1980-05-15 - ELECTION CANVASS RESULTS - RESOrder Declaring Result Of City Officers' Election THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ ' CITY OF. PEARLAND On this the 1S day of May , 19 80 , the City Council/~mm~i~x of the City of Pearland ., Texas, convened in ~l>~'r~er?ncy session open to the public at the regular meeting place thereof with the following members present, to-wit: ~ Tom Reid Mayor, Dennis Frauenberge~ ~~~x Charles R. Mack Carl ton McComb ~n Counc~ lman Morris S. Wilson Fran Coppinger Asst. ~ Barbara J. Lenamon City Secre~ry/~ and the ~ol]o~ng absent: None ~, constituting a quorum, and amo~ other proceedings had were the following: ~~~,~ Morris S. Wilson introduced a r~olution and order and moved its adoption. ~e motion was seconded by ~~~Dennis Erauenberger and the motion carrying with it the adoption o~ the resolution and order prevailed by the following vote, Wilson, McComb, Frauenberger, Mack & Wilson A~S: , ~OES: None The resolu~on is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. R80-12 ~ere came on to be considered the returns o~ ~n election held on the 10 day o~ ~-y ,19 80, ~o~ ~e purpose o~ electing the hereinafter ~med o~cJals, and it appearing ~rom said reruns, duly and leg~ly made, that there were cast at said elation 1475 valid and legal vote~; that ~ch of the ~ndidates in said election received the ~ol]owing votes: ~O~X COUNCIL~N, POSITION~i Recount ~A~E OF O~DIDA~ TQT~L NUMBER OF/~OTE8 A1 Lent~ Dennis Frauenberger COUNCILMAN, POSITION S FOR NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED Morr~S S~ ~lson~ ~'' 626 [IQ[[lOll Repo~ Ty~ ~cumu/ative ~Preclnct RUN-OFF ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND ~SENTEE ~ 10, 1980 NU~~ 1 0 COUNC~N, P0SZTION 1 A1 Lentz 3 0 0 3 2 D~nni~ Frauenber~er 4 004 83 COUNCIL~2 ' -, 5 ~ Terry Gray 8 Morris S. Wilson -- 9- 008 80 74 ,1 Ol 009 28 25 ,9 02' -. 8:52 50 ~+ ~+ 00 1,1.,1,(., l lOS IH,~tIL I ~ ,, ,:,,,,,, o, RUN-OFF ELECTION . C~.TY OF PEARLAND CUMULATIVE ~"-~ ~ MAY 10, 1980 N~~ 14 ? 5 COUNCILMAN. PO~_T_[Q~4 ~ 1 -_Ai_J~CZ_. _ .3 00.~ ?55 50 ,1 0.1 '' Dennis Frauenberaer 4 00& 7) 1 A9 ,9 02 ¢0UNCIL_HA_N, POST?ION 5 1 Terry Gray 8 008 8~2 57 ,I 01 · Morris S. Wilson ~- 009 626 ~2 ,9 02 0o EI,ECTION IH,:SI_LLI'~ .~.~ °, Election Report Type E]Cumulative [~preclnc/ RUN-OFF ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND ~L~Y 10, 1980 PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL NU21 i)66 COUNCILMA_N, 'POSIT~QN 1 ~~-- 003 709 Q~nnis F~uenberger .004 648 ..q0UNCIL~N~ POSI~IO~ 5 Terry Gray 8 008 752 Morris S. Wilson ~- 009 598 9:01 1 I+ 2+ + 1366 + 1475 O0 ! THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE 149TH JUDIC~IAL DISTRICT COURT OF BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS: I, DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER, herein called Applicant, a Candidate whose name appeared on the ballot for Councilman Position 1 in the run off election held on the 10th day of May, 1980, in the City of Pearland, Texas, hereby respectfully requests Post-election examina- tion of program and a recount of votes pursuant to Article 7.15 Subdivision 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of Article 7.15 of the Election Code, I hereby request and ask for the following: 1. Permission to examine the program used in counting the ballots in the Pearland City Council race Position 1 held on the 10th day of May, 1980; and 2. Permission to examine the materials used in making the test count~ and 3. Permission to make a recount of the test count, using the program and the test materials; and 4. A recount of the ballots for all of the election precincts within the City of Pearland, Texas, using the same methods and materials as used in the original count held on the 10th day of May, 1980. Wherefore, Premises Considered, Applicant prays an Order of the Court granting an examination and recount of the ballots cast in the Run off election for Councilman Position 1 and for any and other relief that Applicant may be entitled pursuant to Article 7.15 Sub- division 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Resp~lly submitted,y ~ DENNIS M. FRAUENB~RGER / Applicant ~ cc: Honorable Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas cc: A1 Lentz NO. gP/~/~/~ IN RE: DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF REQUEST FOR RECOUNT BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER On this the 13th day of May, 1980, came on t'o be considered the request of Dennis M. Frauenberger, Petitioner, for a post-election recount and other procedures in accordance with Article 7.15, sub- division 23, of the Texas Election Code; said request was in writing and filed with the undersigned District Judge on the 13th day of May, 1980, a copy of said request is attached hereto; it further appearing that said Petitioner was a candidate, whose name appeared on the ballot, as City Councilman, Position No~ 1, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas at the city election of May 10, 1980; this preliminary hearing was conducted after the said District Judge ordered that each interested party be given reasonable notice thereof; at this preliminary hearing, said petitioner revised his request so that only the procedures numbered one, two, three, four and five of his request are to be conducted, subject to Petitioner's right to request additional pro- cedures as provided by law; It is accordingly ORDERED that: A. the Mayor and City Council of the City Of.~and, Brazoria County, T'exas, defer a canvass of the returns of the office in question until ali requested procedures under Article 7.15, Subdivision 23, Texas Election Code, are completed; B. the City Secretary of Pearland, Texas, is to maintain custody of the election records and he or his designated deputy clerk is to supervise and be responsible for their safekeeping while they are being used; C. that Petitioner be permitted to accomplish the procedures in paragraphs one, two, three and four of his request; D. the ballots for a-1 of the election precinct in ~P~ Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas, including absentee ballots, be recounted, using the same methods and materials as in the original count; E. said recount be made by J. C. McNeill,Iv, selected by and to be compensated by Petitioner, and who has been approved by the District Judge as to his competence to operate the electronic tabulating equipment. Voting Machine Department asa deposit for the cost of said recount. Gl Audrey Moseman is hereby named to represent the District Judge to supervise said recount; H. the recount shall begin at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the 15 day of May, A. D., 1980, at Brazoria County Voting Machine Office, Fairgrounds, Angleton, Texas. I. Notice of said recount and its time and place shall be given in person or by telephone to all interested parties. Signed this /~ay of~~l~ ~ P~5 I~rg~on, D~strict Judge. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE 149TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS: I, DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER, herein called Applicant, a Candidate whose name appeared on the ballot for Councilman Position 1 in the run off election held on the 10th day of May, 1980, in the City of Pearland, Texas, hereby respectfully requests Post-election examina- tion of program and a recount of votes pursuant to Article 7.15 Subdivision 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of Article 7.15 of the Election Code, ! hereby request and ask for the following: 1. Permission to examine the program used in counting the ballots in the Pearland City Council race Position 1 h~ld on the 10th day of May, 1980; and 2. Permission to examine the materials used in making the test count; and 3. Permission to make a recount of the test count, using the program and the test materials; and 4. A recount of the ballots for all of the election precincts within the City of Pearland, Texas, using the same methods and materials as used in the original count held on the 10th day of May, 1980. Wherefore, Premises Considered, Applicant prays an Order of the Court granting an examination and recount of the ballots cast in the Run off election for Councilman Position 1 and for any and other relief that Applicant may be entitled pursuant to Article 7.15 Sub- division 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Restfully submitted, ~~'~ Applican~ ~ ' cc: Honorable Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pea=land, Texas ¢¢; A1 Lentz Election Report Type [-~Cumulatlve [~Preclnct P~ECOUNT-~k~Y 14, 1980 RUN-OFF ELECTION ABSENTEE CITY OF PEARl. AND Votln{~ Voting Votes To TIME & PRECINCT NUMBER BALLOTS · COUNCILMAN,' POSITION 1 A1 Lentz 3 I 003. 