2014-07-08 PEARLAND CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU MEETING MINUTESPearland Convention & Visitors Bureau ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - MINUTES Tuesday, July 8, 2014 - 6:30 p.m. at CVB CALL TO ORDER - — Rushi called to order at 6:37 II. CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (CVB) ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL - Roll call, quorum present — Present were Teir, Rushi, Steve, Gary, with Jon as guest and Kim and Megan (staff) present. III. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING JULY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Chair requested that prior meeting minutes to be emailed in advance of meeting. Reviewed minutes from July 8 meeting. No amendments. Motion to approve made by Teir, seconded by Gary. Passed 4-0. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS - No Public comments were made, but board members commented on great Arts event this past weekend. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING REVIEW OF CITY OF PEARLAND CO-SPONSORSHIP OF SPECIAL EVENTS POLICY. Reviewed the draft of the City's Co-sponsorship of special events policy. Board should review and comment by October 30 and provide comments to Kim. vi. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING 2015 CULTURAL ARTS GRANT PROGRAM. Reviewed 2015 cultural arts grant program. Kim recommended that the review committee consist of original three (Kim, Michelle, Lata) and one board member. Rushi nominated himself. Kim would like to have applications due November 30, 2014. Schedule would allow committee to make decisions in January and award checks in early February. Motion to approve Rushi as committee member by Steve, seconded by Teir. Discussion included Steve disclosing that a separate organization (for whom he sits on the board) may be applying and it was important that he recused himself from the review committee process. Motion passed unanimously. VII. STAFF REPORT FROM THE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Executive Director's report should be included in the minutes, with the following modifications: o Modify that 3rd Q data is YTD data. o Proposed next meeting dates are: ■ December 2, 2014 ■ January 6 or 7, 2015 ■ April 7 or 14, 2015 ■ July 7 or 14, 2015 o Based on CVB website pages visits, people are using it for information about the community Visitor map print copy publication up 50% over last year Minutes should reflect that the future art and craft event should include food trucks (per Rushi) and staff should watch conflicts with the football schedule! Next year's event may include related destination events. o Potential date conflict with Basketball tourney and crawfish festival next year. Need to discern location. o Pear Tour project will likely include business sponsors. VIII. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourned 7:30pm Pearland Convention & Visitors Bureau ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - MINUTES Tuesday,July 8, 2014-6:30 p.m. at CVB CALL MEETING TO ORDER— • Meeting was called to order at 6:50 by Gary Shepherd, Vice Chair. Quorum was established at 6:52pm. Gary called meeting to order, proceeded with taking verbal attendance and during that time, quorum was established. II. CONVENTION &VISITORS BUREAU (CVB) ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL • Quorum present by end of verbal attendance. • Attendance sheet was signed by those in attendance which included: Gary Shepherd, Teir Allender, Lonzie Helms, Manny Patel,Keith Ordeneaux, Clay Pearson,Jon Branson, Kim Sinistore,Tracy Rohrbacher and Megan Flowers. • Excused was Rushi Patel, Steve Saboe,Arlene Ford and Daniel Combs. III. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING APRIL BOARD MEETING • 2014/2015 CVB Budget—Update on 2014/2015 budget was given highlighting a slight increase to $594,437,from the April meeting of$588,183,because of added insurance and salary adjustments. (At the April meeting- Discussion on 2014/2015 budget resulted in Motion to approve submitting base operating budget of$588,183 with one supplemental submission of$9880 for PT visitor center receptionist; 5-0 of All in favor.) IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS • No public comments were received. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING FUTURE CVB BUSINESS • Future meeting date was set for Tuesday, October 7, 2014. • Alcohol Ordinance—Discussion held due to the City of Pearland updating this ordinance to be consistent with state law and how the City processes permits. (City practice of issuing alcohol permits has always followed state's guidelines)Discussed why liquor stores and bars not included, which resulted in comments of losing market share, loosing businesses,young people leaving city and spending money elsewhere, lost revenue and generally blocking growth. Result was that Teir Allender mentioned that Chamber had discussed this issue and she would speak with them and report back. • Government hotel rate—Discussed current Pearland rate of$83 and gathered information on whether we could obtain an increase. Galveston is at$91 (with a$119 rate during summer month)and Houston/Bay Area is at$118. Congressman Olsen's office investigated and found that the gov't rate in general is based upon Average Daily Rate(ADR)data. Result was that topic to be discussed at a future hotel/CVB meeting. • Tourism signage—Discussed the potentiality of placing official Tourist Information Sign (blue icon ? sign)on Hwy 288 and on 518. Result is to reach out to TX DOT. VI. STAFF REPORT FROM THE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - Staff report given by Kim, handout provided. Overview on marketing, P.R., sales and tradeshow, upcoming tournaments, special projects, 2014/2015 Budget and copies of CVB annual update report were distributed. VII. ADJOURNMENT—approximately 8:05pm. Minutes submitted by:Kim Sinistore,CVB Executive Director