 ‘:tt.'1‘t‘.tract lruarsSouth 86°36’44”West,l,991.8/1feet; ».lnorthwest corner of tho parent thence,South >01“23’16”132381,a distmuzcof 19.00 that to the south line of said 46,583 squarefoottractconveyedtotheCityofPear1aud; th De,North 86"36‘44”Fast,with the suuth line o1'si\1d/16,583square lbut tract,3 distance;of5feettoa3/«,-inch iron rod set For the POINT OF BEGINN LNG and mnlteust comer ofhniciuliGSu)‘1l1Cr‘1roadway dedication tract,l\£\Vl1‘t_t;surface coordinates oI"Nnrtlr—’13,’/60,391.31andEast=3,154,778.66:b/arrriltgszzmfL'mJwIi17zrto.t'bmrcrlan the TraxzrsS!uIe1’lzmrzCr1o1'r11'm7f(eSyxlam,Saul/1Cmxlrul Zone,NAD83,I/.S.fur)1 and may Im converter/Ia gr‘ir1wz1ue.i'by /rpplying :1 aonzhfnarimalt?facrurnf0.999869.1755,' THCENCE,South 41“36’44"Was:with it C111-l'7‘:|Cl(it (10 ‘.l'HI|‘.N nut}:O3“Z3’16"East,with the easterly line of herein (1 ,bed tract,ailistauccof/t’/$.88 lhct to a 'l/A’1l1(/on red set in the St)t1fl1ii\'11:0ft.i’1(3pm‘I:V1144.119acretractfortlresmttlteastcorneri>t'lu:rein Llesnrtbzd:ii‘,d'‘ontract,?'om\vluuht1teor .11Southeastcomer‘izfsaidpareniI1/1.119 acre tract hears,North 156"36’50”1:‘ast,1,922.46feet;t::\AH 1)ili\r1\,"\iCXt1!tliLIf3'il7>0h\UCtlL401'111|uh10pU\i1Ut\d\V2\yi7l'tlil1II1ED1V_1Vt5¢i.).Li(m J;-\/tit DT|Vl\Atr:x.'mCr:r3-D7»(t?\[1EdumI’ta|&tup:J\R01A<h(I1)/FYI: Page 2 M2 Roadway Detiiuation THENCE,South 86”35‘50"W351,with thu south line ofhercin ttasunhed detiiczztiuntract,alung the south liv of thc parent 44.119acre tra and with thc:uurth hm:of thatccrtuhi52.935 more tram nonvcynd 10 Palms opsrtics,HIE as found under Volume 1,Page 015479(lithe BluzoriziCounty Puhlin.Records,a distamzcof 80.00 feet tu u %—iuchimnrodsetfolthesouthwcstoorncrofhezieiudcscrihtadtract,froxn which the urigiuuisouthwestcornea‘of the parant 44.119 amt:1.ta<‘.thnar.~'.,Hnuth86°36’50”West,1,791.1/1feat; 'l'I1F.NCE,Noith 03“9.3‘i6”West,with the west line of heri:iu described dsdicatitmint,A distanceof 473.88 feet to a %»iuoh mm rod set.for a cutback comer of ht:1‘<>induscribud1'0z\dw:\ydedicationmint; THEN E,North /58”23’16”West,with a cutback iim:of heroin desurihetlroadwaydediuation(mm,a distaimcuf35.0()feet to 21”/.—inchiron rud set in the south line of the:aihremcmtiuimtt465$]sqmnc foot tract CO11VGy<7(1tothe City nt'Pear1nnrt; THENCE,North 86°36’44”East,with the north hue of heruin desmihed roadwaydudinationtractandwiththesouthIinanfsaid46,583 square foot City ofI'::arland tract,21tlistmmnof129.49 rm to the 1’O1N’l‘or BEGINNING and containing 0.9298 of andnC.z'c (40,502 squurr:feet)oflzmd. A suwsy exhibit oh-vcii date amzmnpmiics this uictas and hounds description. Prepared and coinpiiczt by: Tlamala&Baht,hm. 1176']K aty Freeway,Suits S10 Huuston,Texas 77079 'WntI(.T1£;btlnC DUS'1' S URAZDRMCGUNWwmwWMLPARK Y‘HAzE1 AND HVuknme15.Pngn 3ua—;san U.f?.{‘.R. mt ms W.7.YC~:4Lw'<\SUUDMSKGN3vommePage9 U.R.U.C.T.‘~‘ f<3Im'_cooR V :11]e BA: uRA'm.=u/x 00,1“-O9-s 909‘0'T7.u0?1?9¥P9C[”5"’—"'pB°a 1473.88’3 n3'25":5"'"J N 'an POE 4‘ 45.5fm SHUARFFEE!’ cm or PEARL/\ND nn—u5~2oDn TL‘:f. 10'WSE Dczdicmjan DiN/XVTFSW A“Ni , LI 0'0’Dr(g'nn¥Ht :2wwr /VPOO ‘P See Damx "A" (R.O.W.§ .1077 Acre Pnwatu Accnm. Esmm. ¢,‘2cuso37:=n7 uuuNTY.TEXAS GENERALNOW' L aamrzcsmunuommAmsAm?win LN‘ml.mmmmmm?roonmmmsrsml.sum‘CFHWAL ‘Lu..us.H T.HADnumm. 7.nu wms ARESURFACEmoHAY ID mu nvm-mm:A crmwnSCALE9' o.aa3usa.\'/55. MWRFH TowN 3.VIWE9mt‘s’xm.\=owrDav ¢‘.oM»L>mom 1M\wsHummmawonm.Mmuuims Y07 mn HCSCD75.As Puiulmn;avTHEbwloew.4::.n G RAPHIC SCALE strwevUPONcm=.m»_n7 HATAsums rmrun H mm l?n 2cu..