A regular .:meeting of the Peatrland City Council was called to order at 7:30
P. I* in the city hall with the following city officials and guests in attendance:
- E. T. Gibbons
- Dai; id L. Smith, Toni Alexandc r, Gene Sanders
Victor A. Nolen
- Jack Harrison
- Bill Romoser
- Mr. St John, Tes:as Hivay Dept., James E.
Grayson, 0. Rader, E. E. Bratton,
Reynolds, John !�. ';�aling, Ilam Haskins,
.i1. J. Price, L. Honeycutt, J. E. Crenshaw,
Gun s%op, Lloyd J. Yost, E. L. Sisk, Vernon
Ray, ii. L. Swann, Joe S"'ffle
Fire 1arsl:al-'3uddy Ellis
The layor first as'.ed the HiGI].:ay Depart ent to ela -orate on the curbing
and paving for highway 518. A brief i:istcry of ne-otati ons was presented by
Alder -en V. -�-. Nolen, and the terns for future work vrere di sous sed. TTig"Way
Depart~--:ent officials will revise their cost estimate and stbmit to Lx.
Carmichael for approval.
kr. John '::aling presented two problems for council consideration. (one)
Ryan Acres Sub -division performance bond. (Avo) Signs for Regency Park.
A motion as made by David L. Smith and seconded by V. A. Nolan that the
performance bond entered into on Lay 2C-, 1962 by Britton Ryan Jr. as
principal and Suretys and the city of Pearland be terminated and that all
conditions outlined in t :e bond l:ave been compliid with and the bond
ordered returned to tr.e principal. ,ill Aldernen voted "Aye" with no "Foes".
A motion was made by Ton: Alexander and sconded'-by V. A. Nolen that Regency
Park Development Company be granted a permit to install Sub -division signs
under dire cti on of Street and Bri d,_e Department in Regency Park Sub-divis on
Section I, Pearland, Texas. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes".
I,.r. David Smith made a motion seconded b; Gene Sanders that the plat on
Assumption Lawn Section of Resurrection Cemetery be accepted fm filing
subject to approval of the drainage district. All Jadermen voted "Aye"
with no "Noes".
Residents of Clear Creek Estates filed a petition witi; the City of Pearland
soliciting city help in making the developer of the sub -division prepare the
streets so t at the city can accept these streets into the road system.
These citizens were advised by t' e city attorney, Jack Harrison to hire a
lawyer to r.romote their case andthe city will aid in any ,.ay to reach a
satisfactory solution to their problem.
L,:r. Crens!-.aw appeared before the council again to request tir.;e limits on
the permits for shooting ranges vdthin the city of Pearl.nd. He was requested
to appear before the council again v.,ithin two wee..::s.
The minutes of Nover:.ber 15, 1962 we. --e read and approved.
Mayor Gibbons ne:-t stated th&t he has discussed the City Jail -, roblem with
the county ju4ge and ar:-an-ed for a neetinc, of city officials v4zth the
Commissioners Court December 10, 1962 to discuss the possibility of the
city acquiring the jail.
The secretary was instructed to contact the Houston Li tht and Power Coi::pany
regarding Christmas street li}hta.
The Mayor advised that he will call the Char-ber of Cor -=roe and Lions Club to
discuss Christmas lights and participation of cost Of..-inatallaticn, power,
and maintainance.of tl-ese lights.
Hj' L I:ID QTY COUNCIL ': EETII G DECEI- BER 6, 1962 ( Page 2 )
Ir. Jack Harrison advised that a retired electrician Lur. John Voos is available
in Alvin, -exas v.,ho could be used as an inspector for city electrical code.
A motion was made by uene Sanders sec ,nded by V. A. Bolen that policy letter
dated Decenber 6, 1°62 Entitled "Re��ulaticns for City Employeed, Pearland,
Texas", be adopted. All Alderien voted "Aye" with no "hoes".
V. A. iolen discussed the r.oss _bility of using auxiliary policemans
Bryan Tindal as a warrant officer. This was the re=m'endation of patrolman
Bill Romoser.
Ir. Haskins advised the council that the county has several city limit signs
ti at will be furnished the city if the city will designate where to place the
sign. A moti on v; as made by Tor Alexan der and sec onded by V, A. .olen t, -,at
the signs be accented. All Alueri.-.en -Voted "Aye" with no "Noes".
:ith no further business to attend the r::eeting adjourned at 10. -OC F. 11.
ADFROVED TRIS 1' %. cfl�.� 1°62
E. . ui bons j
V. iolen, Dity Secretary