26 2~ .9 02 Dennis Frauenberger 4 00 ~ 8 ~ 76 ,1 01 . 10:09 50 + 109 O0 RECOUNT-~Y 14, 1980 RUN-OFF ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL TIME & PRECINCT .I 0 NUMBER BALLOTS ~ ~ 66 COUNCILMAN, POSITION 1 , A1 Lentz 3 00 Dennis Frauenberger __ 4 004 648 4 7 10:!~ 1 2+ + 115~ + I 47'5 O0 Election Report Tyrm Oc-~;ulatlv. Dpre¢lnct RECOUNT-MAY 14, ~980 RUN-OFF ELECTION CUMU~TIVE CITY OF PEA~D TIME & P~CINCT NUMBER BALLOTS COUNCIL~N~ POSITION 1 A1 Lentz 3 003 Dennis Frauenberger 4 00 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE 149TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS: I, ,--MORRIS S.,WILSON -.L, herein called Applicant, a Candidate whose name appeared on the ballot for Councilman Position $ in the run off election held on the 10th day of May, 1980, in the City of Pearland, Texas, hereby respectfully requests Post-election examina- tion of program and a recount of votes pursuant to Article 7.15 Subdivision 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of Article 7.15 of the Election Code, I hereby request and ask for the following: 1. Permission to examine the program used in counting the ballots in the Pearland City Council race Position $ held on the 10th day of May, 1980; and 2. Permission to examine the materials used in making the test count; and 3. Permission to make a recount of the test count, using the program and the test materials; and 4. A recount of the ballots for all of the election precincts within the City of Pearland, Texas, using the same methods and materials as used in the original count held on the 10th day of May, 1980. Wherefore, Premises Considered, Applicant prays an Order of the Court granting an examination and recgunt q~tbe ballots cast in the Run off election for Councilman Positzon~ for any and other relief that Applicant may be entitled pursuant to Article 7.15 Sub- division 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Respectfully submitted, ' ' '' cc: Honor&hie Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas NOTICE OF SPECIAL (EMERGENCY) M~..ETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND (N~me o~ Civy er ?ow~) Notice is hereby given that an emergency and/or urgent public necessity meeting of the Governing Body of the above named City or Town will be held on the 15th dayof May ,1980 . at 7: 30 PM. in the City Hall, Pearl and , Texas, and the subject o/said meeting will be CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. R80-12, a Resolution and order declaring the result of City Officers' Runoff Election held on May 10, 1980. (After canvass the Mayor will administer Oath of Office to the elected councilmen.) and the fact that the subject matter of said meeting is urgently needed to maintain and operate said City or Town for the best interest of said City or Town, makes it an emergency or urgent public necessity that said meeting be held. DATED this the 13th day of May ~ 19 80 . //~--] CTTY DF PFARI AND B~ar~ J. Lena~s[t. City Secretary I, $e ~dersi~ed aurally, do hereby cer~ ~at ~e above No,ce of Mee~g o~ the Govem~g Body o~ the above n~od Ci~ or To~ is a ~e ~d co~ect copy of s~d Notice and ~a~ I posted a ~e and ~ect ~py o~ s~d No~ on ~e bulle~n bo~d in the Ci~ Hall, 2335 ~. Texas ~ve., Pearl and , Te~, a pla~ conve~en~ and readily a~ssible to the gener~ public at all times, and said No~ce w~ ~sted on May 13, ,19 80 , at 5: O0 ~ o'clock P' M., ~d said time of ~s~g w~ at least 2 ho~s before s~d mee~ng was convened. 164148--ORDE~ DECLARING RESULT OF CITY OFF~R ELEOTION (176 Hart Gra~hbs, Austin, T~ Order Declaring Result Of City' Officers' Election THE STATE OF TEXA~ ) ~ CITY OF PE~L^N~ On this the 15 day of May , 19 80_, the City Council//~mma~i~/O~x of the City of Pearland ., Texas, convened in Sp~,/~'Fanergenc~/ session open to the public at the regular meeting place thereof with the following members present, to-wit: Tom Reid Mayor, Dennis Frauenberger Councilman . . Charles R. Mack ~1~~'~ Carl ton McComb ~ -~-~xan Morris S. Wilson Councilman &~x Fran Coppinger ~xan Asst. · Barbara d. Lenamon City Secretary/Ol~/~ and the following absent: None constituting a quorum, and among other proceedings had were the following: ~~sinnea~ Morris S. Wilson introduced a resolution and order and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by ~~~Dennis [rauenberger , and the