2008-01-17 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2008, AT 8:00 A.M., IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM, AT 2947 BROADWAY STREET, PEARLAND, TEXAS L CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:07 a.m. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL Ben Carranza Chairperson Joe Miller Vice -Chairperson Tom Gibbs Chairperson Laura Austin Board Member Ed Miller Board Member Marjorie Wilcoxson Board Member Jon Branson Parks and Recreation Director Michelle Smith Parks and Recreation Superintendent Ed Grossenheider Parks and Building Superintendent Randi Wyatt Parks and Recreation Office Coordinator III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — December 20, 2007 Mr. Joe Miller made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Ed Miller seconded the motion and the motion 4 to 0. IV. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING GREEN BUILDING POLICY Mr. Branson stated the policy that was recommended by the board was presented to Council in November for their consideration. Mr. Branson advised that the City Council is in favor of a green building policy; however, he feels the consensus of the council was that they did not want to be limited by items (2 — 7) two through seven in the policy. Mr. Branson asked the board to consider taking out the minimum requirements (items 2-7) and simply stating that the building is required to be certified. He feels that Council will approve and adopt the policy with such language. A discussion ensued regarding the language and specifics of the Green Building Policy. 1 The board agreed that the language should be, "It is the goal of the City to reach the highest level possible for the project, with the minimum certification being the requirement". Mr. Joe Miller made a motion to accept the policy as stated with modifications to page (4) four, section (4) four; exclude items (2-7) two through seven and modifications to items one as discussed in the meeting. Mr. Gibbs seconded the motion and the motion carried 6 to 0. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING PARKS AND RECREATION CODE OF ORDINANCES Two meetings ago, the code of ordinances for the department as well as by-laws for the department were discussed. Most Parks and Recreation Departments have a set of general operation rules, however, the City of Pearland Parks and Recreation Department did not have these rules. In looking for these rules, Mr. Branson did find that the department has information regarding a Park Dedication as well as a Tree Mitigation located in the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Branson presented the board with an overall list of items to review as a draft Code of Ordinances. The codes define the overall mission and guidelines for Parks and Recreation operations. Mr. Branson reviewed each section with the board in detail. Mr. Branson asked that a vote not to take place today, he would like staff to have the opportunity to review the codes before the board takes action on the item. The Code of Ordinance has been tabled at this time. VI. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING PARKS AND RECREATION BY-LAWS Mr. Branson submitted a final copy of the Parks and Recreation By-laws for the boards review. The board reviewed the by-laws and felt that they were sufficient for the department. Mr. Joe Miller made a motion to accept the Parks and Recreation By-laws as stated. Mr. Gibbs seconded the motion and it carried 6 to 0. 2 VII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Ms. Smith stated that there is a tentative opening date for the Knapp Senior Center of early March 2008. The walls are up and the crews are painting. There will be a grand opening with a date to be determined as the project comes to an end. The temporary building is going well; attendance is down, but that was expected. Ms. Smith informed the board that the Parks Department submitted six nominations to TRAPS for 2008 awards at the state level. The Senior Center received the Arts and Humanities Award last year therefore TRAPS submitted the award to NRPA. Now the department has a submission for a National Award. Monday night Ms. Smith went to America Planning Association, APA in Houston to receive an award and recognition in the area of Enhancing Public Spaces with the Hike and Bike Master Plan. NRPA has a Gold Metal Award Program that the department is looking into, this is an award is based on the review of a department for a five year time period. Mr. Grossenheider advised that construction at Centennial Park will begin on January 7, 2008. The construction will consist of a bridge, pavilion, parking, and site preparation for a splash pad as well as utilities for future restrooms. Weather has played a big part in the delay of Woody Park. Mr. Grossenheider stated that the playground is ready to be installed after the stump grinding is complete. Mr. Grossenheider brought good news by advising that the Bark Park at Independence Park has been opened for a month now. It has been getting a lot of use, especially the obstacle course. There are still improvements to be made, including a small dog area and shade structures. Mr. Branson stated that Clark Condon and Associates have been awarded as the Consultants for the Hike and Bike project, hopefully to complete the plans and specifications within four months. The project is on schedule to be completed in December 2008. Tomorrow morning, Mr. Branson will be on Fox 26 News doing an interview at the parks regarding the Hike and Bike Trail as well as the owner of the Pearland Cycles Shop. Mr. Branson advised that the Interlocal Agreement between the City and PISD has been approved. The Consultant, PBK, has been awarded for the Recreation Center and Natatorium project. They will be having their first meeting in January 2008, it will take approximately six months for the plans to be developed with construction to begin around October or November 2008. 3 Monday the City Council approved the contact with USA Sports Alliance to raise funds in the amount of 2.5 million for that Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex, with a goal of raising 12.50 million with 10% paid to secure that money. USA has 180 days to produce the funds. If this takes place, the sports complex will move up in the project schedule. Mr. Branson attended a meeting this week regarding the development of the Water Lights District, Presidential Park and Gardens. This is going to be a new development at Hwy 288 by BPS. It will be an accumulation of commercial, residential and entertainment district. One of the components of this park would be forty-two statues of former Presidents will stand the park. Issues to be resolved include, maintaining the park, a City park or who will a private park. The thoughts are that the City will own it and operate the park. It will end up being an educational park along with a scenic trail and water gardens. Mr. Grossenheider wanted to inform the board that the Parks Department is very proud that two of its employees received awards for the Citywide Employee Recognition Program. Eric Hammond received the Employee of the Quarter Award and Colene Cabezas received the Employee of the Year Award at this year's Thanksgiving Luncheon. As well as the department received an award from Keep Pearland Beautiful. This department is being recognized throughout the City, which is in line with our vision. Ms. Smith advised Colene Cabezas has been promoted from Special Events Coordinator to Recreation Superintendent. Carry Watts was then promoted to the Special Events Coordinator. Three new Recreation Specialist have been hired therefore the only position left open right now is the Special Events Specialist position. Mr. Joe Miller took a discovery tour with Keep Pearland Beautiful to see Fayette County's Glass Crusher. KPB is looking into purchasing the machine for the recycling center. The recycling center takes in a large consumption of glass each month, once crushed the glass can be used in several different ways. 4 VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. These minutes respectfully submitted by: Randi Wya Parks Office Coordinator Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this t—I day of 2008. GSM Ben Carr za, Chairperson 5