2013-11-06 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS & RECREATION BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 AT 8:30 A.M., IN THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2°d FLOOR CONFRERENCE ROOM IN THE RECREATION CENTER AND NATATORIUM AT 4141 BAILEY RD, PEARLAND, TX 77584. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Todd Trbula Chair Heidi Wiess Vice -Chair Lance Botkin Board Member Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Buck Stevens Board Member Erin Allen Board Member Michelle Smith Parks & Recreation, Director Trent Epperson Engineering and Capital Projects, Director Lucy Hooper Parks & Recreation, Administrative Secretary III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 5, 2013 Mr. Botkin made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 to 0. IV. BOARD REPORT At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. V. DISCUSSION & PRESENTATION REGARDING PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Ms. Smith began by explaining the plans for the Capital Improvement Projects from 2014-2018. Mr. Epperson began by explaining the overall map of the City to show the relation of the projects. Mr. Epperson then explained the 2007 Bond Package and introduced the park projects funded by the bond. Mr. Epperson described the Max Road Complex, location and details. He also explained the PEDC's role in the project, stating they had offered to help fund some of the park features that the original budget would not cover. Mr. Botkin asked if the PEDC were thinking of adding any additional fields or items and Mr. Epperson replied by stating it was all a dollar amount and they weren't looking to provide additional amenities or but were supplying additional monies to cover the rest of the project. A discussion ensued about Max Road, cost of the project, and the surrounding infrastructure. Mr. Epperson described the Shadow Creek Ranch Project, location and details. He stated the plans are at 90% design and should be finished by the end of year with bidding at the I beginning of next year. A discussion ensued about budget and amenities. Mr. Epperson described the Centennial Park Project, location and details. Mr. Epperson then described the Nature Center/JHEC Project and followed up with the Trail Plan. Ms. Smith explained the naming of the pieces of the trail and how the system would have sub -headings by the location. Mr. Epperson ended the presentation with Independence Park, location and details. Mr. Epperson talked about future projects and how additional phases of current projects would be on a new bond. A discussion ensued about the various projects. VI. DISCUSSION & PRESENTATION REGARDING P.A.S.S. SERVICE CATEGORY PRIORITIZATION Ms. Michelle Smith began by explaining the P.A.S.S. process and importance of it. She introduced and described each category, then asked the board to prioritize so one list could be compiled from the group. Mr. Stevens asked if it was needed today and Ms. Smith said she would like it but they could take it and return it. A discussion ensued about the categories. Ms. Smith explained we typically don't hold a December meeting but we can bring the prioritization back and have the December meeting. Mr. Botkin agreed stating he needed more time to look over the handout and a December meeting was needed. The prioritization was tabled for the December meeting. VII. DIRECTORS REPORT Max Road Sports Complex: The construction project has been bid and costs were higher than expected. We have value engineered some items and have requested funds from PEDC to make up for some short falls in the budget. I am hopefully the contract will be awarded at the end of this month. Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex Phase 1: Plans for the park are at 90%. We are waiting on an updated project schedule from the consultants however we are still waiting on a permit from the Corp of Engineers. We expect to hear something from that process on or after December 1St Trail Projects: Connectivity Phase II (Mary's Creek from Centennial to Independence Park): This project is experiencing delays due to floodway issues. JHEC Property: Plans are still at 90% but there are issues with additional grant requirements that we will need to meet. We are currently working on determining the best method for pilings for the piers that will hold the pedestrian bridge. We are still making progress and are in line to use the grant funds in the allocated time. Shadow Creek Ranch Trail segment (along Clear Creek): This one of two trail segments for which we received TIP funding. An RFQ was sent and we interviewed the top 4 firms last week. We selected a firm and have th an initial scoping meeting set up2for this segment next Wednesday the 13. After the initial scoping meeting, Projects will negotiate the contracts and take those to Council for award. Green Tee segment (along Clear Creek): This one of two trail segments for which we received TIP funding. An RFQ was sent and we interviewed the top 4 firms last week. We selected a firm and are expecting to have an initial scoping meeting set up soon for this segment. After the initial scoping meeting, Projects will negotiate the contracts and take those to Council for award. Centennial Park Expansion: This project is experiencing delays due to floodway issues. CAPRA: We had our accreditation hearing on October 7th and were notified at that time we had become accredited. We were recognized formally with the other agencies on October 9th at the award ceremony and just recently received our official trophy. Staff is working on a Communication Plan in order to "get the word out". Skate park group: We are continuing to work with the Skate Park group and the money for the initial design phase for that project was approved in this year's budget. I do not have a timeline for that yet but will begin work on an RFP for a design firm. Bald Eagles: We are still interested in working on the idea of an "eagle cam" and have communicated with Cornell University about their bird watch program. While we were trying to address the access issues for the internet, power, etc. the eagles have reportedly returned so we cannot make progress until they migrate. Interlocal Agreement with PISD: We are currently working on an interlocal agreement with PISD for the lease of the fields behind the RCN. A draft of the agreement has been sent to PISD and we are scheduled to meet next week to discuss outstanding issues. I hope to have to agreement to Council in December at the latest. Interlocal Agreement with MUD 26: We have drafted an interlocal agreement with MUD26 to lease some land from us. They wish to make temporary field improvements on the leased property. This agreement is scheduled to be on Council agenda on the 11th Important Dates November 14th City Thanksgiving Lunch November 14th Equipment Rodeo December 4th -Next board meeting (if you chose to meet) December 6 -7th- Hometown Christmas Festival 3 December 7th Christmas Parade December 18th Department Christmas lunch January 81h Next board meeting VIII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Botkin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:51 a.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: " ' ' �OD ucy Ho r Administrative Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this 7 day of C I , Ic Y-"!,) �11,ydc- Tpllrb�q, M