motion carrying with it the adoption of the resolution and order prevailed by the following vote, Wilson, McComb, Frauenberger, Mack & Wilson AYeS: , NOES: NOne The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION NO~ R80-12 There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on the 10 day of M~y ,19 80, for the purpose of electing the hereinafter named officials, and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that there were Cast at said election 1475 Valid and legal votes; that each of the candidates in said election received the following votes: IFi~i~O]I~X COUNCILMAN, POSITION 1 RecOunt NAME OF CANDIDATE, TOTAL NUMBER OF/yOTES RECEIVED A1 Lentz 755 Dennis Frauenberger 75i COUNCILMAN, POSITION $ NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED Ta~rv C. rnv 8%? Morris $. ~iSsbn ' ~ 626 NAME OF C.AIq'DIDATE "~' TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED FOR Ni L s NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED FOR NIL s NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED FOR N I L s NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED V< THEREFORE, ]BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL~a~t~XOF THE CITY OF PEARLAND , T~XAS: That said election was duly called; that notice of said election was given in accordance with law, and that said election was held in accordance with law, and that A1 Lentz was duly Councilman, Position 1 /,duly sa~d elect, on and eleeted~r ofsaidCity at ' · s Terry Gray was elected Councilman, Position 5 at said election. were d~½y· ~ted -~ldermen/b%ramissionta~ ~ ~-~d~y~d~f~ ~ ................. ............................................ ~ du~ ~ed ............................ and said above named parties are hereby d~lared duly elected to said respective offices, subject to the taking of their oaths and filing bond as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. It is further found and determined that in accordance with the order of thi~ governing body the Secretary/~ po~ed written notice of the dat~,place an~,s~bj~t of thi~o~i~ board located in theCity Hall~ a pMce convenient and reaany accessime.~o me generm pumic, aha sam notice having been so posed and remaining posted continuously for at leas~ ~hours precedi~ the scheduled time of said meeting. A copy of the return of said posting shall be att~hed ~ the minut~ ~ this m~ting and shall be made a part thereof-for al~intents and purposes. /] PASSED~ ADOPTED A~ APPROVED this the 15 ay of M~ / 19 80 Strike one not a llca~e. ,s~) ~ not ~,b~ .......................... CITY OF PEARLAND ABSENTEE ~Y 10, 1980 TTME & PREC~CT~ 8: 52 ~0 ~U~~ 1 09 ~UNCIL~N, POSITIQ~ ~ ~~ 3 003 26 D~nni~ Frauenber~¢r 4 004 8~ COUNCIL~q, pOSITION 5 ~=~ Terry Gray 8 008 8.0 7 Morris S. Wilson 9 009 28 2 -~ 8:52 50 I+ 1+ . + 109 - 00 I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for Centra Count ngStation, do hereby certi[y that electronic voting equipment was used in said election and tl~at the ballot ca~dS fo~ said election were tabulated on automatic tabula- ting equiprnent at the Central Counting Station designated for said Election and that said automatic tabulating equipment produced a printed record of said tabulation and said printed record for said election precinct is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes, and that said Poll List for said election · shows that a total of voters voted at said election. I further certify that the combined above-mentioned printed record and above listed write-in votes is a true and correct return in said precinct for said election. Dated this the..~"O;;day of /~/~ ~ , A.D-., 19~'(~ . El EC" )N RUN-OFF ELECTION ., -. C~TY OF PEARLAND CUMULATIVE " MAY 10, 1980 ~~t~L_ 3 00~ ?~5 50 ,1 01 Dennis Fraue~bercrer 4 0 0G ? ~ 1 ~, ~ .9 0 2 COUNCILMAN, POSTTTON · e~y G~a¥ 8 008 . 8 ~ 2 5 ? el 01 Morris S Wilson 9 · 009 626 42 .9 02 00 I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for Central Counting Station, do hereby certify that electronic voting equipment was used in said election and that the ballot cards for said election were tabulated on automatic tabula- ting equipment at the Central Counting Station designated for said Election and that said automatic tabulating equipment produced a printed record of said tabulation and said printed record for said election precinct No. is attached hereto and m~de a part hereof for all intents and purposes, and that said Poll List for said election shows that a total of ! ~/7,-.