1962-04-19 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND HELD ON APRIL 19, 1962. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was opened by Mayor E. T. following member, employees and visitors present at &:30 P. M. on April 19, 1962: Mayor - E. T. Gibbons Councilman - David Smith Councilman - Tom Alexander Councilman - John G. Kegley Councilman - Gene Edwards Sanders Attorney - Jack Harrison Fire Marshall- Buddy Ellis Gibbons with the in the City Hall The minutes of the previous meetings of April 5 and April 9 were read and approved. Councilman David Smith gave a Treasurer s Report. Councilman Smith reported a balance of $5,995.30 at the last report and the present balance as of April 19 was $6,958.70. Upon a Motion by Councilman Kegley, seconded by Councilman Alexander the following bills were read and approved and ordered paid, with all present voting "AYE": Check No. Name Amount 521 The Hertz Corp. $ 85.20 522 P. E. Segelquist 260.00 ' 523 Henry Whitt 30.00 524 H. C. Holman 30.00 525 D. C. Sanders 173.10 526 Bill Romoser 128.30 Councilman Alexander made his report on the garbage dump, stating that he had talked to Mr. Griffin who had a man employed at the Garbage Dump and was attempting to make a survey of the number of vehicles using the dump with a view of determining the proper charge to be made of those private individuals using the dump. Mayor Gibbons made a report on the Planning Committee Meeting at the Rice University in Houston. The matter of the minimum road and subdivision street requirements was discussed. It was understood that Council had previously adopted the minimun County specifications with some amendments thereto. Councilman Smith expressly an opinion that the type of roads that would be approved by the City Council should rest on the location and type of subdivision and that each such subdivision would rest on its own merits. X)Uu=XXXXXXXXXXXkX101 The matter was tabled for further consideration. The Mayor named to the Street and Bridge Committee for the present calendar year the following Councilmen: David Smith, Chairman John G. Kegley Gene Sanders He named all members of the Council as members of the Budget Committee. J 172 The Mayor in concert with the City Council authorized the purchase of automobile tires for the patrol car and shirts for the Police Department employees. Mayor Gibbons stated that a Special Meeting would by held Thursday April 27, in order to go over the budget. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned, subject to call. AT#T& victor A. No en, cretary v CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS C A. BY. _ E. T. Gibbons, Mayor Na me The Hertz Corporation P. E. Segelquist Henry Whitt H. C. Holman D. C. Sanders Bill Romoser CITY OF PEARLAND P. O. BOX 36S PEARLAN D, TEXAS :April 19, 10642 TREASURER'S REPORT Amount Ch # Deposits 85.20 521 460.00 260.00 522 40.00 30.00 523 1,170.00 30.00 524 Balance as of 4-5-62 $5,995.30 173.10 525 .,. 128.30 526 —706-60 Tota 15 . Disbursements 706.60 Balance 14-19-62 $6,95U.70