2004-12-13 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION� The Regular Meeting of the Parks board was held on December] 3, 2004 at noon at city
hall in the first floor conference room.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order By Mayor Reid at 12:02
Introductions were made by Rhoda Cyrus (all members were present)
II. Oath of Office: Young Lorfing handed out the paperwork in regards to being
Sworn in by Mayor Reid. Each member was sworn in and the information
was attested to by Young Lorfing.
III. Code of Ordinance Book: The board is established by the code of ordinance
book. A copy will be kept in their activity book with a date that their term
IV. Goals and Objective: The board will set separate date to discuss goals and
V. Election of Officers: deferred to the next meeting
VI. Discovery Tour: Was discussed by staff to set a date in February to go and
look at other facilities in this area.
VII. Meeting Date: Set the 2nd Thursday of each month for the standard meeting
date at the Parks and Recreation Office.
VIII. Citizen Input: Mayor Reid was glad to have the board back in action again
after a reprieve. No other were attending the meeting.
IX. Director's Report : Staff up -dated the Parks board with a PowerPoint
presentation in regards to the responsibilities of the department. The
presentation outlined. City Parks, city faculties, right —of ways and
Recreational programs. Staff also went over the current Centennial /
Magnolia Corridor project than they are working on with Ion design. A
synopsis of the project is attached. Bryan Kline with Ion design will be
present for the January meeting to go over in more detail the project, cost and
to garner a letter of support from the Parks Board.
X. Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.