2013-06-06 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS AND RECREATION BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013 AT 8:00 A.M., IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2°d FLOOR CONFRERENCE ROOM IN THE RECREATION CENTER AND NATATORIUM AT 4141 BAILEY RD, PEARLAND, TX 77584. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Quentin Wiltz Chair Todd Trbula Vice -Chair Terry Smith Board Member Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Heidi Wiess Board Member Michelle Smith Parks and Recreation, Director Rosalyn Epting Parks and Recreation, Assistant Director Charles Payton Parks and Recreation, Athletics Coordinator Chris Warnick Parks and Recreation, Assistant Athletics Coordinator Lucy Hooper Parks and Recreation, Administrative Secretary III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —May 2, 2013 Mr. Trbula made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Wiess seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. IV. BOARD REPORT At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. V. DISCUSSION REGARDING JHEC PROPERTY Ms. Michelle Smith began by explaining where the JHEC Property was located off Magnolia by the Recycling Center. Ms. Michelle Smith then stated there were 2 ponds on that property and we received a grant. The grant will allow us to build trails around those ponds with educational signage and observation piers. She stated she wanted some feedback on the current expectations on this project. Keep Pearland Beautiful is interested in starting some of the plantings around that area. Ms. Michelle Smith stated she was looking into creating a bird habitat, a butterfly habitat, and a fish habitat by working with Texas Parks & Wildlife and a local biologist. Ms. Michelle Smith then went on to say we received $475,000 with the grant and we have to use the funds by June 2015. She then asked if this project was consistent with the boards vision and goals. Mr. Wiltz inquired about what constitutes each habitat and how we determine that. He also asked about how we would cover the additional expenses not covered by the grant. A discussion ensued about design, details l on layout, and the phases of the project. Ms. Michelle Smith then reiterated that the look of the project won't be groomed and perfect looking but would look more like a natural habitat area. Mr. Wiltz expressed concern about not having enough money to cover the part of the project that wasn't funded. Ms. Michelle Smith explained about the phases of the project and how we can get cost estimates and pick what the phases should be based on the bids. Ms. Wiess inquired about the nature center and how that was going to be funded. Ms. Michelle Smith explained it was a capital project and was funded for FY 2014 with construction in FY 2016. A discussion ensued again about funding and how the area would look more natural than manicured. VI. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING ATHLETIC USER GROUP POLICIES Mr. Quentin Wiltz began by explaining that these polices were introduced in the May meeting and the possible action would be accepting these policies. Ms. Michelle Smith then explained that she just needed feedback from the board in order to move forward with a possible focus group made of potential/existing user groups and to move forward with the process. Mr. Wiltz then stated he just wanted to make sure that these policies were written to incorporate the future projects and the use of those areas. Ms. Michelle Smith the future projects were the reason we put the policies together. She stated we wanted to have a clear and written understanding before those projects were completed. Ms. Michelle Smith also stated this would be a living document and could be altered when new projects came along. A discussion ensued about fees, quality of fields, and specifics on user groups. These topics led into a discussion on city funding and which sports in the city are in need to additional fields and play space. Ms. Michelle Smith stated these policies needed to be completed and agreed upon before the Max Road project was completed in the fall of 2014 and we needed to have a focus group by end of August 2013. VII. DIRECTORS REPORT Max Road Sports Complex: 100% plans are in the office. Still finalizing bid package and plan to have the project out to bid in July. Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex Phase 1: We have confirmed the layout of the amenities and are proceeding with the development of the design details. I am scheduled to speak to the many HOA groups in Shadow Creek Ranch about the project on June 181H Trail Connectivity Phase II: The design contract is expected to be on the June 10th Council agenda. Centennial Park Expansion: The design contract is expected to be on the June 10th Council agenda. 2 JHEC Property: We are still working on the design of this project. The final geo-tech work is underway. I have meet with representatives from KPB and discussed their vision and we will be moving forward so we can be sure to use the CIAP grant funds within the timeline. Communication about Capital Projects: In order to better provide information to the citizens that are interested in the various Capital Projects, we have created a page on our website where people can go and see the site plans as they are developed and read the monthly report for that particular project. We currently have Max Road Sports Complex and the Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex on the site but will be adding as other projects arise. The page can be found from the home page by clicking on "Special Projects" page and then clicking on the link or the direct page is http://www.pearlandparks.com/capitalprojects.html CAPRA: Our visitation team arrives on the 11th and we are ready for them to arrive. You have received your invitation for the dinner on the 12th and I hope as many of you can make it as possible. It will be a great time to get to meet the visitors and hear about this process from their perspective. Council Goals: As I have mentioned there is a group of citizens that has gathered and are focused on getting a skate park or two in Pearland. As one of my council goals, I am to work with this group and I have been. The group has set some goals for the various committees to work on and I will be receiving updates from them and passing that information on to Council and you all as the Parks Board. One of their goals is to make presentations to various groups and the Parks Board will be on that list. As soon as they are ready to present their ideas and plans, I will make sure they are added to the agenda. Another goal was to present the information to Council regarding the creation of the Parks Foundation and I plan on presenting that to Council in July. Important Dates June 11th -14th — CAPRA visitors expected June 12th -Department Quarterly meeting 1pm June 12th —Dinner with CAPRA visitors July 4th -Celebration of Freedom July —No Parks Board meeting August 1St —Next Board meeting VIII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Trbula made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:29 a.m. jT ese minutes respectfully submitted by: ucy o per Administrative Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this �_ day of , 2013. uentin Wilt -z, Chai a