2017-01-23 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTESCITY OF PEARLAND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017 AT 3:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND TEXAS. Present Charles McMurrey, Vice -Chairperson Phil Cessac Michelle Graham, Director of Civil Service Johnny Spires, Assistant Police Chief Absent James Gilbert - Chairperson CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by C. McMurrey. 2017-01 Discuss and elect Commission Chairperson P. Cessac motioned for C. McMurrey to be Chairperson and immediately withdrew his motion. C. McMurrey motioned for P. Cessac to be Chairperson. P. Cessac accepted motion. MOTION CARRIED 2017-02 Discuss and elect Commission Vice -Chairperson P. Cessac motioned for C. McMurrey to be Vice -Chairperson. C. McMurrey accepted the motion. MOTION CARRIED 2017-03 Approval of minutes for the July 18, 2016 meeting. C. McMurrey motioned for minutes to be approved with revisions to be made reversing the Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson positions. C. McMurrey to be documented as Vice - Chairperson and J. Gilbert to be documented as Chairperson. P. Cessac seconded motion. MOTION CARRIED 2017-04 Discussion and possible action related to agreements for vendors to perform 13's. M. Graham requested Dr. Hart and Dr. Smoote to be primaries to perform L3's and that two additional doctors be located and used as secondaries in the event a back-up was needed. C. McMurrey motioned to select Dr. Hart and Dr. Smoote as primaries based on M. Graham's recommendation. P. Cessac seconded motion. MOTION CARRIED Additional discussion continued and C. McMurrey suggested Denise McGuire and Lowell Adams as secondaries. He will verify with other agencies to assist in selecting doctors for I3's. Asst. Chief Spires offered to contact League City and Friendswood for references. Phil requested a timeframe be established for selecting alternates. 2017-05 Discussion and possible action related to local rules review/update. P. Cessac invited Asst. Chief Spires to the table for discussion. Michelle advised that a third party (Betty Lynn with Lynn. Ross & Gannaway, LLP) had reviewed the Civil Service Rules and Minutes Page2 made suggestions for changes. The changes have been reviewed by City Police Department Staff and City Legal Dept. P. Cessac asked for clarification on the following: Definition of veteran. Is it 180 days active duty or honorable discharge? M. Graham clarified that for purposes of the exam, the term veteran was removed and explained that a DD214 is required for the candidate to receive the five points. Requested grammatical error (extra word or) be corrected on page 24. Educational Requirement — Asst. Chief Spires clarified that is was referencing a GED. Minimum Eligibility Requirement (Par. 2, Sub. E), prohibiting carrying of a firearm. Should it specify open carry/concealed? C. McMurrey clarified that it is stating that the applicant must be able to carry a firearm by law. Minimum Age Requirement. Current changes state 18 as the minimum age. C. McMurrey explained and gave supporting reasons why he would like to increase the minimum age to 20 years of age. C. McMurrey motioned for minimum age to be increased to 20. P. Cessac requested further discussion and requested verification if any applicants from the Civil Service test on Saturday, January 21, 2017 were between the ages of 18-20 and also referenced current officer that was hired at the age of 19 and has been an excellent officer. M. Graham reinforced that other requirements are needed also. P. Cessac seconded motion to change age from 18 to 20 years of age. MOTION CARRIED Reappointment of officers. Discussion and clarification of what was needed in the event we needed to reappoint officers. 3:40 C. McMurrey requested recess 3:44 Meeting reconvened Discussion regarding reappointment of officers continued. M. Graham clarified that PD was in agreement with current wording and Asst. Chief Spires reinforced that candidates must still go through the remaining process prior to reappointment. Candidate Acceptance — C. McMurrey raised concerns that 24 hours was not enough time to for applicant to decide. P. Cessac agreed, suggested 48-72 hours but leaves that decision to the PD. M. Graham explained that the Civil Service Director has the ability to extend if needed. Examinations — Have we ever considered outside testing centers? Asst. Chief Spires explained that though it has been looked into it, an agreement has never been made. C. McMurrey motioned to approve revised Civil Service Rules with the change in age from 18 to 20 years and formatting corrections. P. Cessac seconded motion. MOTION CARRIED P. Cessac requested possible discussion/items for next agenda be added to the next meeting Minutes Page3 Agenda. P. Cessac Motioned to adjourn the meeting. C. McMurrey seconded motion. MOTION CARRIED Adjournment 3:58 P.M. Approved on the rperson C. McMurrey, Vice- Chair rson "-day of , 2017.