2012-02-02 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS AND RECREATION BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 AT 8:00 A.M., IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2nd FLOOR CONFRERENCE ROOM IN THE RECREATION CENTER AND NATATORIUM AT 4141 BAILEY RD, PEARLAND, TX 77584. I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:01 a.m. IL BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Kelly Moody Chair Quentin Wiltz Vice -Chair Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Terri Smith Board Member Todd Trbula Board Member Michelle Smith Parks and Recreation, Director Rosalyn Epting Parks and Recreation, Assistant Director Angelica Smith Parks and Recreation, Administrative Assistant III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -- January 5, 2012 Mr. Wiltz made a motion to approve the minutes with correction. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 4 to 0. At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. The board welcomed new members Terri Smith and Todd Trbula to their first meeting of their term. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING BUDGET REVIEW Ms. Smith began by explaining that this was related to a request made by the parks board to be involved in the budget process and making recommendations. A budget update will be given to the board quarterly on the existing budget. Ms. Epting began by explaining that we have 15 different divisions and those are listed out on the document provided divided by expenses and revenue. Mr. Wiltz questioned if we had historical data for the budget for each quarter in years past for comparison purposes. A discussion ensued regarding how we determine the revenue expectations and what other information the board would like to see. The board questioned the status of the Community Center budget. Ms. Smith informed the board that we no longer utilize the facility for programs so therefore that facility no longer has a budget. VI. DISCUSSION REGARDING DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTAL Ms. Smith began by explaining to the board the process of the budget process. She informed the board that various staff members submit requests for what they believe is needed for the following year as the first step in the budget process. It was stated that the document provided is not a final list and some items may be added or deleted based on comments from the board and at the discretion of the Director and Assistant Director. A discussion ensued regarding the items listed on the document provided to the board. The board questioned the item for a glass crusher and requested additional information to justify purchasing the item. VII. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING POLICIES REVIEW The Lost & Found Policy is being presented to the board after staff has made changes previously noted by the board. Mr. Wiltz presented the board with additional changes and a discussion ensued regarding different sections of the document Ms. Wilcoxson made a motion to approve the Lost & Found Policy. Ms. T. Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried 4 to 0. Ms. Epting presented the Behavior Policy to the board and explained that this is the policy staff uses to ensure proper behavior from customers at our facilities. Mr. Wiltz presented his changes to the portion that relates to meeting with the Superintendant. After a discussion the board agreed to remove a portion of the verbiage. Ms. T. Smith made a motion to approve the Behavior Policy with the elimination of the verbiage discussed. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 4 to 0. Ms. Epting presented the Childcare policy to the board and a discussion ensued regarding the document. It was determined by the board that the document needs to be reviewed by staff and updated before the board can comment on any changes. VIIL DIRECTOR'S REPORT Phase I of the Trail Connectivity Project: The trail is currently under construction. Poles for shade structures are set and final completion is expected to be early March. We will be hosting an opening event/ribbon cutting for this project once the project is complete. We are currently submitting our application to TPW for grant money for Ph2 of the trail project which would be from Centennial to Independence Park. 2 Max Road Sports Complex: Design is still in progress. Projects department is still on schedule to bid out in the March/April timeframe for the detention part of the project. Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex: Design for Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex is currently funded in FY2012 and we expect to begin conversations to negotiate the design contract in the February timeframe and hopefully have a contract to Council in March so we can proceed with those design services. JHEC Property: Based on the approved agreement with KP13 we are continuing design of this project. The project is the planning phase for the 2nd phase of the Nature Center. There are plans to add trails, plantings, observation decks etc. in that area. This phase is not currently funded with bond money however we do have CIAP funding coming in the next few years so KP13 has designated funding for the planning phase so that additional grants can be sought or donations collected to pay for the project. Neighborhood Parks: We are still making progress on the South Gate and Cypress Village parks. In partnership with PISD the Career & Technology class built some sample picnic tables. If the tables are approved, there is a possibility we will proceed with working with the district to produce future tables and maybe able to expand to park benches as well. I will be attending a meeting today where the tables will be revealed. Independence Park Pool: Currently the funding for that facility is not in the budget so there are no plans to open that facility this summer. Staff is working on a possible summer membership to the Natatorium but no details are available nor the option confirmed at this point. Important Dates February 13 -Foundation presentation to Council February 18 -Daddy Daughter (doing a bit differently) March 1 -Next scheduled board meeting (propose we cancel) March 1 -2 -TRAPS March 21 -Department Quarterly Meeting March 24 -25 -Families and Flashlights March 31 -April I -Paws in the Park April 5 -Next board meeting (Parks Tour) May -joint workshop (as opposed to Open House) IX. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Wiltz made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Trbula seconded the motion and the motion carried 4 to 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:11 a.m. s respectfully submitted 7 7mutes ed by: Ang ' a Smith Administrative Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this day of 2012. "o Wtrt,kelly W64y, Chairman [,I