2005-03-17 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES—REGULAR MEETING OF THE PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2005, AT 11:00 AM, IN THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM, AT 2947 BROADWAY STREET, PEARLAND, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 11:35 AM with the following present: Ben Carranza, Vice -Chairperson Laura Austin, Board Secretary Scott Sherman, Board Member Roy Loris, Board Member Rhonda Cyrus, Parks & Recreation Director Mona Ann Miller, Parks & Recreation Office Coordinator Michelle Dunn, Recreation Superintendent Greg Moore, Parks Superintendent II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 13, 2005 Roy Loris made a motion, seconded by Laura Austin, to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion passed 4 to 0. M. PRESENTATION BY MICHELLE DUNN, RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT, REGARDING RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES CURRENTLY OFFERED IN PEARLAND Michelle Dunn showed a very informative presentation, including a flow chart of the Recreation Department personnel, a list of recreation locations with the number of visits participants make to each facility, League participants, special events, photos of different activities and events, and a list of sponsors. Board Member DaLona Niland arrived at 11:40 AM. IV. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON THE MELVIN KNAPP SENIOR CENTER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Rhonda Cyrus explained that the rules for the Senior Center have never been written, therefore, we are attempting to write policies and procedures for them. DaLona Niland stated that on A2, Visitors at the Senior Center, the last sentence in the paragraph should read "Those who "will not" abide by these rules will be asked to leave the center". Instead of, "Those who cannot...". Mrs. Niland explained that on A3, Code of Conduct, states that they have a "zero tolerance", however, they actually allow three chances. Mrs. Niland also stated that the entire document has numerous grammatical and punctuation errors that she had begun to mark up. Mrs. Cyrus asked her to leave a copy of her mark ups so corrections could be made. Mrs. Niland expressed her concern that the Melvin Knapp Senior Center Release (A6) did not address cleanliness of the facility after use. She explained that it should read that the building should be left as clean as it was found. She added that there should also be a penalty for not cleaning the facility after use. Scott Sherman was concerned with the way the Waiver and Release (A7) was written. He stated that no court of law would uphold a waiver that waives negligence. He explained that someone could slip and fall after the floor is polished or something of that nature. Ben Carranza stated that we might want to list examples of a "sexually based product or service" in the fourth paragraph of A2, Guidelines for sponsorship of events at the Senior Center. Mr. Sherman asked for an explanation of the third paragraph of A2, where is states "Politically affiliated groups may not sponsor events three months prior and up to an election." Mrs. Dunn explained that this is to prevent politicians from soliciting votes by sponsoring an event. Mrs. Cyrus explained that she would address the Board's comments and bring a revised copy of the Senior Center paperwork back to the Board at the next meeting. Chairperson Thomas Gibbs arrived at 11:51 AM. V. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT LOGO Ms. Dunn passed around two samples of the proposed logo for the Board to comment on. She explained that these are the top two out of eight samples that the consultant provided. She added that the department logo 2 should compliment the City of Pearland logo as well as identify more of what the department does. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the two logos. Mrs. Niland suggested that the tree somehow be combined with the other diamonds logo. Ms. Dunn stated that the consultant did mention that the people on the logo could be shown as doing certain activities. The general consensus of the Board was that the diamonds with different pictures of activities would be most affective. VI. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING A MISSION STATEMENT Several sample mission statements were read and discussed. Mr. Sherman read his proposed mission statement. The Board decided to use Mr. Sherman's statement as a draft and make changes. A lengthy discussion ensued and numerous changes were made to the original draft. Mrs. Cyrus asked the Board members to begin considering some goals and objectives of the department. VII. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING MANDATORY DEDICATION FEE Mrs. Cyrus explained the current mandatory dedication ordinance to the Board. She also reviewed the spreadsheet of other cities' fees. After a short discussion, Mr. Gibbs made the motion to raise our mandatory dedication fees to $500 per unit. Mr. Carranza seconded the motion. Motion passed 6 to 0. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mrs. Cyrus stated that the Director's report is provided so the Board is aware of the items that the department is currently working on. She explained a few aspects of the report. IX. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE MASTER PLAN QUESTIONAIRE Mrs. Cyrus explained that we are trying to decide whether to do a phone survey or a survey in the Pearland In Motion mail out. She added that the Pearland In Motion will be mailed out in early June. Mrs. Cyrus informed the Board of two community meetings being held April 18th & 19th. She asked that the Board members each attend one night. X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:25 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted, Mona n Miller, Parks & Recreation Office Coordinator Minutes approved as submitted or corrected thiTt s aay of 2005. Thomas Gibbs, Chairperson