1962-10-16 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES.194 PTAttLAcdD CITY COUl.CIL '.__E'I'I G OCTOBLILL 16, 1962 (S!?ECIII 1,EET114G) A special meeting of the cite council of Fearland and Brookside Village was called to order by Layor Gi':-:`eons at 5:30 F. L. in the P--arland Bank Building with the follo•:rin-; officials and jzests in attendance: r ame Ci ty John Kelley Fearlard Gene E. Sanders Pearland k. 1 . Mc Glat:hery Pearland A. L. Poe Pearland D. L. Smith Pearland C. L. Spears Pea rla.nd V. J5. Halik Pearland J. R. Herrid,-e Pearland L. R. Ferguson Pearland Tom Alexander Fear 1 and E. T. Gibbons Pearland V. A. Nolen Pear land C. A. Ege Houston I oodrow Le S4 Brookside Village 1.rs. Arnie E. Boyd 'rookside Village C. L. Guidry Brookside Village MI. V. 1'+iIlis Brookside Vil)9L ge 1I. B. Graves Brookside Villa ge 1ayor Gibbons intkoduced lrayor Graves of ''rookside village and asked that he identify his cou,.cil i.eubers. h_ayor Gibbons next in?.roduced the Pearhnd City Council naejabers . Payor Gib' -,ons explained that the spe ;i.al. meeting -,:as called at the request of the Bell Telephone "oir,pany to discuss r:etropolitian zoning and the call scope for the Hudson 5 exchange. Yr.. Singletary explained that Pearland will be able to call Ellington Zone, Friendswood, 1anvel and old ylreda zones without cl-arge. If a zone is jumped a charge �-ji ll be apn li ed; as more zones are jumped the boll cost increases. lio clf.rge for calling central zone. Base rues will be the same as Houston $5.90 versus w4.75 under present sys tem. Business telephones will be V16.50. Pearland will be on ti:is system by December 1964. :oust !n City Council has not been contacted in formal meeting retarding r:etropolitian zoning. This should be completed during the following creeks. kr. Si: _ letary also explained -that ire will be connected to direct long distance dialing by December 1963. Four party lines vrill be re-":uced to two party lines and an, increased cost of w1.00 per .:onth in PeUrlandp 1r. Ege with' Bell Telephone Conapary requested that they be perrdtted to prepare the ne-v.s release on this matter at such time as all communitits arra Houston City Council have been contc.cted. +ith no further business to at tend the !e etir g adj ournedkt.`V 7:20 P. L:. t� ArFRCVED T7 -!S TT`E DAY O" 0�1962 'i �i T V. A. Nolen .0 ity Secretary Mayor