1962-10-25 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESP&.T14iD CITY COUTti Q L (SIE CI �L iZETITV G( OCTOBER 25, 1962 A special meeting of the Pearland City Council, the 1�ater Board and oth- r interested parties waS called to order it 7:00 P. tri. by Ilia;,, or -gibbons in the Water Office with the following ir_ at' endance: 1ayo r - E. 1}. Gi' b ors Aldermen - Gene E. Sanders, David L. Smith, John Kegley Tom Alexander, Victor A. Nolen "pater Board John D. Mark, G. H. Haskins, Ye 0. Knapp, the h -c Clellan Drainage D.E. Shannon, Lloyd J. Yost `-nest J. I:. Alexander Robert H. Jonte, D. R. Curry Ienry ':',hitt Mayor Gibbons explained that D. C. Sanders, D. R. Curry, Escue Harris and Hugh Rainey are trained in the oper,.tion of the radiation counter. A radiation counter is now available arra operative and ill be located at the city Hall. Taro additional counters are available at the school for use by the public. R�r. Curry discussed briefly the procedure for people to follwi in the event of nuclear bombing and radiation e:.posure. Also de -contain' nation and protection from radiati cn. Detection instrumerts can be purchased from various radio shops for approximately vr'90.00. A radiation badge docimeter is available for a.. roxi;.:ately ;J.50 each from Allied radio Sales. 1--r. Yost re orted that three r�.ctors have been located for auxiliary -,ower for the city water wells ( Burt Jamison, Christofferson and Derry hiller Sr. Ir. Berry hiller Sr. also I -as belts availa' le. A family plan should be developed to include a place to rendevous. Mr. Henry "hitt discussed county plans for handling a disaster. He strongly urged individual plans for each family. A motion ti...s rade by Sanders and seconded by D. E. Shannon t! -.t Idayor Gibbons, Mr. Lenry Whitt and Lr. Curry and h.r. Knapp be appointed as a committee to prepare a letter of instructs cn to t !-e citizens suggesting possible steps to -repare their home and clothir_ in the event of an atomic bl:kst. Weeting adjourred at 94.00 P. hi. APF'ILOVED THIS ZHEDiiY OF/ ✓E,! 1962 AT 2ES T: SEA A. lolen,' Cit4 Secretary L__� / �'_j ' ... Mayor I i