2005-09-15 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2005, AT 11:30 AM, IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM, AT 2947 BROADWAY STREET, PEARLAND, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:08 PM. II. BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL The following were present for the meeting: Laura Austin Board Secretary Ben Carranza Board Vice -Chairperson Tom Gibbs Board Chairperson Roy Loris Board Member Parks Director Rhonda Cyrus Parks Office Coordinator Mona Miller III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — February 24, 2005 Workshop and July 14, 2005 Regular Meeting Mr. Carranza made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Austin, to approve both sets of minutes as submitted. The motion passed 4 to 0. IV. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING UPDATES TO THE MASTER PARKS PLAN Mrs. Cyrus stated that this item was really performed this morning as the Board toured the City parks. She expressed her appreciation to the Board for all of their input into the Master Parks Plan. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE BOARD'S OBJECTIVES Mrs. Cyrus explained that we have lost a lot of office time working in the Emergency Operations Center regarding Hurricane Katrina. She stated that the objectives will be e-mailed to the Board members next week for their review. VI. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING A DISCOUNT POLICY Page 1 of 2 Mrs. Cyrus explained that Mr. Eisen wanted the Board's opinion on the proposed policy. A discussion ensued regarding the policy. Mr. Loris asked if the discount for Pearland I. S.D. employees could be extended to their families. Mrs. Cyrus stated that she would clarify this issue with staff and report back to the Board. Mr. Loris made a motion to approve the Discount Policy with the exception that he would like the discount to include family members of Pearland I.S.D.. Mr. Carranza seconded the motion. The motion passed 4 to 0. VII. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE FEE Mrs. Cyrus explained that City Council took their suggestion to raise the Park Dedication fees to $500 and proposed to raise them to $750.00. She stated that Council would also like the structure of the ordinance to be reviewed. She added that the fair market value and replacement expenses need to be updated and considered in the amount of the fees. Mrs. Cyrus also mentioned that Council is considering changing their allowed densities in new developments. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mrs. Cyrus reviewed the Director's report with the Board and gave further explanation for a few items. She also reminded the Board about the upcoming NRPA conference in San Antonio, October 18-22. IX. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:45 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Mona Ann Miller These minutes approved as submitted or corrected this 13day of Cko6et2 , 2005. Thomas Gibbs, Chairperson Page 2 of 2