1962-10-18 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES195 PEARUND CITY COULCIL ILI;ETIEG HELD OCTOi?ER, 18, 1962 A regular meting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7130 P. 1. in the city hall by 1,ayor Gibbons with the following city officials and guests in attendance: Mayor E. T. gibbons Aldermen - Gene E: Sanders, Tom Alexander, John Kegley David Smith, V.A. Nolen Guest Joe A. Martin, Clarence Smith, J. E. Crenshaw Gus D. Mayo, heal 0. Denman, Tt:ornton A.Cha.nbers F. Stevens, D. E. Shannon Police D. C. Sanders A.ayor Gib�ns called the meeting to order and suggested that the candidates for the draina.�e coun-issioner present their ideas for city and area drainage for the future. &:r. D. E. Shannon expressed a desire to work with the city to,:ards better conditions and hoped to incres_se t!:e drainage tiles along tl_e larger ditches. L.r. Shannon also stated t'.at American Canal Company has re-applied for a )ermit to use Clear Or-=-ek to trarsoort v L.ter wit hout bu'_lding a dam to i pound water . Kr. Clarence ti . Smith expressed his desire for continued cordial relations with the city and good drainage for the area. He assured the city of cooperation if elected. The treasurer re-orted a lxl.'ance on 1hand as of October 18, 1962 in the amount of w6,585.34. Alderman V. A. Nolen made a Notion seconded by Gene Sanders that the €'allowing bills be paid. Ill Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes." Name Amount Ck J - Bill Romoser `ij74.00 646 D. C. Sanders 173.10 647 Internal Revenue service 246.40 648 Check 649 Void ------ 649 Houston Lighting & Po„:er 156.88 650 F. A. Taylor County Auditor 55.50 651 r.otorola 17.48 652 karvin Ellis 10.00 653 Jack Harrison 50.00 654 The Steck Co 79.18 655 Brazo ria Co. '-'. D. & I. D. -Il- 3 4.50 656 Pearland Texaco Station 2.90 657 E. E. Martin_ Service Station 187.73 658 kotorola 8170 659 P. E. Se ;elquist 508.00 6F:0 H. C. Holman 30,100 661 Bill Homos er 174.00 662 D. C.Sanders 173.10 663 Southwestern Bell Telephone 31.14 664 A .otion ':as made by Gene Sanders seconded by V.A. Nolen that a resolutiori,be adopted by the City ofPearland aperoving the hetropolitian zoning plan presented by the Soutlr^res tern Bell Telephone Gompany at the spec' al .meeting_ of October 16, 1962. All Aldermen voted "Aye” with no "Noes". payor Gib-:lons next asked for a report from, the Street and Bridge Cour+ :ittee. It was reported that Brookside Road north of the Cemetary needs repairs in order to deserve the road. Lr. John Kegley made a motion that the street and bridge department be authorized to repair the road with the expendiruee not to exceed w200.00. David L. Sri-dth seconded the ':ioti on. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Hoes". 1r. D. E. Shannon was requested to place Orange street west of the railroad on his work agenda so that the street ean'be straightened out and placed in the right of way. He agreed to -:ct on this project iirunediately. 1-ayor Gibbons suggested to the Street and Bridge ConL ittee thL t holes be drilled in the new stre-t arker poles so that stop or yeild signs can be mounted on these poles. 196 Pearla.nd City Council lv.�-eting October 18, 1962 ( Page 2 r. 1.ayo presented l -is prelimina.r,,r plans for constructin a rifle and pistol ranee. TILe ;:lams -.,,ere take?: under study end investi Dation. Lr. l�ayo :as requested to report back to lite council at his plans progress. L.r. Joe L'artin !-r esented insurance data for covering the aux .Bary and reg,; lar police d:-part.:ent. A motion ':'as rade by John lie;ley and secor_ded b.T Tom Alexander that an insurance police , rovidin�- for x10,000.00 accidental ueath, ::1,000.00 L_edical at an annual cost of `-20.48 per rie,._ber be rurchased for t,.e auxiliaryr police department. All Alderi-en voted "Aye" with no "floes". x motionwas made by Tom Alexa -ler that insurance ;-)olice Dr ariding hospitallzati and 4500.00 accidental death be purchased for ti:e regular polioem,ent with covera ge to privide hospital room clar;;e of ;17.50 per day. The city to pay cost for full time police officers a:od any fa_::ily or dependant perticipatin to be paid by tl-e officer. John Kelley seconded the otion. r notion to table �,!as made by Gene Sanders so tLut acti n on t: is insurance purc!_ase could be de erred for furtfler study. V. A. 1olen seconded the-.otion. Aldermen V. A. Polen Gene Sanders voted "Aye" Alder .en David Smitl: John -,,'e-ley and Torr Ale: -lander voted "f:o" the "roes" beim; in tl-e ,_ajoritT t::e mot; cn failed to ca•ry. On the original motion to ­urc':ase t:'.e - os~i ta11-zation -,olicy. hlderx,en David S:rith, John Kegley and Tor.; Alexander voted "Aye" kldermen V.A. l'golen and '=ene Sanders voted "lso.I' The "byes" beiz_g in the ,,ajority the ct ion car;.ied and tike rolicies will be purc' ased. kr. Denman was introduced to tle cz-uncil and indicated a des; -re to pla e a gun shop and r_nge :•rithin the city of 1earla.nd. Lx. Den.-an's proposal was tatten u -oder considerati:m so '-fat the :,:atter can be thorou hly investi ated. 1r. Thornton Charrbers �rese__t7d a plat of Resurrecti_n Lawn Section of Resurrect,= Cemetarlr for council approval. David L. Smith Lade a motion tr.a.t the clot be accreted as --resented for filing. Ton. Alexander seconded the notion and all Aldermen voted "Ayre" 7;-Ith no "floes." Layor Gib' -,ons reco::_ e, ded t'.e ap-�oint.ment of V. A. l:olen and David L. Sm.th, Sill Roby and J. E. Coppinger as e--bers of the building corn ittee. All council members agreed to the a' .ove comr ,Li tt ee appointments. Layor ribbons next discussed the need for more city office facilities It was sugbested,y V. A. iolen that a special rieeting be scheduled to work on special problei^.s. La.Iror Gibbons scheduled the Meeting for Thursday October 25th. ;ith no furt' er business the - eeting adjourned. APPi?OJED 2HIS 'i' _L 1L O �' /VD ✓� �,�- 1962 .LT MT SELL _ .n, �%ity 5?cretary E. T. G","' on.s, i>.ay o r