~ voters voted at said election. I further certify that the combined above-mentioned printed record and above listed write-in votes is a true and correct return in said precinct for said election. Dated this the_.~O"~day.of ~/~ c~ , A.D., 19~'O. EIA CFION RESULTS °' RUN-OYE ELECT[ON CITY OF PEARLAND bUY 10, 1980 PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL COUNCILMAN, 'PQSTTION 1 1 A]. Lentz 3 003 709 52 ,2 01 Dennis~rauenberger 004 648 ~ 7 ,8 02 COU_N_C I L_MAN ~_ p O.q T T ~ ON 5 Terry Gray 8 008 7§9 55 .7 01 Morris S. Wilson 9 009 598 ~4 ,~ 02 9:01 1 I+ 2+ + 1366 + 1475 O0 I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for Central Counting Station, do hereby certify that electronic voting equipment was used in said election and that the ballot cards for said election were tabulated on automatic tabula- ting equipment at the Central Counting Station designated for said Election and that said automatic tabulating equipment produced a printed record of said tabulation and said printed record for said election precinct No.__ is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes, and that said Poll List for said election shows that a total of, voters voted at said election, I further certify that the combined above-mentioned printed record and above listed write-in votes is a true and correct return in said precinct for said election. Dated this the_~/O~ay of f15//t (/ , A.D.., 1980 . NO. gD~/~/~ IN RE: DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF REQUEST FOR RECOUNT BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER ~. eh~ r~ l~rh ~v ~£ May. lq~fl_ r~m~ o~ t'o he considered THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE 149TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF BRAZORIA COUNTY~ TEXAS: I, DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER, herein called Applicant, a Candidate whose name appeared on the ballot for Councilman Position 1 in the run off election held on the 10th day of May, 1980, in the City ?f Pearland, Texas, hereby respectfully requests Post-election examzna- tion of program and a recount of votes pursuant to Article 7.15 Subdivision 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of Article 7.15 of the Election Code, I hereby request and ask for the following: 1. Permission to examine the program used in counting the ballots in the Pearland City Council race Position 1 held on the 10th day of May, 1980; and 2. Permission to examine the materials used in making the test count; and 3. Permission to make a recount of the test count, using the program and the test materials; and 4. A recount of the ballots for all of the election precincts within the City of Pearland, Texas, using the same methods and materials as used in the original count held on the 10th day of May, 1980. Wherefore, Premises Considered, Applicant prays an Order of the Court granting an examination and recount of the ballots cast in the Run off election for Councilman Position 1 and for any and other relief that Applicant may be entitled pursuant to Article 7.15 Sub- division 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Resp~lly submitted,y '" ~ DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER j Applicant ~ cc: HonorAble Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas cc: A1 Lentz Voting Machine Department asa deposit for the cost of said recount. G. Audrey Moseman is hereby named to represent the District Judge to supervise said recount; H. the recount shall begin at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the 15 day of May, A. D., 1980, at Brazoria County Voting Machine Office, Fairgrounds, Angleton, Texas. I. Notice of said recount and its time and place shall be given in person or by telephone to alt interested pa.rties. Signed this /~y of ~~ll P~ F~rg~on, ~strict Judge. ELECTi()N RESULTS °" Election Report TyPe E]c-:mul~tlve E~Preclnct RECOUNT-MAY 14, 1980 RUN-OFF ELECTION ABSENTEE CITY OF PEARLAND THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE 149TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS: I, DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER, herein called Applicant, a Candidate whose name appeared on the ballot for Councilman Position 1 in the run off election held on the 10th