2016-01-21 PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES PEARLAND PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES CITY OF PEARLAND Regular Meeting Thursday,January 21, 2016—7:00 p.m. Pearland Westside Library—2803 Business Center Drive, Suite 101 I. CALL TO ORDER In attendance: Andrew Fearn, Catherine O'Brien, Lisa Loranc, Dale Pillow, Tammy McLain,George Geiby, and Crystal Carbone. Absent: Roshanda Cayette-Contreras, David Thrash, and Geoff Tonini. Guests: Mary Kate Ward, City of Pearland Parks and Recreation, Mina Laurie, President Westside Friends, Carol Krenzke,Treasurer, Westside Friends. Crystal Carbone called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Introductions were made and Tammy McLain was welcomed to the board. II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Dale Pillow was nominated as chair, Roshanda Cayette-Contreras as vice chair, Catherine O'Brien, secretary, and Geoff Tonini, treasurer. The slate of officers was approved unanimously. III. CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda was approved, after D. Branch Librarians' Reports was removed. IV. MATTERS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA It was asked is the heating issue had been resolved. Andrew reported that they workman came after the third work order was submitted. The technician and Clay Pearson came out. The city has been responsive to work orders. The issue is with the unit. The sensors are not working. There are air conditioning issues between the landlord. If issues arise, staff calls public works. As a public building, the board wants it to look nice. There was a follow-up question regarding the cleaning situation. Lisa reported that there is a new crew, but only one day is not much of a track record for the Westside. It is the same company with a different crew. The city is monitoring the work now. Andrew reported that the carpets were shampooed over the Martin Luther King weekend at the Pearland Library and vacuumed at Westside. There was a question about who is the liaison from City Council. Jon Branson hasn't reported back to Andrew yet. 1 V. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Budget report. Andrew reported that the budget kickoff is March 8. Andrew sent out the new list. Dale asked out the libraries are doing spending down their budgets. Per Andrew and Lisa,the only discretionary funds they have from the city are office supplies. They can transfer among line items. The librarians were asked if there were any items that need to be brought up. Lisa said that this side of town would like a plan for a standalone library. Computers have to be purchased through the county. The city doesn't want to write a check to the county, and the county won't allow city-purchased computers on their network. There is no room available for additional computers at Westside. There is money from the $1 on the water bill. The county is in the midst of a project to improve wireless in all locations. They hired a consultant,but they are looking at 18-24 months,per the librarians. Action item: Speak with Commissioner Adams regarding computers. Speed of Wi-Fi has become an issue. It needs to be more robust. There are three mobile classrooms that can be used throughout the county,but again Wi-Fi is an issue. Action item: Lisa will get the costs of hotspots and report back. They don't have a timeline for remodeling of Pearland library. They don't have a defmitive answer re: whether the library will have to be shut down for construction. They need to know soon in order to plan summer activities. B. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Reports from branch Friends groups. Alina and Carol reported that there has been an election of new office. There are brochures for the Friends' groups at each location. People can also go to the website and use PayPal. Dale offered to help them group. Alisa said they have funds, and their focus is a standalone library. They wanted to know if anyone know how much would be needed from Friends. When the new building comes online, it is hoped that the budget would include furnishings so that the Friends Westside can use their funds in other ways. The city needs to let Friends know what is needed. Friends originally paid for blinds and some furniture. Lisa reported that they have a particle board study carol from which the laminate is peeling. The city's solution was to tape the laminate surface back to the particle board. It is more than a cosmetic issue since people's clothes are catching on it. It was noted that Bob Fitzpatrick is the contact. Lisa will check to see if it's a stopgap or a permanent fix. Lisa reported that Friends Westside received a donation of ten boxes of books from the Girl Scouts. They have a preponderance of hardback fiction,which is heavy to move. Books that don't sell are donated to Half-Price Books. Older paper books are donated to the county prison system. The Veterans' Administration was mentioned as an option. Still a Better World Book drop is at the Recycle Center. It benefits the Adult Literacy Center. Pearland Friends: Margaret couldn't attend this evening. It was reported that there is a meeting on February 8, second Monday. 2 C. OTHER BUSINESS Regarding the by-laws. Action item: Dale will take them to Darin Coker and ask about the process. Meeting dates were set for April 14, July 21, and October 20. VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Next meeting is tentatively at Pearland Library, April 14, 2016 at 7 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 9 Catherine O'Brien 3