1962-12-20 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESril PEr'_F:Li.I D CITY CC.0%CIL IviEE TI Id G DECEkBER 20, 1962 A regular meeting of the Pearlard City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. 1::. in the City Hall by Mayor Gib?.;ons v:ith t�_e following, cit,- officials and olests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibrors Aldermen - Gene E. Sanders, John G. 1',egley, David L. Smith, Victor A. I:elen, Tom Ale;x�nc er Police - D. C.Sanders Guests - Ross ,`talker, E. Can on The minutes of the December 6, 1962 meeting vrere read and an, roved. The Treasurer reported a bala.oe or Band as of December 20, 1962 of 18,675.07. A -neral discussion of the warrant officer problem and processing of warrants vr:_ s conducted by the n-.a� or and council. A q.otionvcas .ade by David L. Smith and seconded by 'Tor Alexar,�er V-iat all warrants now being processed by Lr. Holman �e rescinded to the city recorder. All 1:lderrnen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". lhr. Cannonwith United -as appeared before the council to discuss a rate increase communsers.te with the increase awarded by the city of Houston. The maximum in - or -aye ths.t will result is x.79 per month and the average is w.52 per month per ci,stoner. A motion was macre by Gene Sanders and seconded by Tom Alexarder that a has rate increase be granted United Gas Cor oration as. cer their :esidental rate schedule (R-63)ar.d coc, ercial rete schedule (SC -63), all subject to approval of the City Attorney. Alderr.an David L. Smith, Tor. Alexai_Ler, Gene Sanders and Victor A 1<olen -:owed "Aye". Alden -:an John Tuley a':stai.ned d;:e to corfl.ct of interest. The "Ayes" beir_g in the majority the �:otion carried. A roti on w --s -ade by Tam Ale;:ar:der and seconded by John Ke„ ley t at the combinati cr. on the safe, loaned to the city by the -',ater District be chand. All Aldermen voted "Aye" t,d th no "noes". A motion v.r,.s ade by John Ke.. ley and seconded by Tom Alexa:;c:er tl. at the c�^.bir.ation to the safe be furnished to ti.e city judge, 1,_aycr City Treasurer and City Secretary, All Alderrcen vo- ed "Aye" with no "I:o6s't. T,.e Layor appointed Victor A. olen, John Begley and Gene Sanders as a cor,,Attee to investi.;a-,e -she need for a city hall and. location which,i-ht be ava',.la-. le for a city hall. payor Gibbons next discussed the possibility of installing a radio nh�.Le in thepoliee car. It was agreed to have the telephone company dei::onstrate mobile telephones. The mayor instructed the secretar., to write a letter to I: -r. Pat O'Day expressing appreciation for installing the Christmas street lights and a letter to the water district for the loan of the safe. A -otion vvas made by David L.S::ith and seconded by Vidtor A. Iolen that the city buy a 100 watt car radio fhMthe city of I%,er:phis Tennessee for "85.00. All Alderren voved Aye with no "Noes". The Treasurer submitted the followin rep ort: Name An.ount Check),j Deposits Bal wic e Bill Romoser 16.50 689 11-15-62 Alvin J. "atson 15 .CG 690 ,x.7,358.87 Dou-las I. Lloyd 100.00 691 w1,000.00 D. C. Sanders 173.10 692 Bill Ro.noser 174.00 C93 Jack Harrison 50.00 694 Marvin Ellis 10.00 695 1'elson ;ells Co. 32.00 696 h.onarch tiara ;e 3C.CO 697 Southwestern Bell Telephone 25.09 698 The Steck Co. 9.23 699 M PEii,�LA I D CITY C0 1v`CIL 12ETIi. G BECE1,:rLY. 20, 1062 Treasurer's he,ort (6ont'd) 1:&.r. e Ar:: o un t A. %'. Srri.tP. Sirclair Stn v 3 .5 0 arzoria Co :.. C. & I. D. 3 4.50 Crc�r_ Printing Co 37.CC Fearl a d T4haco Stn. 171.C5 %otoro'a 0,70 F. A. Taylor Co, Auditor 21.00 F�-a I and f'ardware Co. 3.40 Houston_ Lightinf- Po -er Co.174.x`1 A. Tailor 3S.( C Eliesing; T otor Co. x'7.36 Garner Clearers 3.50 Houston Shell & Concrete 3C- .76 P. E. Segelqu-st 532.: C r--: G. Hole, an 20.:-C' ,ill hoc:oser 174.CC D. C. Sanders 173.10 Ck. j 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 7C7 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 2,, --23.40 ** `3423.40 10,792.27 - 2,1C7.20 Bal as of 12-20-62 4 9,C75.07 Pat -e 2 Deposits Bal arne *South-v,,estern "ell Telophone ** F. E. Ser-elCuist - Ci 4, Court !-ith no further business to atteT_d the r.eetiz_ adjou.med at 10:30 P. r:. e, � APPROVED � IS TES RN JAY 011 1/ 1C w L. 1. 'Gibbons, jay o r