1962-08-02 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES185 ,MINUTES P-LRL.LIM CITY COUNCIL LEETING RLIR :i D, 'TEXAS AUGUST 2, 1962 The Pear land City Council was called to order at 7-.45 P. I. by luayor E. T. Gibcons at the City Hall with the following Aldermen and Guest in attendancbt E. T. Gibbnns Payor Gene E.6anders Alderman John G. l.egley Alderman Tom Alexander Alderman Victor A . ilolen Alder ,.an Jack Harlison Attorney Ferman Sin`letary Guest B. E. Griffin Guest P. E. Srgelruist Judge The minutes of J­ly* 19, 1962 .-etir:g v. -.re ->ad, corrected and approved. Pr.ayor Gi'; :,ons reported a balance on hand as of August 1, 1962 in the amount of X4,821.85. l'he following bills were presented for -payment: Marne Amount Check 7P I-arvin Ellis w 125.00 600 Brazoria Co, ; .C. Il D. j 3 4.50 601 St. Joseph hospital 20:00 602 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 21.38 603 Douglas Lloyd 75.00 604 D. C. Sanders 173.10 605 Bill Homoser 158.70 606 Jack Harrison 50.00 607 Marvin Ellis 10.00 608 $fter due discussion a notion -,.-as made by I_r. John Kegley aryl seconded by V. r . Nolen that the bills be paid. All Aldermen voted "Aye"With. no "Noe s'o . Ir. Gene E. Sanders expressed concern. over payment of the h-7spital bill to St. Joseph Hospital for e:ergency service rendered to policeman Bill Romoser when the city vehicle r:�,s involved in an accident vrith Ir. Pralre- f ie ld' s car while running emer;;ency traff_c. is •--osition v. s rased u; -on the advise of the city attorney. The Street and Fridge Department retorted that work wFs in pro;ress repairing the streets. L -r. Sir:,gle -ar vrith the Bell Telephone Coinpany discussed telephone service in Pearland area and various distance charges which are applied on milea`e for telephone outside the center of the city. I r. Singletary was requested to submit a recommendation to the Telephone Company to change all telephones from Friendswood and Ianvel numbers to Paarland exchange that exist vaithin the city limits of Pearland ironer. lir. Single'-ary 'was also requested to consider including area south of t! -.e city limits to Hastings Field in the Pear h nd exbhange scope. A Notion vias made by V. A. Nolen and sec onded by John Kegley* that South- western Bell Telephone Company be granted a 5 year franchise to operate 186 Pearland City Council kinutes of #eeting held Aug. 2, 1-62 Page 2 within the city of Pearland as per ter s of Ordinance Nlo 53 for ;1,000.00 for the year 1961 and 2j of the gross receipts for each y!: ar thereafter. Franchise to begin effective January 1, 1962 and to exclude automatic renes^.,al clause. Alderman V. A. Polen, Join Kegley and Gene Sa::ders voted "Aye". Alderman Tom ile..ander voted L.o. The "Ayes" being in t!.e majority the-.,.otion carried. A motion -as mare b-- To , Alexander and secoded by 'T. A. Lolen that a resolution be a,�onted by the ci_ :y reauestir. the Telephone Co pany to chane all telephones within the P^arland City bour,11;ry and expanded area to Hudson_ 5 exchange subject to an on a ground survey favora!)le to the c. :ante. All Alder: -.en voted "Aye" with no "Noes." I.r. B. E. Griffin presented a revised garbage pickup contract. A rr.ot . or. -:;as made by Gene Sanders that a -ick up ordinance be adopted a per terra of ordinance is 54. Lotion wase seconded by J. ". _.olen. All Alder,: en voted "f -ye" .vith, no "Noes." A mot -j- on -r:as made by V . A. Nolen and seconded by Gene Sar_ders that Ordinance No �5 be adopted prcvidir_ for contract between the city of Pearland and Griffin _rothens to nicl: up garbage. All Aidenien voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. 11. A, ROVED T '.IS 2HE DAY OF S / _19C2. ATi EST: t 1, o A n City Secretary E. . ,ibb ons , Mayor