2014-08-06 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION, & BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2014 AT 8:30 A.M., IN THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2°d FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM IN THE RECREATION CENTER AND NATATORIUM AT 4141 BAILEY RD, PEARLAND, TX 77584. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:36 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Todd Trbula Chair Heidi Wiess Co -Chair Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Buck Stevens Board Member Michelle Graham Parks & Recreation, Director Rosalyn Epting Parks & Recreation, Assistant Director Lucy Hooper Parks & Recreation, Administrative Assistant III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —June 4, 2014 Mr. Stevens made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Wiess seconded the motion and the motion carried 4 to 0. IV. BOARD REPORT At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. V. DISCUSSION REGARDING MASTER PLAN UPDATE Ms. Graham began by explaining the Master Plan project including how we update the plan every five years and the new company we have assigned to help us with this process. Ms. Graham also described the project team and how it consists of other City departments. She also stated the consultant schedule, the importance of public meetings, focus groups during the process, and the importance of participation. Ms. Graham continued to describe the focus groups list and requested input from the Parks Board on groups we may have missed. A discussion ensued regarding the Master Plan Update. VI. DISCUSSION REGARDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Ms. Graham began by explaining the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) budget, stating it will go to Council on the 11 a, and that it is planned out for five years but only funded one year at a time. She then began describing the projects and funding available. Mr. Stevens asked if the numbers included grant money. Ms. Graham stated it could, that the detailed sheet will state where the money is coming from. A discussion ensued regarding the CIP. VII. DISCUSSION REGARDING CITY ORGANIZATION & RESTRUCTURE Ms. Graham began by explaining how Mr. Pearson has been realigning and repurposing some departments and City structure. She then described specific changes including title changes and responsibility changes regarding Mr. John Branson becoming the Deputy City Manager, Mr. Trent Epperson becoming the Assistant City Manager, and Mr. Matt Buchanan becoming the Executive Manager of Development Services. She also mentioned the move of Animal Control to the Police Department and the desire to hire a Chief Information Officer and a Management Analyst. VIII. DISCUSSION REGARDING BOARD RULES, RESPONSIBLITIES, & ORDER OF BUSINESS Ms. Graham began by explaining the City Council approved a resolution regarding their rules and guidelines, formalizing them in one document. She stated that we will be amending the resolution and using the structure to create the same guidelines for the Parks Board. The updated copy should come as a draft at the September meeting. IX. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Parks & Amenities W Pearland In accordance with our goal to provide recreational facilities that meet the present and future recreation needs of the community staff have been working with the organized group, SK8 Pearland, to create a concept design for a future skate/all wheels park in Pearland. On July 30th the initial visual concept was revealed at a meeting hosted at the Recreation Center and organized by SK8 Pearland. The group will continue to pursue funding and develop support for this project as there are currently no city funds allocated for the construction. The group has set a goal of $150K with the concept shown as a projected $1 million amenity. BMX Also in accordance with the goal listed above staff have been working with the local BMX group to explore the possibilities of a partnership between the city, the group and the school district. City and school district staff met in July to discuss the project. City staff is moving ahead with coordination of other departments to establish all regulations and requirements for the possible development. In order to proceed after that, staff will be requesting a formal acknowledgement from City Council and/or Administration that there is support for this type of facility. 2 Mountain Biking As a follow up to a request regarding mountain biking trails, the attached memo was submitted to City Council in a Thursday packet. I have included this for you so you are aware as well. Max Road Sports Complex There was a memo submitted to Council in a Thursday packet and I have included that information here for you as well. Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex The award for construction contract of the Shadow Creek Ranch Sports complex was awarded on July 28th. The project awarded is just over $6.5 million. There were items removed from the project due to funding. Staff is continuing to pursue various options in the way of alternative funding, grants, etc. Construction should start within the next 30- 60 days. Programs July 4rh Celebration of Freedom Due to weather complications our event this past July 4th was not what we expected in the way of entertainment, attendance, fireworks, etc. I have included a memo that was submitted to City Council related to the issues and resolution related to the fireworks display. Parks & Recreation Month This past July Pearland Parks & Recreation participated in National Park and Recreation Month "Out Is In". We hosted a social media contest to encourage citizens in getting out into the parks. We had several participants submit photos on Facebook to show how they were getting out. We awarded the top 5 voted by most "likes". The prizes ranged from a 3 month membership to the Recreation Center and Natatorium, Canes Gift Cards, and a four week boot camp with Camp Gladiator. The images submitted were all displayed in the art gallery of the RCN for the month of July. Planning & Administration Staff development