The regular meeting was called to order at 7:17 p.m. with the following present:
P&Z Chairman
P&Z Commissioner
P&Z Commissioner
P&Z Commissioner
P&Z Commissioner
Development Coordinator
Planner I
P&Z Secretary
Todd Iocco
Kevin McDonald
Robert Scherrer
Don Sederdahl
Russ Selemon
Mona Phipps
Theresa Grahmann
Jennifer Gonzales
July 1, 2002
Commissioner Sederdahl made a motion to approve the July 1, 2002 minutes with a second
made by Commissioner Scherer.
Commissioner Selemon stated that he has some changes on Page 7. He stated that on the
sixth paragraph from the top he would like it to read that he liked the PUD because of the
mixed uses. He added that in the same paragraph he would like it to read that he would
prefer masonry fencing for the residents who back up to the Neighborhood Services section.
Motion to approve passed 5 to 0.
A. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Request by Terry Brooks of
West Development for a variance from the Tree Ordinance on Class I and H
trees to allow for Palms, Loquat, & Italian Cypress for mitigation
throughout the projects the Bellavita, Vi114 Verde, and Villa D'Este.
Commissioner Sederdahl made a motion to deny the request for mitigation of Palms,
Loquat, Italian Cypress. Commissioner Scherrer seconded the motion.
Commissioner McDonald agreed with Parks Director Ed Hersh on how beautiful the
entrances are behind Green Tee. He stated that he went up and down Scarsdale and it is one
of the nicest entryways into Pearland. He suggested if the request is denied for the developer
Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and
other tasks as mandated by the City Charter.
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Planning and Zoning Commission
to make some kind of arrangement with the Parks Director. He stated he feels the developer
has one a good job with the area.
Chairman Iocco pointed out that it is very obvious that the tree ordinance needs immediate
Commissioner Selemon stated the Tree Ordinance is being discussed by City Council. He
agreed the development does look great but he does not feel comfortable replacing the Class
I trees with trees that aren't even a Class I or II.
Chairman Iocco suggested maybe working on a 2:1 ratio, which would be a more realistic
idea for the market value.
Chairman Iocco called for a vote.
Motion to deny passed 4 to 1.
Voting; Record:
"Aye" — Chairman Iocco, Commissioner's Scherrer, Selemon, and Sederdahl.
"No" - Commissioner McDonald.
Creekside Section One, 29.395 acres out of the HT&B R.R, Co. Survey,
Section One Abstract 233 and the D.H.M. Hunter Survey, Abstract 76, City
of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated staff recommends approval with the
following corrections:
1. They need to add a streetlight between lots 1 and 2 of block 3.
2. They need to remove the streetlight at the intersection of Orange Street at
Schleider Drive.
3. The lot layout may need to be adjusted in order to provide a 15' access along the
south end drainage ditch.
Mr. Keller explained that the engineer has not agreed with the developer on how to handle
the drainage ditch along the south side. He stated if they leave it open they would have to
provide an access, which may cause the engineer to have to redo the layout.
Chairman Iocco clarified they approving this plat contingent upon this issue being resolved.
He expressed concern regarding why they are even approving the plat with that kind of an
outstanding issue. Mr. Keller stated the plat is fine the way it is now if they are able to close
the storm sewer.
Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and
other tasks as mandated by the City Charter.
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Planning and Zoning Commission
Chairman Iocco brought up the 30 -day rule and explained the Commission should either
approve or deny the plat.
Mr. Keller stated the developer has not decided at this time what he is going to do with the
Commissioner Scherrer made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Creekside Section
One with staff's comments. Commissioner Selemon seconded the motion.
Motion to approve passed 5 to 0.
C. CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION — Preliminary Plat of Shadow
Creek Ranch Water Treatment Plant Site, 2.090 acres being out of the H.
Levering Survey, Abstract 279, Fort Bend County, Texas.
Chairman Iocco commented that he thinks it is unique how this plat is now being brought to
them after it's already been built.
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that staff recommends approval with the
following conditions:
1. They have a varying distance on the southeast side.
2. They need to add the reserve area in the title block.
3. The word "treatment' should be removed from the title.
Mr. Keller stated the City of Pearland has already bought this site.
Chairman Iocco asked if this is feeding off the water main from Almeda. Mr. Keller stated
there is an existing 20 -inch waterline on Almeda that feeds from the City of Houston water
Commissioner Scherrer made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Shadow Creek
Ranch Water Treatment Plant Site with staffs recommendations. Commissioner McDonald
seconded the motion.
Motion to approve passed 5 to 0.
Estates, A subdivision of 2.2510 acres of land out of a 60.13 acre tract in the
Allison -Richey Gulf Coast Home Company's Suburban Gardens, H.T&B.
R.R. Co. Survey, Section 10, Abstract 505, City of Pearland, Brazoria
County, Texas.
Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and
other tasks as mandated by the City Charter.
