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A regular meting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30
P. M. June 21, 1962 by payor Gibbons in the City Hall with the follomring
city officials and guests in attendance:
Mc..y or -
Aldermen -
Attorney -
Police -
Guest -
E. T. Gibbons
Gene Sanders, David Smith, Jr., V. A. Nolen
and John Kegley
Jack Harrison
D. C. Sanders, B. H. Rou os er
Paul Joplin, Charles Blanco, B. E. Griffin
Leroy Griffin
The min.;tes of the reguh r meeting of June 7, 1962 and special meeting
of June 16, 1962 were read and approved.
Alderman D. L. Smith reported a balance on hand of ;07,120.88 as of June
21, 1962.
A motion was made by V. A. Nolen and seconded by Gene Sarders that the
following bills be paid:
Check No.
Crown Printing Co.
Kleising Motor Co.
D. C. Sanders
Check Void
Check Void
Bill Romoser
All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "floes".
I4ayor Gibbons asked for a report from the street and bridge cormittee.
D'r. D. L. Smith ren_ carted the -t additional contact with Brmun and Root for
street repair work has not been made. Yr. Gene Sanders rerorted that Gulf
Bethaletic ws_s not interested in repair work. Mr. John Kegley reported that
he has rade contact with the City of Houston Maintenance Depart. -ent and
will obtain a list of reliable street repair companies to bid on
Pearland street repairs.
L:ayor Gibbons nel:t asked Mr. Joplin with the Houston Lighting and
Power company to discuss their proposed mate ir:crease. Lr. Joplin
explained that for the electric consumer having a monthly bill of
413.00 per � onth the rate vrould be equal or less than the ^resent rate.
In the strrrer months the balance point is aperoximately v�21.CO per month.
Yr. Joplin explained that their profit has dropped to a level of 5�a and the
rete increase till-inoredse' their profitscto.. 6411(�#'. It was also explained
that Houston Light ail Power Company has never asked for an increase in the
past history of the company. lv.r. Jo -lin bras requested to furnish date on
the investment in Pearland and the average rconthly bill of Pearland customers
and report bac': to the council for further discussion.
Layor Gibbons next discussed the reanner in which funds paid into the
City Treasurer by subdividers for topping streets shou'd be handled.
It laas agreed to place '-he funds in an escrow account and place in a
savings account drawing interest until the work is performed.
The Griffin Brothers discussed their needs for e:.�ter_diiz the contract
with the city to collect garbage for a five (5) year period. They -ti.ere
instructed to prepare a contract for the council to review and present at
the ne-:t re`;ular meeting.
I:ayor Gibbons reouested the Street and Bridge Corn:.ittee to ;-resent recomunenda-
tions for new street lights at the next regular meeting.
The next topic of discussion yr -'as a proposed weed and trash ordinance. A
motion was .-ade by John Kegley and seconded by V. A. Nolen that Ordinance
No 52 requiring °reeds, rubbish and trash to be re_r:oved fror premises be
adopted. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Moes".
b m,_ction was nada by V. A. Nolen that Earl Raney be appoin�_-ed'- a assistant
Fire larshal. Yotion seconded by David Smith. All';Aldermen voted "Aye"with
no "Noes".
A motion vias made by Gene Sa:,ders and seconded b,• John Kegley that band
37.180 covering Galvestion County be installed in the existing."police car
m,dio for maximum of X75.00. Aldermen V. A. Nolen, John 1uegley ad Gene Sanders
voted "Aye". Aldermen D. L. Sr:ith voted "No". The "Ayes being in the majority
t h t'
T e moon carried.
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