1962-05-17 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES175 MINUTES OF THE PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD May 17, 1962. ---------------------------------------- ---------------- A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M in the City Hall by Mayor E. T. Gibbons with the following city officials and guests in attendance: Mayor - E. T. Gibbons Alderman - Gene E. Sander, Tom Alexander, John Kegley, V. A. Nolen, David L. Smith Police - D. C. Sanders, Bill Romoser Attorney - Jack Harrison Guests - J. R. Herridge, D. A. Herridge, Pat Workman, Linor C. Eignus The minutes of the May 3rd meeting were read , discussed and deferred until next meeting for approval. A motion was made by V. A. Nolen and seconded by Tom Alexander that the attached sheet of bills be paid. All Aldermen voted " Aye" with no "N:,es". Mayor Gibbons asked for a report from the treasurer. Mr. David L. Smith reported a blaance on hand as of May 17, 1962 of $7,671.72. Mayor Gibbons next introduced Mr. Eignus from FRiendswood who presented a subdivision preliminary plat and requested that the city of Pearland permit the Galveston County Water Control and ImpxovE ment District ##15 to serve the part of the subdivision that lies ; within the city of Pearland and in Brazoria County. A motion was madE by Mr. Kegley and seconded by Mr. Alexander that a letter be prepared by Mr. Harrision for the city of Pearland authorizing the Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No 15 to serve the part of the Cane Corporation Sub -division lying within the city limits of Pearland and Brazoria County. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes". Mayor Gibbons introduced Mr. & Mrs. Martinez who expressed concern over the dust from the Mykawa road traffic and presented a petition to the city to act on this problem with said petition signed by the majority of the sesidents residing along Mykawa Road. Mr. Sanders stated that Brown and Root people advised that equipment will be moved in May 18, 1962 to finish the surfacing of Mykawa Road. Mayor Gibbons read the attached resolution pertaining to emergency repair speeds on Mykawa Road. Mr. Sanders made a motion seconded by Mr. D. L. Smith that the emergency speed resolution be adopted. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no " Noes". Mr. J. R. Herridge discussed subdivision street constructioi and agreed that black topping was appropriate. He indicated he would petition a tract of land into the city and place money in escrow to provide for black topping. He also indicated he is ready to proceed with unit ##2 of Regency Park Subdivision if the street probler can be resolved. Mr. J. R. Herridge expressed a desire to have the city resolve the street problem in Shady Crest Subdivision. A motion was made by Mr. John Kegley and seconded by Mr. Tom Alexander that the 1962 bugget be adopted as presented and dated May 4, 1962. All Alderman voted "Aye" with no "Noes". 176 Mr. Kegley discussed the need for signs on Highway 518 and Dixie Farm Road. Mr. V. A. Nolen was instructed to contact Mr. Marvel with the highway department regarding placing signs on the intersections. He also requested information on the 518 Mykawa road intersection. Chief of Police D. C. Sanders recommended that Alfred F. Keilers be appointed Auxilary policeman. A motion was made by Mr. V. A. Nolen and seconded by Mr. Gene Sanders that Mr. Alfred F. Keiler be appointed Auiliary policeman. All Aldermen voted "Aye" with no "Noes." With no further business to attend the meeting was adjournei at 9:45 P. M. subject to call. APPROVED THIS THE 7th DAY OF JUNE 1962. CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS By: -10�a4v' E. T. Gibbons, Mayor CITY OF PEARLAND P. O. BOX 365 PEARLAND, TEXAS Ma y 17, 196 - TREASURER'S REPORT Name Amount Ch # Deposits Balance as of 5-3-62 Mrs. David L. Smith, Jr. 26.25 540 $6,416.78 Cosco 7.83 541 1,701.50 P. E. Segelquist 373.90 542 H. C. Holman 10.00 5243 Victor A. Nolen 4.75 544 Kliesing Motor Co. 26.19 545 E. E. Martin 148.49 546 Nonny Signs 12.50 547 Internal Revenue Service 88.98 548 Bill Romoser 59.32 549 560.00 D. C. Sanders 173.10 550 Kliesing Mctor Co. 17.50 551 Southwestern Bell Telephone 27.75 552 B. &. B. Communications 30.00 553 New car Total $8,678.28 Disbursements 1,006.56 Balance 5-17-62 771.72 2034.00 cost. 560.00 salvage 744:00 870.33 insurance after $106J66 603.67 _ May 17, 19 62 In view of the aggravated dust conditions to tl!e residents along that part of rdykawa Road currently considered to he under construction (that section of this road from which topping has been removed between Clear Creek Bridge and P, ite Garner Road) and in view of the increased driving hazards created by this dust and the in- herent roughness of the surface condition of this road while tinder construction, the speed limit on this section shall be twenty (70) miles per hour effective immediately upon placement of signs to that effect. Further, since this measure is of emergency nature it shall become effective immediately and be automatically revoked upon completion of this construction at which time the speed limit shall be restored to forty-five (45) miles per hour. To implement this measure, it shall he the duty of the mayor to: (1) have signs Dosted to effect the twenty mile speed limit within the next five working days; (2) to instruct the police force to rigidly enforce this speed limit night and day for a period of one week and to closely watch this area Por violators through out the duration, and; (3) to have twenty (320) mile signs replaced by forty-five (45) mile signs in accordance with this measure as stipulated above.