Regular Meeting
Thursday, July 21, 2016 — 7:00 p.m.
Pearland Westside Library — 2803 Business Center Drive, Suite 101
In attendance: David Thrash, Andrew Fearn, Dale Pillow, Lisa Loranc, Roshanda Cayette-
Contreras, Geoff Tonini, and Tammy McLain.
Guests: Margaret Dill, and Mary Kate Ward,
Absent: Crystal Carbone, George Geiby
The meeting was called to order by Dale Pillow at 7:03 p.m.
A. Approval of the minutes of the April 14, 2016 regular meeting.
B. Treasurer's report.
C. Brazoria County Library System Director's report.
D. Branch librarians' reports.
Brazoria County Library System board representative report.
Budget report: Andrew reported that there is no news on the city budget, but that
nothing was added or removed.
2. Discussion of bylaws: Dale reported that the bylaws were on the agenda, and then
removed; they were scheduled for a workshop presentation, and then removed.
They are on the city council meeting for Monday night, July 25. Darrin Coker
suggested adding "notice of meetings will be provided to all staff to be posted on
library page" and the notices should go to David. David recommended that notices
are placed on the city's webpage. A city board cannot request that the county to
post something. The city should post it. Dale reported that we asked it be posted to
the county page because it also deals with their business. David agreed that having
5. Disposition of funds, options include even split with Friends groups, hotspots, or
Per Geoff, there is $5800 in the account. He has one week to dispose of the funds.
The account is with Wells Fargo on the corner of Broadway and Pearland Parkway.
Three options:
• Donating $3000 to each Friends group,
• Buying equipment, or
• Providing hotspots for each of the two libraries and prepay for 3-4 years.
Catherine made a motion to divide the funds between the Friends groups, and the
motion was seconded by Roshanda. Motion carried. Pearland Community Friends of the
Library and Friends of the Pearland Westside Library are the official names of the two
groups to which the funds will be distributed.
6. Reports from branch Friends groups.
Margaret reported that the next meeting is August 8 for Pearland Community
Friends of the Library. Lisa reported that Westside Friends received a $1500
donation from the Lions Club.
There is no treasurer in the new by-laws. Geoff's duties will be discharged once the
funds are distributed to the Friends groups. He recommended putting a Treasurer's
report on the agenda for one more meeting. The next meeting of the board is October.
Mary Kate asked about placing an update of the permanent Westside structure on the
next agenda. Jennifer Lee will be the point person for that project.
Roshanda reported Adult Reading Center and Library Foundation will hold a joint
function at the MSR Houston on August 6, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Donations and school
supplies will be collected with the proceeds going to the Foundation and supplies
donation going to the Reading Center. It is a family affair.
Tom Abrams will be the speaker for the author's banquet on March 23, at Brazoria
County Fair Grounds, time to be announced.
Roshanda recommended that Andrew and Lisa notify her regarding the needs of the
library. She will be happy to take them to the Foundation. Dale recommended that
they circulate an on-going wish list.
There will be an ESL class at Westside in the fall.
Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine O'Brien, Recorder