1962-11-08 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES200 PEARLA'D CIT" COt,1 CIL Iv'�EET[hrG (SPECIAL) ITOVEI::BIM 8, 1962 A special meeting of the Parland City Council vas calldd to order at 7x30 P. M, in Forecast Realty Office by Nayor Gibbons with the fbllmving city officials anc guests in attendances Mayor E. T. Gibbons Aldermen Gene E. Sanders, David L. Smith, Tom Alexander Victor A. Nolen Guest John •.aling, Douglas Lloyd, C. Leonard Lapor Gibbons explained that the nurrose of tee special reetinc to discuss rvw of the problems confronti—, the c .ty and to resolve part of then. The Layor first brou jit up the cu�-st ion of ci«.rt;' nJ a lot fee for processing subdivision plats. A recorr:rwndation _-,as rade b,,• Gene Sanders that a fee of y15.00 e.r lot be a.=sessed for orrcessing and final arnroval of subdivision -lats with a minimum of 9"50.00 Ter plat. All )resent agreed that t:i.s as appropriate for adoption at the re xt meeti _::g . It wzas agreed to revise Ordircnce li- 13 Fo cover minimum requirements for all str--ets built within t'e city of Fearland. 1.1so minimum lot size ad ninimums for both black top and concrete streets. It was agreed that the fire zone ordinance be 'revised to include provisions for fire limits ordinance as sugl-ested by the State Board of Insurance. Revisions to the Arson Ordinance vi 11 be necessary to meet idth state insurance requiren.ents. t►ddi t ions to the city jail :rere discussed and it was agreed th E.t a lot plot plan is the first requirement before plans can be Trade. kith no furthor business to attend the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M- N APPRCVED THIS Tf��&t Y 0= �/ _ 1962 ATT 1,3 T: SE_ s V. :'.. o?_ ty Secretary 00, ors Mayor