‘F5 Mn cmwumEVcnmisaou m cm 1mumAVJ?AB£gm:r-"Axumsansrmzu (IN F ET ) 1 incl}.~:100 ft 4.AncrmvwnTOmu um4uum'rm5 .1,PANEL45 ornan,mm:$l'!’TE.W:Ui7 1959,9 W WE X.A L'N&j/sinAREAMmDOESHUIU .sumnmHm)Hmna ASmmmmTHEHEDF. n =CBRNERmwmxanSHrs News In mmcuzwxcmmwe‘um»um3a—‘.uwmam},PALMS FRDPERWES.LLC 51955 ACRES Vuhnn:1,Page um‘/9 B.(}.P.R. Udyhaé SE bur.-ras-3ca'5o"E 1,922.46’ ,#o\/f Y mam WAN ‘.Aanv:z:1u¢LmxenLPnE§v41 A svwrv GKWIJDuunsnMYS\?."HM51WOHuwm.we-5.TKKETIEARENDnmmnusonVHSmovrnwMPr:WE 0+‘qmzv mmM wpnnvmmrs raussmml.SEFMCE.Mm F1?P?m1m4.«L um .»\0N/u..«>5 TEXAS,No 1.342 0.9298 ACRE ROADWAY DEDICATION 4-(),503 Square Feet DU’!OF 44.115)ACRES SECTION 7.7 H.T.&c B.RR.CO.SURVEY,A-SUE (H7 15$W.ZYCHUNSKISUEDVVISJONVOLUME29,PAGE 43 I).R.B.lI.T.RATNALA &HAHL,INC.H767 Kmy V-‘rw smte muHuunl~fem 77079Fh.(1.:.)743 M00an/\Le:mo’nvmw W:ow Jun N0.LAND SIJRVEYOR F909UNE:C4/15/Km EXHIBIT M)'I‘ICE OE C()NFIl)EN'l'IAI4l‘l‘Y RI(}ll'_I'S.IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON,YOLI MAY REMOVE ()R S'I‘R[KE ANY OR ALL OF THE l?‘()LL()WlN(J INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUl\/IENT THAT TRANSI<ERS AN IN'1'ERL'S'l'IN REAL PR()l’ER’l'Y B1<Il<'0Rl5I]'l‘IS FILED 01"RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RE(.‘()Rl)S:YOUR SOCIAL THE S'l'A'1‘E O14‘TEXAS COUN'l‘V 0}"BRA’/.()RIA 'l‘HA'l‘,this Deed of ljxcliange is entered into by and betwcon .lIll)’S E001)STORES, INC.,tlexas corporation with its registered office located in Washington County,Texas [the “First l’arty”j and tl CITY OF PEARLAND,TEXAS,a body politic nfthe State ot'Texas,located in Um‘/oriet,Hen 5‘eiriLlV()1'tBei1<l Counties,Texas [the “Second l’arty”l;and WHEREAS,the First Party as the owner of the following tract of land lying and being situated in the County ut'l%1‘a7oria,the Slate olilexas: 44,1077 acres ollantl,partially situated in Section 27,HT &B RR Company Survey, A—308,and partially situated in Section 28,G.C.Smith Survey,A-5Sl olllraxoria County,Texa and being;part of Lots 165.166,l(i7 &I73 of the W,/,ychlinl(i Subdivision,as recor(led in Volume 29,upon Page 9,of the Deed Records of Bra’/.eria County,Texas [the “l/<1n<l"’[, did dedicate such Land to .lUl)’S DEVl;'L()l‘Ml1'N'l'N0.l,SBC'l'lON A [the “Sul>diVision”j,by the Minor Plato d Subdivision,according to the map or plat thereof,recorded on April 30,2008, under (",le1’l<s l‘1l€3No.2008—()7,l78‘)in the Real l’i'oporty Records of Brazoria County,loxas [tho “l‘lut”];and WHEREAS,prior to the i'eooi'dint;ofthe Plat,the First Party did convey to the Second Party, by General Warranty Gilt Deed,dated March 26,2008,and reem‘de<lunder Clerl<‘s llile No.2008» 021222 in the Real Property Records of Brazoria County,lexas,the following tract olland lying and being situated in the County oI‘l5ra'/aria,the State ol"l'exus: A tract of 0,9298 acres‘of land,partially situatetl in Section 27,HT &B RR Company Survey,A 308,Brazoria County,Texas,and being part ofLot 166 ottlic l‘lI'dZ()1'l':‘;(Iounty,“Right of Way being described by motes and bounds on Exhibit “A”attached heretoandmadeapartliereottoranyandallpurposes;and WHl<lREAS,the First l’arty tlcsi s to arnertrl the coiitigtrrattmr of the Lots in the Development;and WHEREAS,the re»-eontignratron o t‘the Lots in the Developnreut will require the Second Party to re—c:mvey [he Fxisting Right of Wary to the First Property;and VVIIEREAS,the Second Party is willing;to re—convey the Existing Right of Way to the First Party ffz/17:7only