2014-12-10 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTESCITY OF PEARLAND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON DECEMBER 10, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. IN THE HUMAN RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM OF PEARLAND CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND TEXAS. Present Charles McMurrey, Chairperson James Gilbert, Vice -Chairperson CALL TO ORDER 9:00 am. Bonita J. Hall, Civil Service Director Assistant Police Chief Johnny Spires 2014-09 Discuss and Approve Minutes for the February 10, 2014 Meeting. After reading the minutes several items were discovered that needed to be corrected. Commissioner Gilbert made a motion to table the minutes until the January meeting in order to review note material and make corrections and Chairperson McMurrey seconded. MOTION CARRIED 2014-10 Discuss and Approve Eligibility List for Police Lieutenant. Ms. Hall spoke of the promotional examination that took place on November 24, 2014 and how nine officers tested and with seniority points, all nine passed are on the eligibility list. Ms. Hall answered affirmatively that the time for appeal had passed and there were no appeals to report. Commissioner Gilbert made the motion to accept the eligibility list for Police Lieutenant as presented and Chairperson McMurrey seconded. MOTION CARRIED 2014-11 Discuss and Approve Eligibility List for Police Captain. Ms. Hall spoke of the promotional examination that took place on November 24, 2014 and how three candidates tested and all passed and are on the eligibility list. Ms. Hall answered affirmatively that the time for appeal had passed and there were no appeals to report. Commissioner Gilbert made the motion to accept the eligibility list for Police Captain as presented and Chairperson McMurrey seconded. MOTION CARRIED 2014-12 Discuss the Recent Entry Level Police Examination held on December 6, 2014. Ms. Hall discussed the recruitment process. It was an all-out effort to recruit candidates, including television spots, fliers, trips to academies, etc. Over 400 applied and 303 were scheduled to sit for the test; of those, 218 showed for the test, 110 passed the test and 88 passed the physical ability test. Chairperson McMurrey asked about the openings Minutes Page2 and Assistant Chief Spires said there were 13 openings. Ms. Hall concluded by stating that the City has a good pool of candidates from which to hire. 2014-13 Discuss and Consider revisions to Section 143.033(2), "Seniority Points" in the City of Pearland Local Civil Service Rules. Ms. Hall began the discussion with a question that was asked by Officer Dacy concerning the seniority points and the deadline for when one calculates a "full year". The statute and the local rules are silent as to the deadline. Ms. Hall stated that she would like the Commission to consider a deadline of the registration deadline or the test date. In addition, the section of the local rules says that "For police officers, points may be added to the test score even when a score of 70 percent has not been achieved." Ms. Hall indicated that she would like the Commission to consider requiring that seniority points only be assessed if the candidate passes the test with a minimum of 70 percent. Commissioner Gilbert stated that he believed the candidates should pass the test before we allow seniority points and Assistant Chief Spires agreed they should pass before any seniority points are added to their score. Commissioner Gilbert made the motion that up to 10 full years of service be counted as seniority points, with each "full year" based on a deadline of the test date and the that test score must be passing before assessing any seniority points and Chairperson McMurrey seconded. MOTION CARRIED The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 am. Approved on the i , day of 3.-ANL,k , 2015. C axles McMurrey, Commission Chairperson mes Gilbert Vice -Chairperson Phil Cessac, Commissioner