SEPTE1BER 6, 1962
The Pearland City Council was called to order September 6, 1962 at 7:30
P. 1. by lrayor Gibbons in the City Hall with the following city officials
end -uests in attendance:
Mayor E. T. Gibbons
Aldermen Victor A. Nolen, Gene E. Sanders, David L.
Sir:ith, John Kegley rd Tom Alexander
At':.orney Jack Harrison
Police Bill Roi.oser, D. C. San ers
Guest J. B. .•atts, D. D. Robinson, Harold Lee
B. E. Griffin, Da cell L Schultz,
C. L. Stansbury, Frank Lee "i"i. S. Benedict
i.. F. Keilers, and Jr R. F-errid;e
The minutes of the meeting of AugLlst 16, 1962 were read corrected and
an -roved.
14ayor Gibbons reported cat a 12 volt siren --.as purchased from the
county for ; 50.00 and 1-611.00 .eras spent installing the new equipment
on the -ol i ce car.
Mayor Gibbons reported that 4`1214.0C .•ras spent on street repairs to date.
The letter to the boy scouts con.: ending them .for the clean-up program
on the state highways was read by the council members and raai led to
the Scout Iva.ster.
It was also reported that 4 new tires were insta lied on tare city police
car August 16,-1962.
Mayor Gibbons next opened discussion on the _;arbage pick-up ?roblem.
The contract with Griffin Brothers was read by 1ayor Gibbons to refresh
everyones mecory re-arding city and Griffin Brothers obligations.
A motion was !-jade by D. L. Smith that D. D. ttobii sor be ranted a
permit to haul garba`;e tivithin the cite of reL�rland ur_der prov_sion and
terms of ordinance .� r5. otior_ sec onded by Jo' n Ke,jey. David Smith
and Johr_ Kegley voted "iye", i. 1�-. Lolen, Tor-, Ale ander and Gene Sanders
vot-d "1`o", the "Noe's being in the -majority the -,otion failed to carry.
A motion was made by V. A. Lolen t! t, that perti on of Shadycrest Sub-
division 1 *ins north of Iiary's "reek be a!7 -roved and accepted by the
city cou,cil in a ordance with minirum county specificati ons for roads
in order to file for record. David Smith seconded the r:,otion. All
Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". The inimum county specifications
are acceptable for this part of the subdivision because the streets were in
existence and bond :7 as placed with the county before the subdivision =<as
incor-orated irithin the city of Pea.rland, 'Texas
Lr. J. R. Herridge presented a new rroposed subdivision for council
review and co-.ments. Aft•=r due discussion it eras a;reed to -,eet with
the drainage disi:rict and obtain county plats showing dedicated road
ri �ht-of-way.
P.r. Johnny Yost r, -.et with the council to discuss the city accepting a
street lc•ated on his property into the city road system. bar. Yost
proposit' on irvas ta'cen under donsideration for further study and he �.•as
advised to furnish a ri;_;ht of way deed for the road.
APPROVED T 1S LL .p'� WtiY OF 58 f' cL& , 1962
E. To
V. A. ;.ole , Ci y Secretary