If/'theFirst arty conveys to the Second Party an acceptable replacement ritght of way;and WHl<'.RF.AS,the l"n'st Party has offered to convey to the Second Party,hy this instrument, the tollriwitrg tract ofland lying and being situated in the County ofBrazoriu,the State ot‘Texas: A tract oi‘0930 acres of land,in the HT &B RR Company Survey,A808,ot’ Brazotia County,'lexas,said tract of 0930 acres being part ol‘lot 1 of the Subdivi on [the “Replacement Right of Way"],said Replacement Right of Way being d 'bed by metes and bounds on F,xl1il)it“l'l”attached hereto and made a part her'eot‘t1>r'any and all purposes;and WHEREAS,the Second Party finds the Replacement Right oJ'Way acceptable;and WHEREAS,the First Party and the Second Party have determined that the l‘iXlStlHt«;Right el'Way and the Replacement Right ol‘Way are of equal value;and WH]<',Rl<'.AS,to accomplishthe conveyance oftitle to the lands to each other,the First Party and the Second Party desire to enter into a "li7rz%—/ci71dzzxr?rzzrige"as that term is de?ned the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America. NOW,TIIEREFORE,for and In consideration of the mutual conveyance herein,the First Party does hereby GRANT,llAR(lAl?\l,lt (?llAN(‘zl?AND C()NVI’.Y the Replacement Right of Way unto the Second Party,together with all rights,ways,privileges and easements appurtenant to the Replacement Right ot’Way,including all right,title and interest ofFirst Party in and to all strips, pores,streets,alleys and way,pr1blieer'pi'ivatt:,ntl_icinin§v,or crossing the ReplacementRight ot'Way, FUR'l'HER,for and in eonstrlcmtroiras aforesaid,there is EX(.‘F,P'l‘F,l_)from this conveyance all of the oil,gas and other minerals in,under and produced from the lands herein conveyed HOWEVER,Cirantor,for itseli,i successors and as.ms,does hereby W/\lVl;'AND RELINQTIISH[to the extent that such rights may exist in (granterli any and all right to use the mineral and any and all right to use of any partReplacementRightol'Way for exploration,mining,development,drilling and/or pr<)<luetionoioil,(gas and other minerals‘ FURT}IER,ter and in eonsicleration as at'oresawl,First Party has conveyed,and the Second Party has accepted [as evidenced by the reeor(lin;1_ofthis instrinnent],the Repiaeeinentkight ot'Way in its present condition “AS IS I/V]*1ERE1S—W111]/NJ,F/lUI.7'iS"'and,except for the warranty ottitle set forth below,the First Party makes no warranty,either express or implied,as to the condition, merchantability or fitness 5‘the Replaeeinent Right oi‘Way. Tl-ll‘)CONVF.YANCE of the Replaeeinent Right of Way by the l‘=.rstParty is made and accepted SUBJECT’TO: I.All ad Valorein taxes,tees and assessinents,ifany,for the year 2022,and for all subsequent years,the payment ofwhieh the Second Party assumes (at the time of transfer oftitle),and all subsequent assessments for this and all prior years due to ehange(s)in land usage (including)but not limited to,the presenee or absence efiniproyenients,it any,on the Replacement Right of W ay),ownership)or both,the payment of which Second Party assnnnts; The mineral reservation set forth above,as well as all Valid oil,gas and mineral rights,inter ts or lea.s,royalty reservations,mineral interest and tnnisfers of interests ofany L aeter,in the oil,gas or minerals otreeord in any county in whieh any portion ofthe Replacement Ri gin of Way is located; All covenants,conditions and resnietions,all zoning erdinanees and building: codes,and all other like items ofreeord in