2017-01-11 PEARLAND CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU MEETING MINUTESPearland Convention & Visitors Bureau ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - MINUTES Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. at CVB CALL TO ORDER & CVB ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER ROLL CALL. Meeting commenced at 6:07 PM. In Attendance: Gary Shepherd (Chair), Manny Patel (Vice Chair), Steve Saboe (Sec), Teir Allender, Lonzie Helms, Tomika Gamble, Jon Branson — Deputy City Manager and Kim Sinistore - Executive Director. Absent: excused - Keith Ordeneaux II. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING October 12, 2016 BOARD MEETING MINUTES. Reviewed minutes from prior meeting, unanimously approved III. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE REVIEW OF MEETING MAX. Discussed Meeting Max - Kim reviewed commercial proposal, which follows up prior introduction to this Board. Manny shared a few thoughts on the operability of the system. Discussion on how the system would work, be an equitable solution for all hoteliers, how the system would create overall value, etc. Discussion on ROI that could be generated by the system, as well as how to mandate its use potentially supported by PISD as they provide facilities for tournaments that could use the room nights. Lonzie motioned, Steve second, unanimous approval IV. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING FUNDING OF WAYFINDING SIGNS. Discussed proposed way finding sign project. Much discussion on the proposal, lack of details, prior experience from vendor, buying local, etc. and funding sources. Requested more information. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None VI. STAFF REPORT FROM THE CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • MARKETING & SALES AND SPECIAL PROJECTS Exec directors report was shared with the Advisory Board - see attached report VII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned 7:08pm. Minutes taken by: Steve Saboe