day of May, 1980, in the City of Pearland, Texas, hereby respectfully requests Post-election examina- tion of program and a recount of votes pursuant to Article 7.15 Subdivision 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of Article 7.15 of the Election Code, I hereby request and ask for the following: 1. Permission to examine the program used in counting the ballots in the Pearland City Council race Position 1 h~ld on the 10th day of May, 1980; and 2. Permission to examine the materials used in making the test count; and 3. Permission to make a recount of the test count, using the program and the test materials; and 4. A recount of the ballots for all of the election precincts within the City of Pearland, Texas, using the same methods and materials as used in the original count held on the 10th day of May, 1980. Wherefore, Premises Considered, Applicant prays an Order of the Court granting an examination and recount of the ballots cast in the Run off election for Councilman Position 1 and for any and other relief that Applicant may be entitled pursuant to Article 7.15 Sub- division 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Resp~c~tfully submitted, DENNIS M. FRAUENBERGER Applicant cc: Honorable Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas cc: A1 Lentz I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for Central Counting Station, do hereby certify that electronic voting equipment was used in said election and that the ballot cards for said election were tabulated .on automatic tabula- ting equipment at the Central Counting Station designated for said Election and that said automatic tabulating equipment produced a printed record of said tabulation and said printed record for said election precinct No.__ is attached hereto and roade a part hereof for all intents and purposes, and that said Poll List for said election shows that a total of /-~?-¢"-' voters voted at said election, I further certify that the combined above-mentioned printed record and above listed write-in votes is a true and correct return in said precinct for said election. Dated this the /--~ day qf , A.D., 19~z~ . EI ECFiON RESLIL,TS o. I Election Report TyPe [::]Cumulative E]preclnct RECOUNT-~Y 14, 1980 RUN-OFF ELECTION CITY OF PEARLAND PEARLAND HIGH SCHOOL Votlnf~ Votln9 I Vot~ I TO I~e TIME & PRECINCT 10 1-I 3' 1' 1 NUMBER BALLOTS '~1 :~ 6 6 COUNCILMAN, POSITION 1 :~ ~ A1 Lentz 3 003 709 ~2~,2 0 1 Dennis Frauenberger 4 0 014 6 4 8 4 7 .8 02 -- i0:13 1 1+ 2+ + 1366 + 1~75 , 00 I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for Central Counting Station, do hereby certi[y that electronic voting equipment was used in said election and that the ballot cards for said election were tabulated on automatic tabula- ting equipment at the Central Counting Station designated for said Election and that said automatic tabulating equipment produced a printed record of said tabulation and said printed record for said election precinct No. is attached hereto and .made. a part hereof for all intents and purposes, and that said Poll List for said election voters voted at said election, shows that a total of t further certify that the combined above-mentioned printed record and above listed write-in votes is a true and correct return in said precinct for said election. Dated this ~the /.~ day qf ' -'~. {?- , A.D., i~C~ . ELECI'IiiN RESULTS ~'~ °' RECOUNT-~Y 14, 1980 RUN-OFF ELECTION . CUMULATIVE CITY OF PEARLAND TIME & PRECINCT 10: ~ 4 .~ 1' NUMBER BALLOTS COUNCILMAN, POSITION 1 A1 Lentz 3 003 735 50 Dennis Frauenberger 4 004 ? o0 I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for Central Counting Station, do hereby certify that electronic voting equipment was used in said election and that the ballot cards for said election were tabulated on automatic tabula- ting equipment at the Central Counting Station designated for said Election and that said automatic tabulating equipment produced a printed record of said tabulation and said printed record for said election precinct No.__ is attached hereto and made..a part hereof for all intents and purposes, and that said Poll List for said election shows that a tota. I of /~J.y.5-~ voters voted at said election. I further certify that the combined above-mentioned printed record and above listed write-in votes is a true and correct return in said precinct for said election. Dated this the.