any county in which any portion of the Replaeement Right of Way is located,but only to the extent the saint: are still in force and eflect; All easements and/or rights-of«wuy,o lireeord,pertaining;to any portion(s)of the Replacement Right of Way;and All other pr itly recorded instruments (other than liens and conveyances by,throngli or unde Jrantor)that affeet the Replneenient Right of Way and any portion therent TO HAVE AND T()HOLD the ReplacementRight efWay,together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto,unto the said Second Party.3 heiis,sneeessors and assigns, FORTEVER,and the First Party does hereby bind itself,its sun rs and assigns,TO WARRANT AND l“ORF,\/ER Dl5)Fl~§Nl)all and singular the said Replacement R ight of Way unto the said Second Party,its successors and gns,gainst every pi en whomsnever lawfully elainiing or to TIIF.A(,‘(.‘E1"1‘ANCF.OF TIHS CONVICYANCE by the Seeondl’artydoes not,and shallnot,in any way,obligate it to construct a public road on the Replaeernent Right of Way. NOW,'l'1'l]<‘.Rl‘lll'0RE,for and in coitsideratiennfthe nnttual eoitveyanee herein,the Second Party does hereby GR/r\N'l',BARGAIN,l;'X(3ll/\N(‘rl‘:AND LJONVFCYthe Existing Right ol'Way unto the First Patty,tngetlter with all 1'ig;ltts,ways,privileges:and easements zippt1i'tenattt to the lixic 'ng Right ol'W£ty,including all right,title anti interest ofthe Seeonnl l"ai’tyin and to all strips, (gates,streets,alleys and way,public 01'ptivate,adjoining;or crossing the lixisting Right of Way. FURTHER,for and in consicletatinn as aforesaid,Second l‘aity has conveyed,and the l‘i1'st l’.'n'tyhas accepted [as €Vl(iCl1(1C(ll)ytl1<il'€lL(H'Llillgnfthisit 't ‘intent],the ljxisling Right ufWay in its present eondittoti "AS].S'»l'1’[[l‘.'I<’F,fS‘~Vl’]Y'11/iL[.FA UL7 “and,except it)!‘the wtiminty eftitle set forth below,Second l‘arty makes no wan anty,either express or implied,as to the condition, merchantability 01'Illness ofthe blxisting Right of Way, ‘I Hi‘)CONVEYANCE etithe Existing l’t'npe1'tyis made and accepted SUll.ll7.C All ad valorem taxes fees and assessinants,ifany,for the yeai‘2022,and for all suhseqnent ye;,the payment of whn“th First Party 'shines (at the time ol‘tt‘aI1sfet‘oftitle),and all stil>sequant a essinents for ti milall prior due to ehange(s)in land usage (inelnnling,but not lihllltd tn,the pi‘ice or absence ofnttpmvement ,any,on the ljxistinggRight 0fWay)) ownership,01'both,the payment at which l*'ii'stl’a1'tyassumes‘, The veservatinn of miner:0l\i‘z'_il1€.(iin the General Watianty Gift Deed, <i2tte:lMa1'eh26.2003,and 1''zle<luttde1‘Clei'l(’s File No.20U8—O?.l222in the Real l’mp 'ty Records ol‘l%t'azni'iaCounty,Texas,as well as all other Valid oil,gas and ininetal rights,intetcsts O1‘lease royalty t'esci'vztti0ns, mineral interest and t1*ansl‘e1‘snt interests at’any chat , minerals of i‘eco1'(l in any county in which any portion ol‘the l’i'ope1‘tyis located. /\lle0venants emlitions and resti"timts,all zoning ordinances and building eodes and all other like items 01‘reeord 1n any county in which any portion of the T isting Right oi‘Way is located,but only to the extent the same are still in I0 2:and effect; All easements and/or rights~0f—way,ol‘t‘eeoi’d,pertainitig to any poi'tion(s)of the Existing Right of Way;and All other presently recorded instrunieitts (other than liens and conveyances tltereof. TO HAVE AND TO H01 .1)the Existing;Rigltt ofWay,togetliei‘with all and singular the rigltts and £1ppLH‘l.CYIE1!1CCSlllC“6l.