1962-11-01 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESM PE"3,-ID CITY IOUI,.CIL ''.-EETii:.G 1AVE13 ', 1, 1962 A regular meeting of the Peurh..:d City Oouncil was called to order o.t 7:30 P. I.. by Ivor Gibbons in the City mall .-rith t::e following city off -I cials and guests in attandance: AZayor - E. T. Gib ons Aldermen - Victor A. I,:olen, David L. Smith, John Kegley Gene E. Sanders Attorney - Jack Harrison Guests :Ierrian Singletary, John 1. Dialing, Douglas I Lloyd C. Leorserd, L.A. Blumer Police D. C. Sanders The minutes of the October 18, 1962 meeting were mad corrected and a_ proved. „ayor Gibbons re -scheduled a special t::eeting for Thursday November 8, 1962 to discuss long range norble.'s. 4.1derman David Smith reported that the Condition of Robinson S&reet 'vVas inspected and 5 loads of shell was purchased to repair the street. hlderraan Gene Sanders expressed concern over the manner in which the street problems were handled. A :- otion was made by John Kegley and seconded by Gene Sanders that the shell be paid for by t;:e city as per the recon-lend,tLons of the Chairman of the Street and Bridge Com::-littee. X11 Alderrien voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Nr. Singletary wit! ti -.e SoutlxTestern Bell Telephone Company-iscussed the need for an on the ground survey of ttie Hudson 5 call scope to see if tl;e people on Dixie Farm Road desire to ::e on I.udson 5 gall scope. The i es Its will e re- submitted to the Telephone Uo:, pany. Ir. -aling presented a revised plat of Langmod Park for council revie-w. He wgs requested to re -present thenlat at the special meeting Yovember 8, 1962 shovdng revised roads, feeder streets and pipeline right -of -trays. .-lith no urther business to attend the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. 1. APPROVED THIS S TIM isI/ Iat V � A� 11' 62 E. T."i bbons Iday o r A TTES `'':