2010-08-19 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS AND RECREATION BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 2010 AT 8:00 A.M., IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2n' FLOOR CONFRERENCE ROOM IN THE RECREATION CENTER AND NATATORIUM AT 4141 BAILEY RD, PEARLAND, TX 77584. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:04 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Quentin Wiltz Chairman Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Kelly Moody Board Member Ed Miller Board Member Forest Smith Board Member Michelle Smith Parks and Recreation, Director Rosalyn Epting Parks and Recreation, Assistant Director Angelica Smith Parks and Recreation, Administrative Assistant Randi Wyatt Parks and Recreation, Office Coordinator III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —July 22, 2010 Mr. Wiltz proposed revisions for the minutes. Ms. Moody made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Ms. Wilcoxson seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. 1V. BOARD REPORT At this time the board members had the opportunity to share any recent involvement they may have had with the community since the last meeting. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING UPDATE OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN PRIORITIES Ms. Smith began by mentioning that the department is still in the process of updating the Master Plan. The consultant has met with the board twice before today's meeting to review changes in Chapters 1-4, the Community Survey, and the Needs Assessment. The next step in updating the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is the implementation of the reviewed information and determining how the department should move forward and take action. Part of this step is establishing priorities as deemed appropriate by VI. the board. Ms. Smith provided a list of suggested priorities as well as the current list for comparison to the board to review and offer feedback, A discussion ensued about the reasoning behind having a Master Plan and the importance of the priorities for fitnding and grants. The board was asked to review the priorities and provide their feedback in order to submit the proposed list to Texas Parks and Wildlife for approval and then to the consultant to pert in the Master Plan. Ms. Wilcoxson made a motion to accept the list of priorities as written. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CODE OF ORDINANCES Ms. Smith explained to the Board that in the current Code of Ordinances there is not a specific section related to Parks and Recreation. The draft presented today for review would create that section and provide the department a code to follow. A discussion ensued regarding the purpose and importance of having the code of ordinance in place. Ms. Smith asked the board to review the draft and provide feedback before the next meeting. She will then bring back the revised draft for approval in September. Ms. Wilcoxson made a motion to table the item for the September meeting. Ms. Forest Smith seconded the motion and the motion carried 5 to 0. VII. DIRECTORS REPORT Natatorium and Recreation Center: The grand opening on August 7th went very well. We had 600+ members before the opening day, signed up an additional 130 that day and then another 400+ over the 3 days following. We currently have 713 units sold which translate to 1378 people. (105 people are 7 for 7 which hopefully will turn into fall memberships) Phase I of the Trail Connectivity Project: We are still going through the acquisition process and there has not been any significant change on this project. Hunter Park (formally known as Orange Street Park) This project is on hold at the present time. Max Road Sports Complex: There is no progress on this project at the present time. There are current budget discussions about pushing this project back as well as at the Shadow Creek project however that has not been determined. 2 Partnerships We are still working on the agreement with Backporch productions for the use of the Bailey Road Campus as well as with the Historical Society for the operations of a museum out of the old train depot located in Heritage Plaza next to City Hall. We have developed a timeline for looking at expanding recreation programming west of 288. Miscellaneous Parks Foundation Lemonade Day Special Olympics Important Dates 1St budget public hearing -August 23rd at PSB 2`1 budget public hearing -August 30th at CH Michelle out week of August 23rd Next Board Meeting- September 16th VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. These Utes respectfiilly submitted by: Angelica Smith Administrative Assistant Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this day of 2010. Quentin Wiltz, Chairman. 3 W70A10, T01