(t,unto the said First Party,its suuccssois and assigns,1"OJ{Ti,VliR, and the Scconcl l’ai'ty docs hcreby bind itself,ors and assiggns,'l'()W/\Rl{Al\7'l‘ANT) FORE\L)l<',Fl",ND all and siitgular the said tg Right of Way unto the said First Party,its su<‘U1 and *s1gns,ag;ams1 every p’'sonwl1<>u1soevcrlawfully claiming orto claim the same or anypartthc1'eol’Z7y//Wong;/7or m7cIz:rSez:o11d1’m‘/ylmlrm 111/114)‘ 110 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this instrttmeut has been (2, Texas,on this,(lay of?,to be el 2027,. outed in Wasliittgton County, ivc as m”th<*,ls‘(lay oflanttary, JUD’S F001)STORES,INC. E/'7:Alexander,Prrcsidcxitr THIV‘,STATE OF TEXAS § (‘,0 UNTY OF VVASIIIN GTON § BEIVOIUQ ME,the uadrtrsigncd authu1'ity,on this day personally appoaretl.lay'l't Alexlllld?l‘, the l‘t't:sizlcntof.IUI)’S FOOD STORES,INC.,known to me to he the PCLSUDand of?cer whose name is subs cd to the foregoing iitstrumcnt,and actluiowlcdgcd to me that he executed the same f?ftllil]3t11’p0SESH1l(,luotisiclmationthcrcia expressed and in the capacity tl"t€l"r2lllstated as the act and LlCC(lofsaitl entity. (}IVEl\'UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF ()l<'l<‘[CE this __, day of W Nutai ililV)7Ii(‘.in and for The State of Texas M/\ILlN(J‘Al)l)RESS OF FIRST PARTY.Post Office Jiux "/69Brenham,Texas 77834076‘) 7,to be efi'eetive as ofthe 1“dayofJanua1y,202 CITY OF PEARLANJJ,TEXAS E7(V.:I:\_VI’Veu1's0n,ElityMm1ug;cr V ATTEST: BY:Darrin M.(:akcr,"t:it§~Attorney TI IE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF IIRAZORIA § § § BEFORE ME,the uudersigm:d eiuthurily,on this day persmmliyappem'edC1ay Pearson and Darrin Mi Cekei,the Mayor and City Attorney,respectively,01'the CITY OF PEARLANI), TEXAS,known to me to be the persons and o?ieers whose name e subsei’ibe<ito the foiegoiitg instrument,and zteknuwlcdgedto me that they executed the same for the purpnses and eunsidemtioit therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated as the act and deed ofsaid entity‘ GIVEN UNDER MY IIANI)AND SEAL 014'OI<‘FI(.‘E this,day of? NVr7)t2iI'y"I’uI1Iiein?rlldrftll‘ The State of ’l‘exa.s' AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY e/u Legal DepartmentPost()t'tiee Box 2887 351‘)Libei'ly‘D1‘ivePearl'«md,'|‘exas '/7588 I’ezu'land,'I'L‘,xus 7758] EXHIBIT “A” Mates &Bolmds 1)usc1'ipti{x_11_umIPlat of Existiu Y Ri rht ufWay ‘HFV‘ METI|l.S‘AND BOUNDS DFCSCRIPTIUN ROADWAY 1)El)I(,.'A‘1"I ON 0.9298 ohm ‘e (40,503 Sqlmrs Feet) Page 1 MI}. Rondwa.yDcrh'0at10u Being all that certain 0.,98 ofou:=—ucr::(40,503 squaw feet)Lruut uflanri situated in Section 2'/,I1.’i‘,&M 11.]!Company Survey,A608,BIHYOFIP.County,Texas;and being:part ut‘i.ot H25oftheW.7.ychIh ti Subdivision as rcoordcrt in Vohum:7.9,Page 9,of tin:Used Records ofErazoriuCounty,mid also hcing a portion of the h.\u<tconveyed by Ch'.u'Ies 11'tiWa1'dKnight to n F.Aloxaudorby dead dated July 10,1946,l'(‘.Cf)l'dSd in Volume 405,Page 540,uttho DeedRecordsofBmzur1aCountyandbeingthesame44.1 19 acre conveyed to Ju<]’s Fond Stmes,hm.on July ()1,1990 1I1tt1c1'Bruzo;'it\County Clerk's File 91l—O04499,said 0.9298 o1'ouc--auto(40,503 square fact)tract being u1ox'cparh‘ou1ariydescribcdas foiiowsto wit: COMMENCING at the northeast comer of the p.'u'cnt 44.11‘)acre tract (found 411.1077auras)Iooatcztin tho wostcriy 3 trgin of State HighwayNo.35 and buing a point in the south lino ofthatcurtaiiil—footpuhh<‘.and privatu access eascineni eshfolistied by plat of Brazoria CountylndtisttiulParkPhase1X1.Lt,tccordcd