2011-01-05 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES• M r 1 • • 1� • i ! ! r r :r� •� r r / �•• � � r � ,, • rr! r • • .rr • r • I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:20 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Kelly Moody Chair Quentin Wiltz Vice -Chair Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Lance Botkin Board Member Peter Riger Board Member Michelle Smith Parks and Recreation, Director Rosalyn Epting Parks and Recreation, Assistant Director Angelica Smith Parks and Recreation, Administrative Assistant III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — November 10, 2011 Mr. Wiltz made a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. r � . � i ► r • At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING POLICIES REVIEW Ms. Smith began by explaining that this is a standard item that the board will be reviewing throughout the year. She explained that there are many policies but the board will only be involved in those that do not pertain to the standard operating procedures of the department and followed with an example. Ms. Smith presented the two policies that are being brought forward for review and informed the board that we will be rotating through the policies all year. The policies presented are the Healthy Swimming and Donations from the Department. Ms. Smith explained each policy to the board as they read and requested input. A discussion ensued regarding the donation policy's verbiage, different types of donations available, additional information for staff to determine 1 what is able to be given, and the purpose of the policy. Mr. Botkin made a motion to approve the Donations from the Department Policy as amended. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. Ms. Smith began by informing the staff that the Healthy Swimming Policy is in draft form and is not currently in place at this time. She explained that she wanted to present this one to the board to get feedback prior to finalizing. A discussion ensued regarding the verbiage, pool maintenance and splash pad additions. The Healthy Swimming Policy was tabled for a future meeting. VI. DISCUSSION REGARDING ANNUAL PARKS TOUR AND OPEN HOUSE Ms. Smith presented a calendar of events for the timeline of what happens on a regular basis in the department. Ms. Smith confirmed that the board had requested that the annual parks tour be in April and an open house in May. A discussion ensued about what the boards plan is for the parks tour. Ms. Smith questioned what the intention of the parks tour would be this year: see existing parks or go to outside venues. The board responded that they would like to visit new projects and possible visit outside venues with similar aspects as upcoming projects. Ms. Smith then questioned what the board's intension for the open house and informed the board of an opportunity with a skate park group or a presentation from Dr. Crompton with A&M. A discussion ensued regarding the open house and the board's intension of increasing communication, a presentation, question/answer period, networking, and feedback on suggesting the skate park organization. Ms. Smith asked the board to think of ideas and she will present a tentative agenda for the open house in the February meeting. VII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Phase I of the Trail Connectivity Project: The trail is currently under construction. The site amenities have been delivered and are holding until the site is ready for install. Final completion is expected to be early March. We will be hosting an opening event/ribbon cutting for this project once the project is complete. Max Road Sports Complex: Design is still in progress. Last plans were 90% for the detention part of the project. Outstanding issues with acquisition and developer agreement but if all goes according to schedule, looking at bidding out in the March/April timeframe for the detention part of the project. 2 Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex: Design for Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex is currently funded in FY2012 and we expect to begin conversations to negotiate the design contract in the February timeframe and hopefully have a contract to Council in March so we can proceed with those design services. JHEC Property: The contract with KPB was approved by Council and we have had one meeting regarding this project. This project is the planning phase for the 2nd phase of the Nature Center. There are plans to add trails, plantings, observation decks etc. in that area. This phase is not currently funded with bond money however we do have CIAP funding coming in the next few years so KPB has designated funding for the planning phase so that additional grants can be sought or donations collected to pay for the project. Neighborhood Parks: Plans are complete for this project and we should be going out to bid soon for the site work and trail construction. Board vacancies: Both of the vacancies are on the agenda to be filled at the January 9`b meeting. Independence Park Pool: Currently the funding for that facility is not in the budget so there are no plans to open that facility this summer. Staff is working on a possible summer membership to the Natatorium but no details are available nor the option confirmed at this point. Creation of a Foundation: I have developed a list of tasks that need to be completed and the associated timeline for those tasks. Need to formalize a presentation and bring that to Council for approval to proceed with the creation of the foundation. Important Dates January 14 -Arbor Day January 28-Winterfest February 2 -Next board meeting February 18 -Daddy Daughter (doing a bit differently) VIII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Botkin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Ts minutes respectfully submitted by: 1 An ' a Smith Administrative Secretary Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this � day of rild4liL , 2012. marl-AwwNd �,i_.il �, • �+ .©