Page 3 of 6
Planning and Zoning Commission
Plat and Plans Administrator Richard Keller stated that staff recommends approval as
Commissioner Scherrer made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat of Vo Estates with a
second made by Commissioner Sederdahl.
Chairman Iocco and Commissioner Scherrer questioned why the owner had to plat this
Commissioner Scherrer asked if this is really being subdivided from any other tract. He
stated there is a guy that wants to build a house and he owns the property. He stated the
subdivision ordinance doesn't apply to an individual building a house, and it is supposed to
be for subdividing of land.
Mr. Keller replied the City would not issue a building permit to any lot that is not a platted
lot unless the lot was in that configuration prior to 1981, which is when the Subdivision
Ordinance went into effect.
Mr. Keller explained the gentleman did not want to by the entire piece of property and that
he only wanted a portion, which is why he has to plat.
Chairman Iocco asked when the purchase was made and if it were prior to 1981. 1VIr. Keller
replied that if that were the case then he wouldn't have to plat.
Commissioner Scherrer stated that he has a problem with this because the same thing
happened when he built his house on his property. He continually was told by the City that
he had to subdivide his property, and a certain surveyor was honest enough to let him know
he really didn't have to do it in the first place. He wondered if the property owner even has
to plat this piece of land.
Mr. Keller stated the City cannot stop anyone from selling off a piece of property from
meets and bounds, but when they come to get a building permit the City will get them.
Discussion ensued regarding the price of platting.
Commissioner Selemon asked to be educated regarding the requirement for a six-foot
Mr. Keller replied the six-foot sidewalk is required and referred to the Commission to note
Motion to approve passed 5 to 0.
Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and
other tasks as mandated by the City Charter.
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Planning and Zoning Commission
E. DISCUSSION ITEM — Request by Kerry R. Gilbert & Associates, Inc. for
review and discussion of a 548.9 acre revised Planned Unit Development on
Old Alvin Road (previously The Fairways at Highland Glen).
Kerry Gilbert with Kerry Gilbert & Associates, Inc. was present along with Dan Olson of
Beazer Homes.
Commissioner Scherrer asked why they are discussing this when they already had a
workshop on this.
Secretary Jennifer Gonzales clarified this is the first step of the PUD application process.
Chairman Iocco stated that he couldn't get passed the circle water fountain at McHard Road.
Dan Olson commented that was the City's idea.
Dan Olson stated only one change has been made and the change is that more parks have
been added.
Chairman Iocco stated the PUD looks nice and he appreciates their patience.
Planner Theresa Grahmann stated that the legal description is missing 6 -acres and there are a
few differences in the acreage on the charts. She stated they were just clerical errors that
need to be corrected.
F. DISCUSSION ITEM — Begin review of P&Z Rule of Procedure.
Chairman Iocco verified that the Commission received the comparison of the city's Rules of
Chairman Iocco handed out his booklet. Chairman Iocco stated that he has read all of them
twice. He stated that he took the City of Allen's Rule of Procedure and inputted City of
Pearland and took some ethics from the other cities. He stated basically it is how they have
operated for the last 18 months. He stated that he added the position of the P&Z Secretary.
He pointed out the last paragraph which states that anything that has happened in the past is
in the past. He stated this new Rule of Procedure would, supersede the past. Chairman Iocco
commented that this would be a wonderful piece to give to any new member for guidance.
Commissioner Scherrer suggested that the Commission review Chairman Iocco's draft and
make their own comments.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not they should add in a statement regarding the
prohibition of any member meeting with the applicants.
Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and
other tasks as mandated by the City Charter.
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Planning and Zoning Commission
Commissioner Selemon stated they should take out where it states that four member are
required in order to have a quorum and have it state that a simple majority is required.
Chairman Iocco pointed out Article V — where it covers amendments.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the Commission has to attend the workshops
with the applicants.
Commissioner Sederdahl reminded the Commission that they work under City Council and
they are used as a tool for City Council. He stated he does not have a problem attending the
Commissioner Scherrer stated that he thinks it is unethical to discuss things with the
applicant outside of a meeting.
Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of a Commissioner representing the
Commission at any Neighborhood Services meetings.
Chairman Iocco asked Theresa Grahmann what she thought about the different cities.
Planner Theresa Grahmann stated that she thinks the City of Plano and Richardson are really
Discussion ensued regarding absenteeism. Commissioner Scherrer pointed out that he feels
after three unexcused absences the Commission should agree and vote on taking that issue to
City Council.
IV. NEXT MEETING DATES: August 5, 2002 (Regular P&Z)
August 12, 2002 (JPH & Regular P&Z)
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
T e minutes respectfu submitted by.
Jen r GonzAW, ejft4mng & ing Secretary
Minutes apppved as submitted and/or corrected on this ' day of 2002.
Todd Iocco, Planning & Zoning Chairman
Mission Statement: To make informed recommendations regarding zoning change requests, capital improvements, and
other tasks as mandated by the City Charter.
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