under Volume 15 Pwgz:389390 of thu Plat Rcourdsoi"iiravorin Cot1uty,'1"extts,fvoirtwhich a 5/8--htohi1'0m‘ot]‘oca South 88"45’17”Was},1.58 feetmidtron)which u ‘/;—iuch'u rod nuuking the southwestinter ctiou comm‘of Industrial Drive atStateI-h'ghw;1yN0.35 h > North 32°29’50”West,27.0.87 Iéet; thomto,South 86"36’44”West,with the nnrthhtte of said paruntua1l44.119 acre tract and withthesouthlinoofsaid1-footpubhi ud private access easement,at 4357/!that pass a point at thecurlofr‘vc of that u‘ain 46,553 squtu'c foot tract com/cyed to the City of Pozwiaozi,foundunderB1'217,oriztCounty exit“;File No.2U(J{:0Z3?,56'/,thitudJuno 6,7.006,Brazoria County,Texasanduouthtucatotalstanceof1,638.14 feet to a point in the nonh line of suid 46,583squarefoot,conveyed to t -City of t’<=.ariaurt,(ism which tho or ‘uni nortluvcst mother of the parcm44.11‘)acre ttaotbcum South 86°36’44”West‘,1,991.84 that; thunuo,South 03”23’16'’East,a ti’?ance uF19.[)0 feet to the south 11'no of said 46,583 St[1l}J'Ei'o0ttmDt noiweyetlto the City ufi ,mud, thizuur,North 86 56’44”East,with the south lino ofsnid /)6 5'.Squaw:foot tram,ti distanceof24.75 to a 3/u‘ou rotl set for the POINT OF B1‘l(y1NN]1\’G and northeast GUIDE)!ofhurciudcstzrihuriioadwuyticxhcatioutract,having stirfam ouorzlhiat ofNurth 2 13,'760,'i‘)],81andEast‘-3,15/4,778.66:bzuzirzgsand o0mz1i71al(=.$],7£I.\'@don line ..Stale Plane CaorriilxaleSyx/an},South Central '/Inna,NAD 83,l/..§‘._/2701mm’may hr:uunvertedlu grid 3/zzlzlesby applying :1 (zmnbilmtlmale/21/:10/'ufri9»9am93755, TIU‘‘IL‘,S01l1h/L1”36’¢M"V\1t:.<t,with a cut- '1'FJ,EN South 03“2'!’16“East,with the masterly hue ot'hui'ein desoriharihast,adistanceof/173.88 feet to a3/v—m(:hu'on1'od "of in th south hue ofthc pu1'<=.ut/14.1192.01:hunt fo he south ‘cmnur of hi‘.1‘uiuor ed d?t ion tract,from which the miginulsotitheastcomerofsaidpz.t'cx1tL54.1i9.,tr21ct1)oa1‘s,North 86”36''10”Tiast,1,972 46fat;T,:\.MLDi M\I\lnxuHttCt3'D7vO?\B€dcrc1’?nlA'<to}iu\Krmil\vuyDr:(!I<‘uitot|Wm&bduc Pug 1'2 1{uadwuyUe.L11uu?nn THENCE,South 26“36‘50"W051,with the scumhnc o1'11e,r<:1ndrz.'1bed dedicationmm,uhmg the south hue of 111:parent 44.119 tract and with the m>I‘C111111::of thatcertain52.935 acre tract conveyed to 1’u1msProp ties,T LC as found under Volume 1,Page (115479 ufthe Bmzorin County Puh1iz:Rc<:0r L1 {anus 01'110.00for-.1to u 3/nah11'*1 rod act for the smxthwsstCorner 0111:m descri want,from which 1110or L,rials!111wt3stconu:1‘o1'111eparenf44.119 aura ..nL1'2nax.,Fa'nu(11216°36’50”Wust,1,791.1/1fuut; THENCE,North 03“23’16”We haul,:1 distance 01‘/173.8812:91to describedroadway 11:-,<11cat1on1mm; with the west 1111::of herein (1sscr1bc:1 cledicaiiuxx inch mmrod set fur a um.-17at:1<comer of 1rcrc1n 'l'HENC1T.,North /18"23’16"W051,with a cm»-back 11111:of herein c1esur11Je(1rom1wz\yL1er11uu11onmat,a :h'stanccof35.0(1 feet to .1 3/4-111511iron rod set in the south Iinc af?u;a1u1‘L11I1m1t1o1)13(146,5113squat:foot tract mom/sy:;r‘1to the City ofI'ear1;md; THENCE,North 86“36’/14”East,with the 11111111 o1‘1)0rs1n descl undvvzaycle?iuaiiontracv.um1\v1111the south11neofsz\ir146,581squme foot City 0F1‘car1andtract,adismmx:of 17.9.49feet to the POINT OF BEGINNINGand containing 0.9298 01 one—ac1<:(4(),503squan:?zet)nfhmd. A sm vuy uxhibilof even date nucnnrpanies €11isn1etc.sanr1hounds(1ESOI'1.]'JI‘10I1. Pre red and compiled by: Ralnalu X5Bnh1,h1c. 11767 Katy 1"1‘C I-1mm1nn,‘1'exz1s'/’ )1,Suite 510 79 1"..