2013-03-07 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS AND RECREATION BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, MARCH 7 AT 8:00 A.M., IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2°d FLOOR CONFRERENCE ROOM IN THE RECREATION CENTER AND NATATORIUM AT 4141 BAILEY RD, PEARLAND, TX 77584. I. II. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Quentin Wiltz Todd Trbula Marjorie Wilcoxson Lance Botkin Terry Smith Michelle Smith Rosalyn Epting Colene Cabezas Lucy Hooper Angelica Smith Tiffany Johnson Chair Vice -Chair Board Member Board Member Board Member Parks and Recreation, Director Parks and Recreation, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation, Recreation Superintendant Parks and Recreation, Administrative Secretary Parks and Recreation, Special Events Coordinator Parks and Recreation, Parks Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 3, 2013 Mr. Botkin made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. IV. BOARD REPORT At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. V. DISCUSSION REGARDING QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW Ms. Epting began by discussing the document provided and explained each column. Ms. Michelle Smith explained that 3320 & 3321 were monies allocated for maintenance to all city facilities not just ones specifically related to this department. Mr. Botkin inquired about possible increases in athletic registration and if Parks & Recreation anticipated growth. Ms. Michelle Smith stated there has been growth in basketball, tennis, volleyball, and girl's softball and that there is a potential for growth but we don't want to 1 overlap current user groups, instead we want to create partnerships. Mr. Wiltz questioned Youth Development expenses and why the numbers were so low. Ms. Michelle Smith explained that most of the Youth Development expenses are used during Summer Camp. Mr. Wiltz questioned the difference between budget and revenues on various items, including brochures and natatorium rentals. Ms. Michelle Smith explained that the brochure just went out in December and revenue collected from registration may not have been reported yet. Ms. Epting added there is a lag between invoicing and payment for natatorium rentals and that we should see a big increase for next quarter. Ms. Michelle Smith discussed a decrease in facility rentals, specifically for the Community Center, and that she is working with City Hall to create more awareness of the space. Discussion ensued regarding budget items. The Board came to the conclusion they would like to see a report of comparison of last year to this year by quarter. VI. DISCUSSION REGARDING BUDGET SUPPLEMENTALS Mrs. Michelle Smith began to explain the supplemental requests for the budget process, stating that the numbers were very preliminary and were made before the budget date was announced. Ms. Michelle Smith also explained that the requests were a wish list of sorts from the staff. Mr. Wiltz wanted to know what the focus was and what the need was. Discussion ensued about priorities on the list. Mr. Wiltz inquired about the preventative maintenance program and if council would approve for a consultant to help with asset management. Ms. Michelle Smith said we had a very weak preventative maintenance program and explained her vision for an assets management program. Ms. Michelle Smith explained that the board can make budget recommendations to the department and we can use it as justification to the council. A discussion ensued about preventative maintenance. Decision was made that final supplemental items and details will be presented during April meeting. Another discussion ensued about specific items on the supplemental list. VII. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING DEPARTMENT POLICIES Ms. Michelle Smith explained that Ms. Epting is currently working on a policy manual for accreditation purposes. Mr. Wiltz presented The Healthy Swimming Policy and asked for questions. Ms. Terry Smith made a motion to accept The Healthy Swimming Policy, Mr: Botkin seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. Mr. Wiltz then presented The Joint Programming and Relationship Development Policy and asked for explanation. Mr. Wiltz inquired about who is involved in joint programming and asked for examples of relationships. Ms. Michelle Smith stated it came from the Revenue Management Plan and that we have been practicing this for some time but we are making a formal policy. A discussion ensued about joint programming. Mr. Botkin began a discussion about approval money by council. Mr. Wiltz wanted to know how a partnership agreement is beneficial to both parties if revenue is not made. A discussion ensued about specific benefits of partnerships. Mr. Botkin made a motion to accept The Joint Programming and Relationship Development Policy, Ms. Terry Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. 2 Mr. Wiltz asked that the final policy be tabled due to time. Motion to table the RCN Facility Rules and Regulations Policy was made by Mr. Botkin, Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. VIII. REVIEW OF PARKS STANDARDS MANUAL Mr. Wiltz presented the item. Ms. Michelle Smith stated the Parks Superintendent who was scheduled to present was unable to attend and asked for the item to be moved to April. Mr. Botkin made a motion to table the review of the Parks Standards Manual, Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. IX. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Max Road Sports Complex: Park design is at 90% and the construction of the detention pond part of the project has begun. Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex: This project is currently under design. We are working on clarifying what is flood plain vs. flood way and doing other environmental work. We have received the basic elements and tentative layout of the amenities. We had a pre -development meeting on Wed. the 6`h where the engineers and architects were able to get feedback from the various departments on codes that they needed to be aware or information they needed to be aware of. I will be meeting with staff to discuss proposed layout and "usability" stand point as well as gathering information for other possible user groups. Trail Connectivity Phase II: Projects Department is currently seeing out qualified consultants to work on the planning phase of this project. Centennial Park Expansion: Projects Department is currently seeing out qualified consultants to work on the planning phase of this project. JHEC Property: We are still working on the design of this project. The inter -local agreement between the County and the City for the allocation of the CIAP funds has been executed by both parties. The project is at a standstill until additional money can be allocated for some additional environment work that we found we needed during the design process. Neighborhood Parks: The South Gate and Cypress Village projects have been closed out. We hosted a ribbon cutting/community plant event on February 23rd and it was a great success. <show video> Department of Tourism: 3 /0 The Executive Director for this newly created department has been hired and is expected to stat March 18th Awards: We had a part time employee -Nathan Ramirez nominated and won the PT Employee of the Quarter in the city's recognition program. Also, Paws in the Park was awarded Favorite Community Event in a poll done through the Journal. Legislative Issues: Council approved a resolution on February 11th supporting the funding of the TPWD grant program. It has been forwarded to the legislative committee within the TRAPS organization therefore getting passed to legislators. I attend conference calls regularly to keep updated on the status of the bills in the House and the Senate and we have another one scheduled for this afternoon, the 71h Important Dates March 23 -24th — Paws in the Park April 4th - Next board meeting (tour?) May 3rd — Summer Concert Series starts June 10th -14th — CAPRA visitors expected ADJOURNMENT Mr. Trbula made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Terry Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: J ucy per Administrative Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this day of r , , 2013. _7 Quentin Wiltz, Chairman 1i