In line with our goal to ensure the success of the organization through the continued development of the staff, Chris Orlea tested for and passed his CPRE exam so is now a Certified Parks and Recreation Executive. Volunteer and Community Service The department has an objective to encourage volunteers to participate in the delivery of department services and during the month of July we used 31 volunteers for a total of 180.71 volunteer hours. Volunteers performed various functions such as assistance with adaptive recreation programs, data entry, as well as event support. We also work with volunteers on a variety of Community Service projects. In July we had one Girl Scout troop plant a lemon tree along the edible trail but have been working with a corporation and other scouts on other upcoming 3projects planned for August and September. Master Plan update The update for the Master Plan was approved by Council in July and there was an initial kick off meeting held in July as well. The consultant selected was Green Play, LLC and they will be in town in August for their kick off meeting with staff and then again at the end of September hosting a variety of community meetings and focus groups. Environment & Natural Resources JHEC project The City has entered into an MOU with Texas A&M affiliate, Texas Sea Grant. This group provides all of the resources to propagate and restore wetlands, primarily in urban settings. Over the past several months we have had subsurface topography reports collected, site visits from engineers, biologists, and botanists, and many conversations to evaluate the John Hargrove Environmental Complex ponds. After careful planning it seems the site is perfectly suited to plant wetlands at the West end as an educational showcase for the future Dolores Fenwick Nature Center. In an attempt to extend the reach of this educational opportunity, the City is attempting to form an alliance between the established group and PISD — specifically Magnolia Elementary. In this endeavor we hope to use Magnolia Elementary as the host site for the wetland farm that will provide the plants for our future project. This entire undertaking is going to be grant funded, and highlight some of the vestigial landscape of the Texas Gulf Coast. Communication Branding guideline changes In the past two years, an increased emphasis has been placed on City branding and the Communications Department has worked to establish consistent City-wide brand guidelines. We, being one City, are transitioning into using one logo. While the Parks and Recreation logo has been used for a number of years and residents recognize the Parks & Recreation logo, it is important for brands to evolve to meet the needs of the changing city. A significant part of our brand identity should lie with the City of Pearland logo therefore the logo for Parks & Recreation will be phased out. On August I" staff began the process of phasing out the Parks & Recreation logo. Logo listings on things like marketing collateral, stationary, forms, the website and social media will change quickly. Changes on other items such as equipment, signs, and apparel will be more gradual, however; should be converted by the end of the year. Woodcreek HOA The City of Pearland inspects playgrounds in accordance with national standards. During one of those inspections, at Woodcreek Park, it was determined that the play structure had become unsafe and needed to be removed. The department made an attempt to contact the HOA that was on file to alert them of the impending removal. After two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to make contact with the residents, the play structure was removed. After removing the play structure the department received calls inquiring to the changes occurring at the park. It was determined that the best way to communicate with this group was to speak as a guest at a 4scheduled Neighborhood Association meeting. Michelle Graham and Chris Orlea were both in attendance to the July meeting of the Woodcreek Neighborhood Association. During this meeting residents were educated on safety inspections, and some of the issues that have been dealt with at this particular site. The City delivered a survey asking residents to prioritize park amenities to help guide the direction of restoration as funding and the master plan dictate. The results of that survey were retained to be shared with the consultant hired to perform the new master plan update. In the interim of city funding, the group has decided to begin collecting funds to be used within their neighborhood. A meeting has been setup to help the group utilize an established non-profit to hold the money in trust until a balance is sufficient to fund an update. Library Board In order to maintain strong communications with other public agencies, the department reached out to the Library staff in July and will begin attending the quarterly meetings of the Library Board. Their next board meeting is scheduled in October. Tourism PEAK Swim Meet Friday, July 18 —Sunday, July 20 the Pearland Recreation Center and Natatorium was the host site for Pearland Aquatics "Gulf Swimming Long Course Summer Champs". This was the third summer that our facility has hosted the meet. This year's attendance ranged from 900 — 1800 swimmers, coaches, volunteers and spectators over the three day period and utilized the entire natatorium, including the meeting room, as well as one of the gymnasiums. We did have one issue with code compliance related to occupant numbers however organizers were cooperative and assisted in stopping the meet to help us gain compliance with the fire code and we received many compliments on some adjustments we had made to assist with increase air circulation in the facility. X. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Wilcoxson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Stevens seconded the motion and the motion carried 4 to 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:33 a.m. Thesem inutes espectful submitted by: cy Ho ervy Hor Administrative Assistant Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this day of , 2014. — J d Chairman 5