~'~"day 9f ' ~/~ , A.D., ~d . THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THE 149TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF BP~ORIA COUNTY, TEXAS: I, ~MORRIS S...WILSON .-..=, herein called Applicant, a Candidate whose name appeared on the ballot for Councilman Position S in the run off election held on the 10th day of May, 1980, in the City of Pearland, Texas, hereby respectfully requests Post-election exarmina- tion of program and a recount of votes pursuant to Article 7.15 Subdivision 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of Article 7.15 of the Election Code, I hereby request and ask for the following: 1. Permission to examine the program used in counting the ballots in the Pearland City Council race Position s held on the 10th day of May, 1980; and 2. Permission to examine the materials used in making the test count; and 3. Permission to make a recount of the test count, using the program and the test materials; and 4. A recount of the ballots for all of the election precincts within the City of Pearland, Texas, using the same methods and materials as used in the original count held on the 10th day of May, 1980. ]Fherefore, Premises Considered, Applicant prays an Order of the Court grantin~ an examination and r~count 0~e ballots cast in the Run off electzon for Councilman Posztion~7~ for any and other relief that Applicant may be entitled pursuant to Article 7.15 Sub- division 23 of the Election Code of the State of Texas. Respectfully submitted, cc: Honorable Tom Reid Mayor, City of Pearland, Texas NOTICE OF SPECIAL (EMERGENCY) Mi~.F, TING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND Notice is hereby given that an emergency and/or urgent public necessity meeting of the Governing Body of the above named City or Town will be held on the 15th day of May .1980 . at 7: 30 PM. in the City Hall, Pearl and , Texas, and the subject of said meeting will be CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. R80-12, a Resolution and order declaring the result of City Officers' Runoff Election held on May 10, 1980. (After canvass the Mayor will administer Oath of Office to the elected councilmen.) and the {act that the subject matter o{ said meeting is urgently needed to maintain and operate said City or Town for the best interest of said City or Town, makes it an emergency or urgent public necessity that said meeting be held. DATED this the 'l 3th day of May ~ 19 ~0 : .,---~ CITY OF PFARI AND By B~r~ J, Lena~s[t. City Secretary I, ~e ~dersi~ed au~od~, do hereby ~r~ ~at ~e above Notice o{ Mee~g o{ the Govem~g Body o[ the above named CiW or To~ is a ~e and co~ect copy o[ sad Nofi~ ~d ~t I posted a ~e and ~ect o[ sad Nofi~ on ~e bulletin bead in ~e Ci~ Hall, 2335 N. Texas Ave., Pearl and , Text, a place convenient and readily ac~ssible to the gener~ public at all times, and said Notice w~ ~sted on ~ay ] 3, ,19 80 , at. 5; 00 o'clock P' M., ~d sad ~me o[ ~s~g w~ at least 2 ho~s before sad meeting was convened. NOTICE OF SPECIAL (EMERGENC~) OF TIIE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND Notice/s hereby given that an emergency and/or urgent public necessity meeting of the C. overning Body of the above named City or Town ~dll be held on the 15th dayof May ,1980 . at 7: 30 PM. in the Cit~ Hall, Pearl and , Texas, and the subject of said meeting will be CONSIDERATION & POSSIBLE ACIION: RESOLUTION NO. R80-12, a Resolution and order declaring the result of dity Officers' Runoff Election held on May lO, 1980. (After canvass the Mayor will administer Oath of Office to the elected councilmen.) and the {act that the subject matter o{ said meeting is urgently needed to maintain and operate said City ~. Town {or the best interest of said City or Town, makes ii au emergency or urgent public necessity that said meeting be held. DATED this the 13th dayof May ,19Rfl - · /'~ CTTY OF PFARI ANFL ' B'ar/b~r. J. Lend. Asr. City Secretary I, ~e ~dersi~ed au~ori~, do hereby ~r~ ~at ~e above NoU~ of Mee~g of ~e Oovem~g Body of the able named Ci~ or To~ ~ a ~e ~d co~ect ~py of s~d No~ce ~d ~at I posted a ~e and ~ect ~py oi ~d No~ce on ~e bulle~n b~rd h ~e CiW Hall. 2335 ~. Texas Ave., Pear] and . Te~, a pla~ ~nve~ent and readily a~ssible to ~e general public a~ all times, and said No~ w~ ~sted on ~ay ]3, .19 80 .at 5;00 o'clock P, M..~dsaid~eof~s~gw~at