1962-08-16 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES187 PEARL,AND CI TY COU1� Cl L T: EE T!1:'l I`I 11 TES , PE,iLPU, _,:D, TE. 1_S AUGUST 16, 1962 The Pearland City Council vras called to order Aueust 16, 1902 at 7:45 P. I.:. by I1ayor Gibbons in the City Hall with the follo.%rin`; city officials and guests in attendance: Le 1. Gib''ons Victor A* i;iolen David L. Smith Gene E. Sanders John Kelley D. C. Sanders Bill Romoser C. L . T;evrr.:ann r ayor A1der,n:an Alderman Alderman Alderman Chief =olice Assistant Chief olice Guests The r inutes of the August 2, 1962 meeting of the city council were r- ad correc';ed and approved. I:_ayor Gibbons next ask for a report from the Street and Bridge Department. Both John Kegley and Gene Sanders reported that work i.vcs in progress and all agreed that the -, orlc dine so far al --ears satisf.,ctory. payor ribbons exnresse.?concern over the heavy true: traffic on so -:e of t o Off cit.r streets. i=e indicated tl.e chair.�ar_ of the Street and Bridge Committee will be directed to survey tine streets and recoirLrend to the council what action shou'.d be taken to adopt speeds and load li. i s for tf,.e.,cd.ty.,streets. &.r. C. �. 1�ewmann '- as introduced to t' council as a guest. r. Tiewmann expressed interest in ++re Pear landr sire to be of service. where needed.. A motion as r::ade b,• David Smith and seconded by John Kegley that a set of 4 Buckror_ Atlas tires be "urchased for Q"68.00 plus exchange tires frog.' Ir. Theriot's humble Service Station. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with n_o..- "Noes". A m6tion was made by i,_r. David Smith and seconded by V. A. Nolen that the layor be authorized to-urchase a replacement sirene for a maximum of X85.00. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes." 1._r. D -id Smith, treasurer reported a balance of $6,475.11 as of August 16, 1562. A motion vras made by John Kegley and seconded by V. A. 17olen that the street repair authorization be increased X250.00 to make a total authorization' of w1,250.00. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "hoes". A motion was rrade b�- :.)avid Smmi.hh that Robinson be granted a perr,it to pickup garba;e nithin the cit,, of Pearland crcviding the `arbage is not disposed of in th city du., -.p. The ;notion died for lac . of a second. A mo' ion ,:'as made b;T John Kegler and seconded by V. A. 1Isoler tll,at a let1:er be directed to the Pearland Boys Gccut con ending them on cleanin up the trash from the ri`ht-of-ways within the city Saturday aiu ,,ust 4th. All Aldermen voted "Ay8" with no "Dioes." A motion was made by John Kegley and seconded by V. A. Nolen that 4;201.00 be authorized for install;_ng street signs. All Alder, -,en vaned "Aye" with no "hoes". A I:.otion was made by v , r:. Nolen and seconded by David Smith that the following bills ';e -,aid. All Alder.-.,er voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Pearland City Council i',:eeting Au`,ust 16, 1962 Page 2 Name Amount Check Houston Lighting & Power Co. v 125.41 609 Bra.zoria Co. 'i. C. R I. D. f 3 4.50 610 r:elvin J. TI -riot Service Statio$ 5.04 611 Kleising 1lotor Co. 108.77 612 Cosco Inc 75.00 613 F. h. Taylor "ounty Auditor 3.00 614 Sinclair Service Station 147.51 616 P. E. Segelcuist 500.00 616 H. C. HoL.a n 110.00 617 H-=rry ':hitt 10.00 618 D. C. Sanders 173.10 619 Bill Romoser 158.70 620 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 25.71 621 h'eeting adjourned at 1C:C0 P. 1. AT'PEOVED TITS T??EDAi' O 40== 1962 .4MES T 4ictor-�,. City Secretary