\/\1L1.11'1vl\A1r:x.v'u1n3-I)7-01<\Hc:1cmr1m&1n;:u\1<umxv..yIunjicqnun;n&tz.uu: "’?"1ZJTso’ww- INDU.S[‘3'Jg<’E1V.I)[/>{]A;"}DV§IVb;‘§(qr.5e6f:AUW1163”. POI‘, nnHv‘Wf‘Mn!r S B1,9>91.{§_4:V_’5 8) (S) O4 -11?”‘ rn'q'.wn\HEmm: on nuJ’Wor‘Vh-Un P01;/.mu'r7 l\cI‘o.a\n1—;.Pub?r a /Pxlvalc A(:r;r:u.s ,uzsscumuwr,r ’E mHHAmmcomm.«or pm mmmm:~mm rww ~.1 mm H\/uhlmrs X54Pnru:359»(‘BEDxmmv OD _ O \1 »-,[;I:‘511 V NLRALNO 0 hg_\in L xamunsMu cocmumrsAW‘Mm M M rm: _D0,sws mun umnwnts svsxm,scumawm V)INF.US FELT.MU B3M'.\M,»+>E>U\" - N 2 cuumumsAnt sumo:mu my EE cmvuumPQ‘*W GNIIBYM')‘LW1‘GA CGWWU3SCNF.METERW t Lat ms N 3‘,5.u‘n:srxssa7'.s.W,ZYCIW.HEsunmvswow~,0 ‘ wuma29 pageA onW :4.muzsurn:zxrwmmunnvcouvamum. D I L‘.' K<|VMVEWSNUWW1IHXWZCIIYALMONMIFNTS7ULAND‘‘‘(D [/1 w HGSUJ75 ASPUIJUSHEDDY{H NMINALFZWEWI _§‘1 ;SMRVFHmanunnrurum swim maHim213 N;_34V“vuussmy mnmsn m nowscmm muNvn.ANDm Avumx sum FADIWmum/man;,,\0 rum». L)97 -g-v~4 MCDNDWGIDFEHAUM’4EU1DDL'U4liJ‘l‘ANE|.45LX~'(IN Wm.)z *5-um.um:smnmcn21,1:-amms vnwumrms m ‘‘K D ZONEX‘A Uawnzn MM muD 3 WT UN:is A 1.inch :100 it >£.?FC\HEDHLVJJHf«ZN\llASDH‘H)]LU THPIYEDF.10'WSHJ)adicn§.inn , D=~—T mumMONUMENTEVrs Hum!mPMTcmnmmw|.x/«'newmacamucnLmzm.Mm:PHOPL’?T£5,nor , V 7 52.9.55 /\CVfl‘§L0 WSE lxeulicution \/nmrm:1.Porn:0154791H1:H7.’r.‘Odr,L'\n)SE bM\Ef FLINTCOORDIWQTES E Law r mm.A rxscmunraonsww.mmswmoaor MI smr.0.9:39 U ACRE ROADWAY DEDICAIIONnr1e>c\s,mreuvown mm M:Anuvenmmumms=.u>msz:mAEL vs»:O :03 gr .‘)F 1;marLwWE1311D\:NDmm W swnzvnsouweM/\Rl1l’,‘wnU.mm:AELno 4-;=1 >-‘IUFU‘A 50atmnmwms024msrx.zn.=smvMm:M rx suwvzvmuALL!uPRo‘MAmIs ARI:WWW TXVNUMUFSUKCEPV'‘W '(DI*.5‘1U‘ML5{'.WACC SJ VJHWJY w FOWM5In WC CUHRLN §SGJHY [X HKX?55l|‘NAL LMH) ;Y0?'5ASSDCM.oM5‘YN(3HMSAN)MIUNSFORA wismv amweLWmRJRVLY‘ OUT OF 44.119 ACRES SECTION 2/H.L 31 E.R.R.CO.SURVEY,/\—3DH OUWOF LOT 160 OF THEW.ZYCHLINSKISUDDVVISJONVOLUME75,PAGE 43 D.R.B‘C.F,hA'I‘NALA 8:HAHL,INC.Hzvw Ku(y Frwy,Amie 510Hnuskm.ruxns 77079H.(Zn!)‘/59—?4n()st:/x ':won’.105 NO Qwnzmunonsmmm,LAND SUR\F:YOFfMyNo“W DRAWNav:mu (WE;U4/15/us EXHIBIT “B” Mates &BoundsI)escrintiLm and Plat LvfRcplacc1n_c11tRight 0!’Way City of Peartand H.T.8.B.R.R.Co.Survey,Section 27 0.930 iftcre Abstract No.303 Proposed 80~ioot Right~of-way STAT E OF TEXAS § COU ‘TYOF BRAZORIA § MET?SAND BOUNDS DESCRiPTlON of a 0.930aacre tract in the H.T.&B.R.R.Co Survey, Section 27,Abstract No.308 in Brazoria County,Texas.Said O.930—acre tract is in Tract 1, Block 1 of the Mirror Plat of Jud’s Development No 1,Section ‘A’,as recorded in Clerk's File No 2008021789inthe Brazoria County Cierk’s Office.Said 0.930-acre tract is more particularly descriFedasfollows: duds evelopment No.1 with the west right-of—wayline of State Highway 35 (based on a width of 11 —feet),said point is in the north line of a 14 70/1-acre tract described in a deed to Airgas SpaclfityGases,Inc.as recorded in Clerk’s File No,2007000736 in the Brazoria County Clerk's Office COMEENCINGata3/4--inchiron rod found for the point of intersection ofthc south line of said Tl-lEN‘CE,South 86°36’41”West,along south line of said Jud’s Development No.1,same being the mirthline of said 14.7071-acre tract,at a distance of 1,157.79 feet pass a 4”x 4"concrete monument found for the northwest corner of said 14.7071—acretract,same being the northeast corner‘of a tract of land described in a deed to Phillip B Rodman and Bradford D Rodman as recordedinClerl<’s File No,044102589 in the Brazoria County Cierk‘s Otfico and continue for a total lstance of 2,486.35 feet to 2:5/8-inch iron rod set for the POlNT OF BEG|NNlNG