1962-07-19 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES183 MINWES OF PEARLAND CITY COU11CIL A: EETTI G IiELD JULY 19, 1962 The Meeting was called to order by L:ayor E. T.Gibb­ns, v�ith the following Councilmen, officers and visitors present: E. 7. Gibbons kayor Victor A. l:olen Councilman Gene E. Sanders Courci Iman D. L. S , ith Counci 1nan Thorton Cha -begs 9uest A. F. Keiler Guest Ray Curry Gu P s t Jack Harrison Attorney B. H. Ror._oser T'olicerian D. C. Sanders Citi of Police Buddy Ellis Fire Chi ,f The minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, aril July 5, 1962 were read and approved. Alderman David L. S:'Ith reported a balance on hand as of July 19, 1962 of 4`6,459.53. A motion was raade by V. A. Nolen and seconded by Gene Sanders that the following bills be paids ...#• Lame Amount Check M. J. Theriot w 5.17 588 Beard (� Stone Elec 15.45 589 Cosco Inc. 8.73 590 Burke 1fg. Co. 148.20 591 Neumey< r htr. Pts. 72.00 592 Sr ith Mun Supplies 72.63 593 Internal Rev. Sere. 248.70 594 Pearland `lariety -1.58 595 P. E. Se^•elcuist 408.00 596 H. C. Holman 10.00 5`1�7 Bill Ron-oser 158.70 598 D. C. Sanders 173.10 599 All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "hoes". A ::otion r:as rade by Gere Sanders, seconded by V. h. Nolen t,. t Kleising 11otor Co. of Pe�xland, Texas be ^aid 4;80.00 for body re -pair to the police car because of an accident involving the -olice car and a grail box. Alder :en V. A. X len, Geno) Sanders, voted "Ave", Alderman D. L. Smith voted " 1 10". The "Aye's 'being in tL:e r_ajcrity the lotion carried. A ruction -:•:tas r ade by D. L. On' -i th and seconded by V. A. 1iolen tr:at the proposed re -plat of section T Ord Garden of Good Shepards, South Park Cemetary be a --roved in order to file subject to approval of Coiyrissior_ers. Court. All 41dermen voted '"1qe" with ro "does". Mr. Jack Harrison tendored his official resi„nation effective August 1, 1962. Mayor Gib' -,ons tabled the .::atter until all bf the council members return. The Street a7 d Bridge Department reported that repair work for the streets has been arranged and work will commence as quic_ ly as weath-:r per,, -.its. Attorney Jack Harrison di, cussed the garbage contract aryl suggested several changes which should be made to :�:eet with the approval of all concerned. Mr. i arrison indicated he ,rrou ld write i: -r. I,i •ner the attorney who ;prepared the contract arra recon: -.end the changes necessary for council approval. 1ayor Gibbons presented a plat furrished by l_ouston Light and Power. A >>oticn was made by David L. Smith ad seconded by V. A. hclen that Houston 184 Peartnd City Council Leeting held July 19, 1962 P, -,-e 2 Light and Power Con.,pany plat dated July 13, 1962 designating location for irstallat- on of new Pearland City* Street lights be accepted. All Alder: -.en voted "Aye" with no "hoes". Mr. Emmett Bramlett discussed with the Mayor a proposal to close Sacras,ento stre t between Pear.Street ---.nd the railroad. 4ft_r a discussion by the payor, ?!r. Harrison and the council on the :,ethods of closing nublic streets, payor Gibbons advised that L -r. Br,:mlett would be told the city would not close Sacramento Street because of conflict of r.ublic interest. Ir. Ourry appeared before the council to discuss the presence of an obnoxious condition caused by the Pearland Garae Paint Shop. Spray paint is being allowed to dissipate freely onto rivate yards ar.d houses. -tuayor gibbons instructed Chief Sanders to c:;ntact Vie garage F,' out cl�_ari g the alle,, ai-d Dr. Rau will be contLoted to investigate the Paint problem to determine whether a health-robler;. exists A notion ,a.s :ade by II. A. i;o'en and seconded by Di►zrid L. Smith that Kotorola Commui-ication �:rd Electronics Incor ora -led be awarded a contract to maintain and sex -,rice V -e --olive cc.r radio for a fee of r�8.70 Per - onth. All Alder --ren voted "Aye" with no "Noes". '+'+ith no fuzrth-r business to attend the meeting adjourned et 9:30 P. 1E. N� APPROVED T ' IS THE 2 DIY of (%S 1962 AT ES T — /, /4� - Vi ctor !,. l,olen % Ci ty Secretary / E. T. Gibbons, P4ayor