2018-10-10 PEARLAND CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU MEETING MINUTESPearland Convention & Visitors Bureau ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - MINUTES Wednesday, October 10, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. at CVB CALL TO ORDER & CVB ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL. Meeting commenced at 6:08pm. In Attendance: Gary Shepherd (Chair), Margo Green, Teir Allender, Steve Saboe, Kash Bhagwanji and Kim Sinistore —CVB Executive Director. Absent were: Manny Patel (Vice Chair) and Lonzie Helmes II. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING July 11, 2018 BOARD MEETING MINUTES. Teir motioned, Margo second and all approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS — none IV. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING FUTURE CVB BUSINESS. Kash mentioned calendar of events for FY2019, growth happening and have enough things going on; and will provide a contact for market style event that occurs in Fort Bend. Margo inquired about convention center and sports facility. Steve recommended erecting a train thermometer at the Depot about project fund goals, promote fund raising at all city events and creating a calendar usage for events at Independence Park. V. STAFF REPORT FROM THE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • MARKETING & SALES • SPECIAL PROJECTS Exec director report shared with Advisory Board - see attached VI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm. Minutes taken by: Kim Sinistore