and south ast corner oi the herein described tract Said point has a Texas State Plane grid coordinateofN13,758,061.17’,E 3,153,797.27’, Tl-lEN‘CE,South 86°30'41“West,continuing along the south line of said Jud‘s Development No, 1,same being the north line of said Phillip B,Rodnian and Bradford D.Rodman tract,for a dlstanlceof80.00 feet to a 5/8»inch iron rod set in the north line of the remainder of a 52 9346- acre tract described in a deed to Palms Properties,LLC as recorded in Clerk's File No.01» O15/lj9inthe Brazoria County Clerks Office,from which the northwest corner of said 52,9346»- acre tractbears South 86"36’41“West_408.51 feet; angle for the westerly cut-back line of the herein described tract;THENCE,North 48"23’22“West,along said westerly cutback line for a distance of 35.36 feet toa5/8-inchiron rod set in the south right»oi~way line of industrial Drive (based on a width of 80»feet),aid point is in the north line of the atoromentionedTract 1,Bloolt 1 of duds DevelopmentNo.1,‘Seotion‘A‘: THENWCE,North 86°36’35’East,along the south line of said industrial Drive,same being the north inc of said Tract 1,for a distance uf 130.00 feet to a 5/8~inch iron rod set for the angle point orthe easterly uut»baci<line,same being the northeast corner of the herein described tract; Tl IENCE,South 41°36'38"West,along said easterly cut—bacl<line for a distance of 3536 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set for an angle point ufthe herein described tract; THENCE,South O3°23’l9”East,tel a distance at 473,61 feet to the POINT OF BEGiNNlNG, contal ing a Computed area of O.930—acre(40,514 square feet). NOTE 1,The bearings and grid coordinate shown hereon are based on the Texas Coordinate ‘System M1983,South Central Zone.Distances are surface.Scale factor:0.99987. All “set"iron rods have a plastic survey cap stamped "Wilson Survey Group". A separate ExhibitMap has been prepared in connection with this metes and bounds description. The ‘iison Survey Group,Inc. 2006 ast Broadway,Suite 103 _*Pearleind,Texas 77581 Michael D.Wiison,R.P 281-485-3991 Registration No 4821 TB PiE.L.S.Firm No.10014900 Job Nla.21457 /55 ii loaf?‘ F x Q;;BIMZOMA CDUNIY ANDUSIRVALPARK,0VaA,3)PHASE I AND H V V M0,,V0VOL.1:),PG..5és9~39o Ox mm.5/8 W-"[2,V —_)/5‘‘LR. ‘E,‘_(,_T ,,{~ND. 2;;P/8 W H |NDUSTRIAL DRIVE LEGEND4]‘—No3'25’2£;w <50’Raw‘)——- ,19.00’n.c 0.0.BR/\7.0R>/\cuumv ;.. ’L2 n.P.R m$b%§5f‘?§5§£ ***** W”F0Im"I[\)TRECORDS H? V MUN ROD -s 413638”w 28%§‘u”5‘AuL-°‘;gé’¢' 35.36’(.9 S::am"Mon mm (UNLLSE?ommvm:Nmm) Y. \\,_9%<8)\ »I DISTANCE (—L1 S 85‘36'41"W E0.DD' $9’x7.N as-3935"E 1;so‘ao' _./\PROPOSED80-FOOT Qql W RlGHT—0F—WAY <<‘>'$DEDlCAT|0N Q‘ %S»j\\0.930 ACRE ’\»(- ‘(40,514 sq.FT.) \2V 3 -*2» Lu mu‘:map ’_F4 ‘5VqR[§.mo,(2/9 2 N:.*e*a:;n:.:7;7 an :3 mm.‘i; 3 m \ FND 4,‘X 4” PO|NT or A Wiwx?v/:E'sr"§bn~:n QYSJ:;oNhR4'W 7C0MMEN..C‘NG <x(71’57Q3é6Acws ’\M0NW_,7N,__mu,3/4 LR. ‘L7 ~j 408.51's aes'3s'41"w 1 Rm,MM D, 7 /\¥VlGAb:“SA!’:‘L',((,3\‘L'IA;Im(z?:§§FS,we fJ2_L)_3q?A(;m.§__/V ,CLERKS FILE [40 2Ill)7?UDléS ALMSPnomznxs.n,<: V N 1.S,/.>8,0bl.1/u.r,cu. c|,mK'5 FILE NO.01-41154’/9 am I 3,153,797.27‘ “-9”35 PN\LL1f’_n.renuww "W"Ex ,,,//’ECEEK-'”s"?.”J£’§%."m"%??22g ‘___WW5:H.cc.n. OF V983,RNWAL ZONE‘,FACYOR;2‘A SEPARATE Mmrs Ann ammns nescwnnu HA5 amt wnumnzu INcowzcuowWHHmusEXHIBH‘.sum:>mn‘[¢aag 71 15/memwu,noruwuELM.Em}rn 1I—157(E><H\sH)m~qTUEWILSONSURVh.YGROUPPRO?SSIONAL LAND SURVEYORSZUUEBROADWAYPELARLAND,TEXASWNo,10014900 Proposed Right of Way Abandonment