2008-07-21 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON MONDAY, JULY 21, 2999, AT 7,39 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS, Mayo�Reidcalf themee8ngto0�derat 10:09 p.m.withthefolawingpresenb Mop Tom Reitl Map PmTem SieveSaboe Councilmember Wo*Owens 1%ilmember Helen Beckman Councilmember FoilK�o Councilmemlov (WnCA 01ry Manager Bill Eisen DeputyC44mey Nghlem Doan 01rySametary Youq of Othem in atlaodance: Fred Welch Emcudvs Director of Economic Development CoTomti0n and Kf er Cole OH Todlo Cooldhknblimess Development. NEW BUSINESS COUNCIL ACTION - RESOLUTION NO, 112008.190-A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C17 OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON PLATTING REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY OWNERS SEEKING TO IMPROVE OR EXPAND EXISTING STRUCTURES LOCATED ON LOTS ZONED AND USED AS SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENTIAIL Mr. NghiamDoan, DspurykAttomey Councilmember Owens made the m05on, soked by Councilmember Saboe, I0 approve Resolullon No. RK$10, as amended. Deputy Ciry AUomey Ng 41m Doan stab Council has pl tkusly dlsaussetl amending Us Unified Develapmenl Colo to create a platting provision 10 help pminoq OWnem with single let propedles with an axisling house mal and am mood and use resHenllally, who ward 10 expand. Stag is cumently le eoA g 0p80ns 10 amend the Unified Devalopmant Coco; however, there are pmpeq owners wailing ton cannot spend the m00ey to acquire a lull plat. Al his paint, StaN Is mcommending a moratooum That would legal ly Ignore the OMil guidelines for a speciliel amount of time unlit to final changes am made. Councilmemher Cols stated there is an appllc mil Ihat Ins Ordinance, as written, would rot apply t0 kause he is not expanding, Wl replacing to stmdure on his propedg He asked'rf there was any language tat court ba ac d� for on owner that is seeking to Improve, expand, or replace an edling stmclure loc8tetl on IoM used far �esHendal purposes Page 1 ol3-712112008 Deputy City Adamy Ng 41m Doan slated tis boguap can be amended, bul he woub III to dl the lama °[place by including a timeframe l0r Na sivoNne that is to be demons es to when b will be [built. He staled the language should also daffy Lal no subdividq woub be allowed underthis monsl*m Discussbn ensue belwsv Council, Cl Manager Bill Eisen, Deputy City Abmey NONom Doan, and Planning Di[clor lata Kdshna[o [g8rdin0 the Rmllutbn. Counalmembar Cole made a motion, seconded by Council Owens, b amen Resolullon No. RZ5100 as discussed by Council Voling "Aye° Cauncilmembers Owens, Stu, Beckman, Kos, and Cole Voling "No" None. MolianPaoli SNB. Mayor Reid calbd br a vale 00Ihe amendei motbn. Voling "Aye° Councilmembe[ Owens, Saboe, Bohm, Kyle, and Cob. Voling 'No" None. Mollon Peeks mi OTHER BUSINESS; Council adpumed'mto Executive Session under Texas Gouammerd Code el 117 P.m. 10 discusstolol ing EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE 1, SECTION 551,011 - CONSULTATION WITH CITY ATTORNEY - REGARDINGPOTENTIALUTIGATIONWITHDR HORTON HOMES M. Damn Coker, Cil konney 3. SECTION 551,01 - CONSULTATION WITH CITY ATTORNEY - REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES. Mr. & Eisen, Ciykap 3, SECTION SKVI - CONSULTATION WITH CITY ATTORNEY - REGARDING POTENTIAL LITIGATION ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING REGULATIONS Mr 030Coker, CityAdomy NEW BUSINESS jCONTINUEDj, Couacil retumtl from EMecullve Session at 1225 a.m. COUNCIL ACTION • REGARDING POTENTIAL LITIGATION WITH D.R. HORTON HOMES, Cipuacil Na auao taken by Council COUNCIL ACTION - REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES CilyCououl. No odium takap by Couacil. COUNCIL ACTION - REGARDING POTENTIAL LITIGATION ASSOCIATED WITH TONING REGULATIONS. Cil Couocif No action taken by Council. ADJOURNMENT Meefing was atljoumtl at 122fi am Minutes approved as submiM� aadla� oaeded Ulis Ue 28a day of July, R.D., 2008. Tom Reid Maroc ATTEST: Lo, ung ng, lyS tory Paphl3-11212008