2007-09-20 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD MEETING AGENDA 1VIIIVIJT�ES - REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION 'AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS,HELD ON THURSDAY, (SE�P�TEa R 20;42007, AT 8.00 A.M., IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTME T CONFERENCE ROOM,AT 2947 BROADWAY STREET, PEARLAND, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:09 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Tom Gibbs Chairperson Ben Carranza Vice-Chairperson Laura Austin Secretary Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Joe Miller Board Member Ed Miller Board Member Helen Beckman City Councilmember Jon Branson Parks and Recreation Director Michelle Smith Parks and Recreation Superintendent Ed Grossenheider Parks and Building Superintendent Randi Wyatt Parks and Recreation Office Coordinator III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—August 16,2007 Mr. Joe Miller made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 to 0. IV. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING BI-LAWS • FOR THE PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD Mr. Branson welcomed Councilmember Helen Beckman for her attendance today. At the last meeting, implementing an absence policy for the board was discussed. After research, Mr. Branson advised that bi-laws for the Parks, Recreation and Beautification board do not exists. Mr. Branson has created a set of bi-laws for review and discussion. These bi- laws create a guideline for operation; tell how business should.be conducted, and state the purpose and .specific -duties of the board. Typically a board will set the policy and staff will carry out the day-to-day business. A discussion ensued regarding the proposed bi-laws that were presented. 1 Mr. Branson stated that from time to time in the future, once additional Athletic Fields/Facilities have been built, one of the board's responsibilities will be to resolve any conflicts between user groups and the City. Having this responsibility alleviates the City Council from getting involved. A discussion developed about Select Teams and recommended policies in relation to field usage. The meeting that is held in October of each year will become the official meeting where officers will be elected or re-elected. Therefore, next month the board will vote for chairman and vice-chairman. Mr. Branson reviewed each article in the bi-laws, i.e. terms for the -members, length of term for officers to serve, alternate members and absences. These bi-laws need to be reviewed by the board and then once approved; Mr. Branson will present the bi-laws to the City Council. Mr. Branson will provide the board with recommended set of rules for the City Parks and Facilities so that it can be incorporated into the Code of Ordinances as well. The board made a few recommendations to the bi- laws and requested that they be tabled to the next meeting for approval. Mr. Carranza made a motion to table the bi-laws. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 to 0. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING GREEN BUILDING POLICY Mr. Branson and Mr. Grossenheider have a goal to come up with a set of standards for new City Facilities. City Council has a goal to come up with a Green Building Policy. The Parks Department has already identified the SWEC Projects as a LEED Certified facility. The goal for the SWEC facility is Platinum Certification, which is the highest level of certification achievable. The Parks Department needs to develop a policy on the City of Pearland Green Buildings. It was not specifically stated that each facility had to reach a certain level but sustainable design needs to be taken into consideration for each new facility. This policy will outline a established direction and state specific requirements to be achieved. In order to qualify for a LEED Certification you must receive points for areas of design based on the overall scoring system. There are sixty-nine areas to receive points. Mr. Branson then reviewed the proposed Green Building Policy with the board. Mr. Branson requested that the policy be tabled to the next meeting for approval so that the board can review the proposed policy and determine what categories are important to incorporate in'new facilities. Mr. Joe Miller made a motion to table the Green Building Policy. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 to 0. 2 VI. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING ATHLETIC FACILITY AND FIELD USAGE POLICY Mr. Branson stated that currently the Parks Department does not have an approved policy trough Council that outlines the use of Athletic Facilities and/or Fields for various user groups. A recent request was made at the City Council Meeting from a user group to move forward with this policy. This policy will specify who can use the fields, when the fields can be used, associated fees, etc. Mr. Branson advised that there are several different ways to go about setting these policies. He gave an example of a Primary User Group. Primary user groups are a local group that the Parks Department makes responsible for scheduling the use of the facilities. The Primary User Group is the single largest resident user group that participates in a sport. The procedure would be that this Group would be in charge of scheduling games at this facility and take the Parks Department out of the loop. A second user group would contact the Primary User Group for scheduling, if a problem occurred, second user group would then appeal to the Parks and Recreation Director. If the complainant did not like the decision the Director made, then they could schedule a hearing with the Parks Board. Mr. Branson wants a policy to be in place before January 2008. If a Primary User Group is the route that the board feels the Parks Department needs to take then'he feels that the Primary User Group Coaches need to attend training in sportsmanship. The Parks Department may be able to provide training on a quarterly basis as part of the agreement. Ms. Smith included that if the training was required from the Parks Department, the standard of conduct would be set and could dictate the type of behavior expected on the fields. If the standards are violated then the Primary status could be revoked. Mr. Branson wants the board and staff to review the proposed policy to be discussed again at the next board meeting. Mr. Joe Miller made a motion to table the Athletic Facility and Field Usage Agreement. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 to 0. r 3 VII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Ed Grossenheider gave an update on a few of the park projects. The initial five acres that are being developed into Woody Street Park has been cleared as well as trenches have been dug to help with drainage. There was a standstill on the progress of the park due to the significant amount of rain that has been received within the past few weeks. Work in the park has resumed now that things are starting to clear up. The trail in the park needs to be defined and then wooden benches will be placed along the trail. The playground has been ordered. Mr. Grossenheider's intentions are to have most of the work complete to open the park by the end of October, with additional improvements as time allows. Mr. Grossenheider explained that he is in the progress of finishing up Independence Bark Park. The fence posts are set and the sidewalk has been poured. The fence fabric will be going up this week, the park benches came in yesterday and the obstacle course should be in by the end of the month. Mr. Grossenheider would like to have the Bark Park opened by the weekend of October 12, 2007. Ms. Smith advised that the work at the Senior Center is still in progress, an interior wall is about to be knocked down that will completely open up the center. The concrete parking lot is complete as of yesterday. They are working on the foundation now but should be done fairly quickly with that portion of the work. The project is proceeding very nicely, the contractor is diligent and focused on getting things done on time. The seniors are meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall, from 10 am — 1 pm, Monday— Friday until otherwise told. That location is working out well. Mr. Branson commented on the progress of the Interlocal Agreement between the City and the School District. City Council presented changes last month and the school board recommended that the Attorneys work together and knock out all the other issues. It should appear on the City Council agenda the first week of October 2007. The goal is for both entities to approve the agreement at or about the same time so that we can enter into an agreement with the consultant and start plans and specifications in January 2008. Mr. Gibbs asked about Service Projects for youth. Mr. Branson stated that they could contact Ed Grossenheider for further direction. 4 • VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:58 a.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Randi Wyatt Parks Office Coordinator Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this day of , 2007. Thomas Gibbs, Chairperson 5