1962-10-04 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESPEARLaD CITY CCU'CIL I:EETIi-G HELD OCTOBER 4, 1962 A reular meeting of the Pearland City Council eras called to order at 7:45 P. l.. October 4, 1962 in t e City Hall by bayor Gibbons rith the folloudng city officials and Euests in attendance: Yayor - E. T. Gib?,ons C AlderT.en- Gene E. Sanders, John e;ley, D. L. Smith, Jr. V. M'. holen Policemen- Pill Ro:~_oser D. C. Sanders G1Zest -Joe Z. Pr"artin, Llo�,d J. Yost, Fred Osborn G. T.ayo, D. F. Lloyd, C. Leonard, A. L. Poe and Antonio ITinojosa The r^inutes of the September 20, 1962 r:ieeting -v.,-ere read ani a,prc:ved. la,<•or Gibbons re ,orted that the Houston Yatural Gas Com:par..y has been contacted and they agreed to conduct a survey of Shady Crest and Baker Additions for possible eras service. It .vas reported that the survey conducted by the Telephone Company and City Officials -<<s satisfactory re, ardin- Hudson 5 call scope. V. A. Nolen reported that an acceptance has been executed by the Bell Lelephone Conrany on the -ross receipts ordinance, and the w1,000.00 rer,ittancewill be delivered v2thin the teras of t::e ordinance. The Street and Bridge Cona.-ittee reported pipe has beer_ delivered to '.r* Clyde Oblir_-er to have street sixns mounted. r. Joe artir. discussed possi ole -roup insurance that can be provided for the city police depart::ent and after a ler-hty discussion 1r.h:_artin - es instructed to seek insurance covera -e to r,ect t:.e e.:plicit needs of the city. Adaline street v;as discussed a. -,d it -:as indicated fron the discussion that no record has ':)een found of ti -e dedication of t -'-,-s street to the ccunt7r or city. 1ayor C-ii,'.ons reco:rxeended ar-,ointr.ent of lictor ii. T?olen to the long ranse city planrinr*cor^,ittee to serve with Lloyd Yost and Robert Hunter. John Ke -ley made a roti. on and secorded '_)y Ilene Sanders that Victor A. Yolen be appointed to serve on the long, range city pla-ming com ittee. All Alderr.:en voted "E:ye" tr:�t h ro "TI ?I . A bui1dint; code --:._as discussed ne.:t and it was agreed a code is becor.-Ang more and ..ore in need of adortion. r. I , s .7i sciissed (,is ,�.n for st#9t*,.�l; a ,un-repa!-r shop and test range -r. him the city of Pe�;x lard near Clear C:-ee k. TT He -"as renuested to meet ,with the council again so that t!! -,s ratter can ?„-e discussed v:-ith the city attorney. A motion w-r+s .:ade by John Kelley and Estates sub—division plat be accepted and requirements of Ordinance No 13. approved by -the drainage connassion. John. Ke>.;ley voted "Aye" Alderman D. e.j ority the -roti on ca.•rie d. seco.ded by Gene Sanders that Regal Oak's for fff -linZ ana subject to provisions Said subdivision draina e bein, duly Alder_~:an V.-. 11olen, Gene San tiers aril L. S . ith obstained. The "Ayes being in d.e :':ith no further business to attend the .::eetin- adjour!_ed Ut 10:00 P. ''.tic.. '.PtOVED 211SS Tr.E &LDay of 62.�'-� 'T i'ES T: SEI L Lo � ? V. A. Nolen,fcity t ecretary